The Last of Us |OT| It Can’t Be For Nothing (Spoilers)


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So ready, 6 days!!


I am about 45 mins into the second half I think. My co-workers tell me that it's about to start getting insane. And now I have to leave my PS3 for a week and go to LA. :(

You shouldn't have started it dude! Not if you have to take such a break half way through. Breaking the flow!


Sucks that I ordered the game awhile back and my PS3 no longer reads discs. May try and find a good used deal if nothing comes out of E3.

You tried buying one of those cans of compressed air? It may be all that dust and dirt build up is blocking your disc reader.
Ack, that review image stretching out the first page.

Pumped as hell for this. Got the Survival Edition preordered. Looking forward to digging through the artbook after finishing the game,
You tried buying one of those cans of compressed air? It may be all that dust and dirt build up is blocking your disc reader.

Yea, it didn't look too dusty but I did see a good amount fly out. Didn't help though. I might just go with the dl version since I really want to play it. Might be the last thing I can dl on it though lol.


In a few hours, it should surpass the number of comments in the Remember Me OT, too.

Poor Remember Me :(

Sadly forgotten.
I'll remember it in a few months, hopefully. I do want to get to it, eventually.

The game isn't even out, and i bet that the sales already surpassed it.

The Last of Us has been #1 on Amazon for PS3 and for all of Video Games for quite some time now. 62 days in the Top 100.
Hmm how can you play the digital copy while downloading? After 12GB's? Are single and multiplayer separate downloads? I thought playing while downloading was a ps4 feature? Not sure if understanding the info in the OP about that.


Yeah, he got to play The Last of Us before any of us and now he gets to go to the biggest E3 in years

poor guy :(
Ha ha, yeah, it's terrible. Don't be too jealous, though: going to E3 for me means running around and writing 12 hours a day.

Really, though, I think this is a special game. The art direction, the acting, the writing, the sound design... all just top-notch.
Off course I don't know that for everyone but I'm fairly certain people posting their times here were around 15-20hr range.
That's great. I love long games. Plus this has chapter select and highly replayable encounters, so that adds up to tons of replay vaue

Do you have cool moments with the enemy AI? Really want to hear how the AI reacts to the player's actions
Insane to think this is twice as long as an Uncharted game.

How many people were working on this game by comparison? Or was it simply a longer dev cycle?

They've mentioned that it was 3.5yr development cycle so I think it was their longest cycle to date.


Hey antitrop will this game be better than BioShock Infinite

I never expected to enjoy Bioshock Infinite as much as I did, I wasn't even looking forward to it until right about a week or two before it came out.
I've been looking forward to The Last of Us as my most anticipated game since E3 last year and I do fully expect to enjoy it more than Bioshock Infinite.

I stand by my adoration of Bioshock, though, that game is fantastic.


If I can keep my eyes to the floor until Friday this will be the first game I've ever gone into on a total blackout. I managed to play Bioshock Infinite knowing very, very little about it, but only because I simply had no interest in it for a long time. Nice how that worked out for me, but this one has been hard work! HARD!
I never expected to enjoy Bioshock Infinite as much as I did, I wasn't even looking forward to it until right about a week or two before it came out.
I've been looking forward to The Last of Us as my most anticipated game since E3 last year and I do fully expect to enjoy it more than Bioshock Infinite.

I stand by my adoration of Bioshock, though, that game is fantastic.

I wasn't even following BioShock Infinite's developments, and I got the game on Steam two months after its release. Greatly enjoyed it.

I tried to stay away from a lot of Last of Us media, though. Just seems like a game to go into blind.
Hmm how can you play the digital copy while downloading? After 12GB's? Are single and multiplayer separate downloads? I thought playing while downloading was a ps4 feature? Not sure if understanding the info in the OP about that.
All we know is you'll actually download a "launcher" from the store which will then start the actual download and it'll let you play when it hits 50%
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