Question about New Game +
Does everything carry over? ...will I start the new game with those in my inventory?
yes. you'll start game over with those pills
Question about New Game +
Does everything carry over? ...will I start the new game with those in my inventory?
I just finished the game but didn't get a trophy, what gives?
Most of my encounters go like this:
Sneak around trying to strangle individual runners. Grab objects to distract clickers. End goal is to separate runners from clickers so I can take care of them without much distraction. But due to unpredictable patrol patterns, I get caught trying to strangle a runner and I start sprinting like a mad man trying to lose line of sight but as I'm running, surprise! clicker grabs me and ends the game
Re-do. This time with more aggression and less stealthing around like a goddamn mouse. I wish this game had goddamn BEAR TRAPS.
Brutal melee drops ammo too, bashing and stomping heads.I've had very limited gunplay (trying to use that as a last resort) but it seems like fallen foes drop ammo only when you shoot them.
yes. you'll start game over with those pills
Haha yeah... that very first encounter that had like 4 runners and a clicker standing there in the middle... it took me quite a few tries with the same results you described. Finally found a way to take out two of the runners quietly, then sneak up and shiv the clicker without the other two runners spotting me. I've found that for the clickers that are standing still, you can approach them from the side but not directly in front of them it seems, no matter how slow you are crawling.
Not for nothing but Ellie gets in my way A LOT. She's gotten me killed a couple times now. It's funny when she runs directly across a clickers path, though. Wish I had those skills.
I noticed there was a locked difficulty above hard - does new game+ carry your upgrades into that?
Playing on hard, this was by far the most difficult section of the game for me and I think I'm close to halfway. They're a little less annoying once you realize that you need to crouch walk at less than full speed (do you need to do this on normal?) but random patrollers are numerous and can see you from a million miles away.
The trick for that section for me:The clicker can't see you takedown enemies and will not respond as long as you don't make noise. Grabbing enemies as they walk around corners (you can do this from the side/front if they aren't alerted) worked wonders.
This game has the best shadows I've ever seen in a game. This is coming from a guy who played on PC only for the last 2 years too where I've seen a LOT of excellent graphics but I've never seen shadows like this
I went into a building and the shadows on the walls were EXACTLY like real life shadows. Very soft and out of focus with no discernible shape. It was crazy looking. Then outside in the sun they're hard shadows like you'd expect.
The lighting is overall insane and I hate seeing the game so choked up on a PS3. ND are gonna blow us all away on PS4 I just know it
I noticed this as well. Pretty amazing. Incredible that they pulled this off with such old hardware
I noticed this as well. Pretty amazing. Incredible that they pulled this off with such old hardware
Someone teach me how to be stealthy in this game. I always end up shooting my way out and I feel like im playing it the wrong way.
It's crazy. Even maxed out Crysis 3 or Metro Last Light didn't have such dynamic or impressive shadows. Plus the flashlight casts shadows on EVERYTHING which is insane. It is damn impressive considering what's running it all.
No, but they sometimes drop items or ammo. (it's random)
Someone teach me how to be stealthy in this game. I always end up shooting my way out and I feel like im playing it the wrong way.
(No trophies)
Just read a little blurb on IGN about how that's entirely possible. Many of the trophies are only possible on new game +.
Are you kidding me? The shadow res is pretty low res most of the time, it has it's moments, but most of the time it looks very pixelated and jagged.
Someone teach me how to be stealthy in this game. I always end up shooting my way out and I feel like im playing it the wrong way.
Crouch, crouch, crouch
Use cover
And most of all... PATIENCE
Sometimes you might wait a good two minutes for an opportunity to get to the next cover. Just slow down.
Study patrols and find opportunities to grab enemies from behind when they are isolated from others.
Multiplayer is pretty fantastic so far even with randoms. I don't fully understand the metagame stuff, but I like it much more than the standard progression in every other game.
Crafting is basically a substitute for power weapons, except what you get is randomized and there's no guarantees with what you'll be able to make.
Wow, I've just completed the game on Hard and I received precisely ZERO trophies for completing the game. Jesus Christ, first the autosave issue and now this. Has anyone at ND playtested this game?
Apparently, this isn't the only trophy that can glitch out on you. Marvelous.
This game has the best shadows I've ever seen in a game. This is coming from a guy who played on PC only for the last 2 years too where I've seen a LOT of excellent graphics but I've never seen shadows like this
I went into a building and the shadows on the walls were EXACTLY like real life shadows. Very soft and out of focus with no discernible shape. It was crazy looking. Then outside in the sun they're hard shadows like you'd expect.
The lighting is overall insane and I hate seeing the game so choked up on a PS3. ND are gonna blow us all away on PS4 I just know it
They were very jaggy when I last looked.
Light has a few more check boxes than how aliased they are in regards to realism. Otherwise you could be pumping out more impressive shadows in quake 1.
I'm currently at 41% through the game and have played 5 hours 33 minutes. Please tell me the middle part of the game WITHOUT SPOILING IT slows down.
I don't want to complete this game at 10 hours seeing as many people have said its a 13-16 hour game.
Same. I'm in the E3 area. 44% in a bit over 5 hours. Can someone reply to this?I'm currently at 41% through the game and have played 5 hours 33 minutes. Please tell me the middle part of the game WITHOUT SPOILING IT slows down.
I don't want to complete this game at 10 hours seeing as many people have said its a 13-16 hour game.
I know but to call them the most realistic is over the top.
Some amazing looking places that can look quite real in this game. ( Probably looks better in-game)
any tips for a guy who is dying a lot and can't ever seem to find the solution to these combat puzzles? feels like i'm missing something fundamental... or maybe i'm playing it wrong.
i pretty much feel constantly confused while in the combat sequences.
I was 6 hours in @ ~44% done when I stopped my first session...
then finished the game @ around 18h:41m of playtime
The second half is longer than the first half of the game. Played 3 hours for 30 % and finished it with 17 1/2 hours.
I'm currently at 41% through the game and have played 5 hours 33 minutes. Please tell me the middle part of the game WITHOUT SPOILING IT slows down.
I don't want to complete this game at 10 hours seeing as many people have said its a 13-16 hour game.