For something that tries to be "realistic", it sure is videogamey as hell when it wants to be
I personally like that the checkpoints are forgiving. There's nothing as stupid than restarting the whole event just because of 1 screw up. It's stupid and bad game design.
Just wondering what did I miss by not killingBloater in the underground part of the hotel (Pitsburg)?
According to a tweet from one of Sony's higher ups, 99% it will.
I also caved and ordered a pair![]()
A mic isn't crucial but VERY VERY helpful. Staying as a pack/team walking together is more important then anything
Just wondering what did I miss by not killingBloater in the underground part of the hotel (Pitsburg)?
Interested to know as well.I just ran like hell to that security door after turning the power on, I didnt see the need for wasting ammo on a guy that was in an area I'd already cleaned out.
So all this talk of the PS3 pulse headsets earlier in the thread. I picked up a pair of the 150 ones. These things are fucking awesome right?Will set them up later. Anyone know if these are compatible with other devices? Ill be diving back into Last of Us with these bad boys.
So all this talk of the PS3 pulse headsets earlier in the thread. I picked up a pair of the 150 ones. These things are fucking awesome right?Will set them up later. Anyone know if these are compatible with other devices? Ill be diving back into Last of Us with these bad boys.
I'm only half way through, but did Sam, Henry, Tess and Bill not do that for you?
I think there all part of the montra of"Caring for someone one only leads to one things in this world: Getting you killed." These characters all had people they cared about and thus they all ended up dying one way or the other
My buddy just told me that U2 blows TLoU away in the visual department. Please tell me this isn't true.
How about if you die a prompt comes down and you can just rewind to where you want? Would that be "good" game design? Because that is pretty close to what this game is right now. Why not just have the toggle for infinite health and ammo too? If dying has no consequence, why not go the full way?
Well for what it's worth. U2 has way more interesting looking environments and more grand set pieces. Technically though TLoU is better. Better lighting, motion blur, effects.
If I'm starting the fall chapter how much do I have left?
Interested to know as well.I just ran like hell to that security door after turning the power on, I didnt see the need for wasting ammo on a guy that was in an area I'd already cleaned out.
How about if you die a prompt comes down and you can just rewind to where you want? Would that be "good" game design? Because that is pretty close to what this game is right now. Why not just have the toggle for infinite health and ammo too? If dying has no consequence, why not go the full way?
What the fuck am I reading?
An opinion? I think i'm about halfway through the game and mostly it's been some drab city areas but i guess you can't really complain that much since that comes with the territory. U2 areas are just way more fun to me. And can you really deny the setpiece argument? I mean the opening of TLoU is awesome but U2 just has more of these moments.
This might have been asked already, but... did they take out that optional conversation about the movie poster that we saw in one of the E3 demos at the hotel? I just got to that section (the hotel we have seen demoed since the beginning), and nothing would trigger with the movie poster.
It's also very interesting to me how the outside section was really different when you compare it to the E3 demo.Like the whole thing about getting the raft thing to let Ellie cross the water.
I definitely would not want "limited saves" - I always hated using stuff like ink cartridges in the early RE games. I do think the checkpoints might be a tad too frequent, though. Well, maybe... Most of the time, there's just a checkpoint before the encounter and one afterwards which is probably how it should be.
I'm stupid anddidn't find the key so I thought the bloater had it. I had to repeat that section like 3 times, running away from the generator, setting traps with bombs and throwing molotovs like mad. Reward? 2 shotgun bullets, yay ._.
the movie poster dialogue happens later on. there's a billboard this time though.
My buddy just told me that U2 blows TLoU away in the visual department. Please tell me this isn't true.
An opinion? I think i'm about halfway through the game and mostly it's been some drab city areas but i guess you can't really complain that much since that comes with the territory. U2 areas are just way more fun to me. And can you really deny the setpiece argument? I mean the opening of TLoU is awesome but U2 just has more of these moments.
For something that tries to be "realistic", it sure is videogamey as hell when it wants to be
Well you should finish the game then before posting that comment
It's all personal taste but you still haven't seen the best parts of the game.
the enviroments get better and more diverse in the 2nd half
An opinion? I think i'm about halfway through the game and mostly it's been some drab city areas but i guess you can't really complain that much since that comes with the territory. U2 areas are just way more fun to me. And can you really deny the setpiece argument? I mean the opening of TLoU is awesome but U2 just has more of these moments.
I only had that issue withThe audio mixing at times is horrible. The AI characters are way too loud and the VA work where characters say their lines at normal volume is a bigger problem than enemy AI ignoring them. There are clickers nearby and people are talking like they don't have a care in the world.