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The Last of Us |OT| It Can’t Be For Nothing (Spoilers)


I'm 45% in. What part are you talking about?

By the way, this is by far the best game I've played since Uncharted 2. And that time includes GTA 4, RDR, Dark Souls
The entire game's art and graphics. Despite all the issues I've been bitching about since yesterday, the game is still a complete marvel at almost all times.
Just finished the section that was in the e3 demo/trailer last year, killed every single hunter with either silent choke or brick melee, I feel like Solid Snake in this game and the brick has to be the best weapon ever haha
Oh yes...I'm definitely on Team Brick now.

Distracts enemies? Check
Stuns enemies? Check
Brutal melee? Check
Just fucking satisfying? Check


Is there another way to get rid of clickers stealthily besides the shiv?

They keep throwing these at me and I've ran out of shivs.

Molotovs are VERY effective and won't get you killed if done right.

Just throw it, the noise of the glass breaking from the molatov will attract the clickers so they will literally run into the fire themselves. You will still live.
Even though the MP is lacking in content I'm still having a lot of fun with it simply because the combat and shooting mechanics are so satisfying
I'm in the museum section right now
. Did I miss it?
No. You're not there yet.

For that section, my strategy was to use bricks/bottles to get clickers in groups then firebomb them. Also I found that going into the rightside room and sticking to the right side is the best way to avoid the clickers


Molotovs are VERY effective and won't get you killed if done right.

Just throw it, the noise of the glass breaking from the molatov will attract the clickers so they will literally run into the fire themselves. You will still live.

Yup, discovered the same thing when I accidentally threw a Molotov instead of a bottle at one ..lol.
I don't know how ppl can say this game is over hyped. The gameplay, graphics, controls, gameplay and atmosphere are top of the line. I've been playing sp for several hours and then alternating to several hours on mp because both are that good. Graphics in mp are better than most sp visuals I've seen in games.

And i agree with most on here this game is tense. Being undeground surrounded by Clickers and runners in the dark keeps you on edge and there's many moments like that. I even love dying because its intense and animations are great.

I love this game, its very well done and im enjoying it more thn any other game I bought this year and that includes Bioshock which i thought was over hyped.

For some gd mp fun add me my sn is kenjovani
Amen Brothers, #TeamBrick, fuck bottles tho they're useless lol. But yeah if this keeps up, I think normal mode is a little too easy, probably should have started on hard
Hard, no Listen mode, is definitely the way to go. I'm loving it. Being low on ammo and health and having no medkits makes some of the encounters the most tense moments I've ever experienced.

But I'm curious. Going from Hard to Survivor is not going to be like Normal to Survivor. What's the difficulty margin from Hard to Survivor? What makes Survivor more difficult?


Turn around, the bow is on top of the caravan (?) near where you get the ladder to cross the gap. *memory somewhat faulty but you have gone past it by about 15 seconds

Wow i thought that was it but it never showed the Hold tri to equip message when i kept on trying to pick it up as ammo lol. I thought that was the game saying i can't hold anymore arrows


Does anyone else's PS3Phat sounds like it's about to explode? I hope it survives till the end.

The fan has been running on noticeable mode pretty much for the most part, but it tends to do that in other games as well. The thing is yesterday it went into supersonic jet mode for like 10 minutes or so and I was freaking out lol.


So...the multiplayer. I think this is my favorite mp of the generation. There is virtually no ladder for uber weapons, run and gun is really dangerous, the guns feel good, and the need to scavenge makes sneaking really important. I find myself not engaging in combat sometimes when I see an enemy, just so I can safely get to nearby supplies. Dropping a mine on a downed guy and killing his teammate when he comes to revive him is so satisfying. It is such a refreshing take, I really love it. My most successful matches have been games where people stick together. I didn't think I'd play much multi until I finished sp, but I have almost twice as much time logged in mp. This game is so good, it deserves every 10 it got.

Yup, so damn fun.


The fan has been running on noticeable mode pretty much for the most part, but it tends to do that in other games as well. The thing is yesterday it went into supersonic jet mode for like 10 minutes or so and I was freaking out lol.

I'm trying to take a break every 25 min or so to let it cool off, but it's not easy. Damn game's got me by the horns.
having the game warn you about making noises around clickers and with your AI buddies running aorund everywhere really does kill immersion.

Do Tess and ellie ever actually do anything in this game?
My PS3 fan gets pretty loud while playing this game. I've been turning it off for thirty minute periods before playing again

Suggestions? I'm not a tech guy or anything, so I'm not going to be opening up my console or stuff like that

I have a Slim


Hard mode, no listen mode. Game is amazing. The opening, man. I had goosebumps, first time a video game has done that.

Played some multiplayer for the first time tonight as well. It's pretty fun, though it seems I get dropped way easier than I can drop others. I'll get used to it. Hopefully it doesn't suffer from Uncharted 3 multiplayer syndrome.


Just beat it in slightly under 15 hours on normal, no listen mode, and other hud stuff turned off. Love love loved it. Bravo! It just had really fantastic pacing throughout and I thought the ending was great. I also enjoyed
Nolan North
's performance. I didn't even realize it was him until I saw his name in the credits.

One thing I felt was particularly well done that I want to commend ND on (because no one is going to talk about it) is the item placement. It's one of those things that is easily overlooked but it adds so much to the experience in this case. Ammo and Crafting supplies are fucking PRECIOUS in this game and it really does a great job of building up the tension as your supplies slowly dwindle until you come across a supply cache and then you get that feeling of relief when you find that rag you needed for a medkit.

Ending question:
is there a nonlethal way to deal with the doctor at the end? I shot him and the other two docs because I didn't get a prompt to take elly and had to restart because I felt bad about it and realized I could take her before the prompt appears without executing the other two docs.
This game really seems to get better the further you get. I think the game starts to get really good around when you meet Bill and the following chapters. Still only at 50% point so who knows, maybe it will get even better (or worse :eek:).
This is the first 'survival horror'-ish game I've played in a longggg time. I used to be a fan of the genre back in the PS1 and PS2 era (loved Silent Hill 1-3), but I just kind of got out of them. But this game, man.. damn.

I just got through the bottom of the
section, and holy shit. That had me incredibly tense, and I couldn't wait until it was over. lol Also, I know this was asked earlier, but what do you miss if you
run away from the Bloater at the bottom of the hotel? Any optional items or collectibles?
I was tempted to stick around, but I just couldn't deal with that thing (mentally) and the music was horrifying, too. lol

can you retrieve arrows that you've shot? don't want to waste any testing, but I tried earlier and couldn't

You can, but it's seems random when it works. Sometimes you'll get your arrow back, other times, it'll break.



Also, I just got back from the Holy Land with a bunch of Doritos Tacos and Mountain Dew, and after I consume that which has been blessed by his holiness, Pope Keighley, I will check out some multiplayer.
Holy shit...that scared me. I'm in
Pittsburgh, Ellie's covering me
. We've killed pretty everyone. It's totally silent. No shooting, no movement. But I know there's still one hunter left, because then Joel would have called to Ellie or something. So I have no medkits and so little health that one shot or one hit would kill me and the last autosave was five minutes ago

So now I'm looking for this last guy. I enter a building, turn a corner. and we both jump. I guess he was hiding to avoid getting shot or because he was the last one left, but I bashed his head in.

And damn, that area is fucking huge, in terms of areas to flank and hide


The bow and shotgun are too awesome.

Had a glitch earlier unfortunately. I picked up a crowbar and noticed my pistol was gone, opened the backpack and was stuck in the kneeling position. Luckily I just had to restart the encounter and had only killed one enemy so it wasn't a big deal.


having the game warn you about making noises around clickers and with your AI buddies running aorund everywhere really does kill immersion.

Do Tess and ellie ever actually do anything in this game?

There was a point for me where Tess ran into a room full of Clickers yelling her head off. It was totally immersion-breaking to the extent i couldn't help but laugh.

I just recently started using the bow and found out how awesome/fun it is to use. All I need is my bow and my shotgun and I'm set. :p (bow when stealthing and shotgun when hordes are coming at me)
I'm at 61% for the digital download, at what point does this "play while you download" innovation option kick in? Doesn't seem to be what OP states.

edit: about 67% was the lucky number. Said one minute remaining for a while.


Just beat the game...

Sorry Halo CE, I have a new favorite game of all time. I'll have to post a more thorough explanation later, but right now I'm just soaking it in.

No words to Naughty Dog other than thank you, thank you so much.

This game was made for me.
Just finished the game. Absolutely amazing. The game changes gears often and the story really surprised me in some parts. I'd rank this even higher than Uncharted 2 and i absolutely loved that game. Can't wait to see what they're going to do next!
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