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The Last of Us |OT| It Can’t Be For Nothing (Spoilers)


Man, sneaking through
that last section through the parking area right before you get to the hospital
just a few inches from clickers and bloaters without firing a single shot and not getting noticed was amazing for me.
Doesn't matter for this playthrough because I'm nearly done but what audio settings should I be using for the Pulse Elite Headset? Default or Stereo Headset? I like using the VSS, not perfect but it seems fuller. Would that upset things?

Edit: Also, what is dynamic range about?

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
So I got the
but the door still won't open...

I remember this. I felt so bummed when it happened, then
I turned the generator on and felt even more bummed out when a Stage 3 infected came with two Clicker friends that jumped on me. Luckily I was able to run all the way through, until a third Clicker jumped on me when I was close to the door. A nice hit with a bat put him in his place though.

Amazing game so far. Played MP, and I hope ND does not touch it, it's perfect as it is now.


I just finished on hard, what a wonderful game. Hats off to ND, well done guys. The writing is great, the music is great, the graphics are great, voice acting/mocap is phenominal, the pacing is good, the length is perfect. The AI could be better done. I give it a 9.8/10 Ai, some graphical bugs (white splashes, aliasing could be better and no doubt it will be better on ps4.)

Bravo ND.

Now I'm going to try multi, my psn is in my profile please add me.

edit: on thing to add, I completed the game on hard but I only got the trophies for hard and normal, not easy. weird.

edit: and to add, 14 hours 45 mins, on hard no listen mode and 93 collectables.

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
Just saw the commercial for this game. For such a cinematic and emotional game, the commercial sure doesn't include that at all.


You can change the speaker config and dynamic range in the audio settings. ND always does that with their games and I'm happy they do.

Can you explain to me what does each dynamic range option mean? I never understood it. When I use the default range with stereo headphones option I never get much range.


7 hours in - 23% done. Loving it so far. Taking my time exploring every corner and taking in all the atmosphere. Even to the point of looking at the names of books on a shelf, pictures on walls etc. Love it when a game allows you periods when you can take your time...


Good amount of items and ammo later takes the stealth necessity down a notch which is good. I'm not sure how I feel about being stressed out constantly though. Again, this game is quality oozing like crazy. Its very good, and its doing what it set out to do, that's for sure. Have nothing better to do so I'm trudging on but the whole thing is very stressful.


Wow this game just does not stop, pure relentlessness. Just made it to
and it's getting even more intense :eek: So far the game is at least a 9/10 for me. One of the best gaming experiences I've ever had.
I'm honestly surprised at the amount of people that like the MP. I thought people would just shrug it off as a lot of us (no pun intended) scoffed at the idea of MP in this but it's really executed well. I'd say it's the most inconceivable MP I've played in a long time. But yea....

SP wise... 8 hours in and I'm just having a good ole' time. I never want to stop playing. I reached a part where I saw an easter egg.


Junior Member
You are a brave man. I genuinely dread having to face the runners and clickers. There was a moment where the amount of fear created in the atmosphere was almost too much for me.

It's 3 in the morning here. I was planning on going to sleep at 1. Then I played till 2. Now I've calmed down. Dark out, dark room, headphones. And some audiophile ones. And headset setup in audio. Jesus titties. I'm not far in the game, but I had to sneak past a bunch of clickers, and sometimes, they'd click and it was like it the click was right in my ear. Freaks me out.

This game is TENSE. I'm hoping they get the pacing right. I'm a fucking pussy when it comes to fighting anything infected. That place you meet your first clicker? I spent so long, getting them all taken down silently. I really just haven't been able to figure out if I can take anything straight on. I spent 5 minutes killing 3 random runners in a room, just because I didn't feel brave enough to take one down and man-handle the rest.

I feel confident fighting humans. Had this fantastic moment earlier when I had just taken down a guy, and another spotted me. He ran towards me with a bat, but I just ran at him and punched all life straight out of him. Was such a reaction moment, and it just worked out. I really enjoyed that. I feel confident hiding when I've been spotted and such, but I just have no idea on doing this with infected.

I started on hard, then I went to normal. Might just go back to hard. I don't know.

I just went and read some tips on Kotaku. Seems I haven't been focused enough on the fact that I can actually be in a straight up fight with infected. I just feel so damned fucked trying to run, especially since I can't look back at the same time, really.

Man, some things to figure out tomorrow, I guess!
I am truly and utterly stuck.

I am the end of the abandoned building when you first set out with Ellie and Tess. I have to climb some damn stairs to get out but I can't. The stupid little hint thing keeps pointing me to this one area but there's nothing there that can help. I know it's beyond stupid to be stuck in such an easy part and so early in the game, but I don't care anymore. I need help.
I'm starting to rethink video games as a hobby.


Junior Member
Can you explain to me what does each dynamic range option mean? I never understood it. When I use the default range with stereo headphones option I never get much range.

Dynamic range means how big of a difference in volume there'll be. I don't know what default it, but I'm guessing it's "high". Because there's a "maximum", and only lower and lower from there. Maximum means that whispers will be very low, and loud noises very loud. The less dynamic range, the more equal all volumes will be. That means a whisper will be the same volume as a gunshot. Or thereabout.

I can't say for sure, but the main thing stereo should do is to change the perspective of the listener. When you have stereo speakers, you have two speakers in front of you. That means the speakers need to create more stereo sound by small tricks. With headphones, if you play all the sound on just the left ear, it'll sound like something is just left of you. It won't with speakers. That should be what the headphone setting does.
I am truly and utterly stuck.

I am the end of the abandoned building when you first set out with Ellie and Tess. I have to climb some damn stairs to get out but I can't. The stupid little hint thing keeps pointing me to this one area but there's nothing there that can help. I know it's beyond stupid to be stuck in such an easy part and so early in the game, but I don't care anymore. I need help.
I'm starting to rethink video games as a hobby.

Your description is very vague, but have you tried looking for a dumpster to push?


It's not as simple as "lower your standards". People who game on the PC do so for a reason, and their reasons do not simply vanish because a game they want to play happens to be exclusive to an inferior platform. The individual has to weigh exclusivity of the experience against inferior everything else. Some people cannot overlook those kinds of flaws regardless of how singular the experience is. It's the same reason why people have trouble going back and playing Deus Ex 1 or Baldur's Gate or a hundred other classic games. The singularity of those experiences does not overcome the colossal regression in features, visuals, and modern design.
I don't understand this point of view. I game exclusively on PC and this game is a stunner. Sure there are a few hiccups but this game makes the PS3 sing, or screech until it bursts into flames. Its nowhere near 60 sometimes but it doesn't get in the way aside from maybe 1 or 2 early scenes with enemies that use flashlights.


Only played about 5 hours or so on hard, but I'm surprised how effective melee is even while surrounded by a bunch of infected. Maybe it's a bit too effective though. Every encounter ends up being some toughman slugfest...
Wow, I'm about 46% in and
has been the best part of the game by far. The large areas with tons of ways to flank and attack, the fucking scary infected part (with me having almost no health and no medkits), and now I'm up to the part where
Ellie is covering you
, still in the city

So intense and I still don't have a medkit. almost no health, like three or four bullets for each pistol, 1 rifle round, and 1 arrow. So fucking intense

If the rest of the game is like this, then...damn. I don't know how that
fight can be topped


My first impressions after playing through the first couple of hours:

The good:

The soundtrack is incredible. Gustavo Santaolalla was an amazing choice. I think it's his best work since The Insider.

The setup. I won't say much in order to keep from spoiling anything. Joel killing lots of people doesn't feel like a disconnect between who he is as a character vs. what his actions are under my control as a player in a game (unlike, say, GTA4).

The atmosphere. It's unbelievabe.

The bad:

The framerate bogged pretty hard in a few spots during the opening sequence of the game, when I first took control. It seems to be more consistent now, but right out of the gate it got rough in a few spots. Naughty Dog definitely pushed the PS3 as far as it can go. There are also some pretty bad jaggies at times. Normally I'm not one to nitpick the technical stuff, but the hiccups are particularly jarring in a game that with such gorgeous environments.

The oppressiveness. This isn't really "bad", per se, but after just a coupe of hours this is already one of the most melancholy stories I've experienced in a game. It's hard for me to play more than a bit at a time because I get such a strong feeling that the story is only going to become sadder and sadder as I progress.
Your description is very vague, but have you tried looking for a dumpster to push?

Hrm. It's the building with a subway station at the very bottom. There are some doors with chains and like a platform at the top of the doors. There's a ladder there at the top, but I can't reach it.
Hope that makes things clearer.
Totally off topic but since people have been talking about the Pulse Sony PS3 headset in here. I can't get audio to come through the damn thing and I feel like a noob. If someone could pm about it, much appreciate. I'd love to get these things working on The Last of Us.
*nix that, I think I finally figured it out, the instruction it came with are horrible*


Wow, I'm about 46% in and
has been the best part of the game by far. The large areas with tons of ways to flank and attack, the fucking scary infected part (with me having almost no health and no medkits), and now I'm up to the part where
Ellie is covering you
, still in the city

So intense and I still don't have a medkit. almost no health, like three or four bullets for each pistol, 1 rifle round, and 1 arrow. So fucking intense

If the rest of the game is like this, then...damn. I don't know how that
fight can be topped

SOme of the best enemy encounters take place in Pitsburgh..also one of the creepiest.


im on a part where im on top of buildings and theres a clicker all by himself. I'm assuming this is where they want to try out the bow and arrow? Or am i wrong?

Turn around, the bow is on top of the caravan (?) near where you get the ladder to cross the gap. *memory somewhat faulty but you have gone past it by about 15 seconds


Hrm. It's the building with a subway station at the very bottom. There are some doors with chains and like a platform at the top of the doors. There's a ladder there at the top, but I can't reach it.
Hope that makes things clearer.
That could be a trigger issue, you should be rushed by the clickers there.


Totally off topic but since people have been talking about the Pulse Sony PS3 headset in here. I can't get audio to come through the damn thing and I feel like a noob. If someone could pm about it, much appreciate. I'd love to get these things working on The Last of Us.

Isn't there a usb stick that comes with the headsets? YOu simply attatch to one of the ports on your ps3, and you got to press the headset for 5 seconds (there's a button on the site to sync them together)


I only had that issue with
, but it was pretty damn noticeable. I'm willing to forgive it, but it definitely took me out of the experience a little.

It's ridiculously annoying with Bill. Him yelling "I have the key" when right next to a Clicker is ridiculously distracting. There's no excuse for the audio fuckups at times like these.
SOme of the best enemy encounters take place in Pitsburgh..also one of the creepiest.
And I love that there is no music during combat. My favorite movie action/tense scenes are where it's just the natural sound effects, like both the motel scene or the hotel ambush scene from No Country. And TLOU nails that

I can definitely see the No Country influence

Just watch the scene from NCfOM

One of my favorite scenes...now as a 17hr game...


I forgot to add, this game makes me think of Children of Men so much.

I know the more direct comparison is The Road, but... damn, Children of Men. That movie.


Nah. There was one Clicker there and I took it out with a plank of wood. If something was gonna be triggered, it would have triggered. I honestly don't know what i'm doing wrong.
That is what happened for me though, I took out the one, then three or four run at me, then you I could boost Ellie up.


Holy shit, the impact of getting shot in this game is done better than I have ever seen. The way it knocks you back makes me wince, like I can just sense the force behind the shot. Amazing.
Just finished the section that was in the e3 demo/trailer last year, killed every single hunter with either silent choke or brick melee, I feel like Solid Snake in this game and the brick has to be the best weapon ever haha
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