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The Last of Us |OT| It Can’t Be For Nothing (Spoilers)

LOL Good luck boys. In hind sight i probably would have dropped this game without listen mode.

I'm a little past halfway and played on Hard with no listen mode.

It's not hard at all, in fact, I wish I could play on Survivor from the getgo.

Also, I can see why listen mode may be needed, but I'd use it if it had some sort of consequence or cooldown.


Holy shit at the cinematic in
The pickup truck when you leave Lincoln. Ellie with the tape and the mags (lollll) and then the ambush and crash...
Damn..this is next gen. Incredible!


4hrs 15 minutes, so far. 30%

Having an absolutely incredible time and I just got through what I suppose many people consider the dull section.

I do wish Joel had the Lara Croft scramble when you press Circle.

Dr. Malik

Got to the part
in the sewers where I get the little boy to hang around with me and there is a big room full of runners and some clickers. I just started running around hitting everything in sight using melee and a shotgun after a dozen of failed attempts trying to pass the level using stealth. I said Holy shit cant believe that actually worked after the kid said "you did it"

this game is so good and so stressful


ok, I just startd the game and had read about the opening...but there is no way to prepare for that goddayum.. holy shit, wtf.. rage with a tear..
You know that amazing black and white background when you highlight the game disc?

Anyone have the wallpaper for that? I want to use it as my background


Playing on hard with listen off mode. Hot damn this game is the real deal. I don't want to finish it though, its the type of games i want to go on forever.
So that's it for the night. 55% through,
in the sewers, just got separated from Ellie and Henry

What an awesome game. So intense. Despite my best efforts and exploration, I'm pissed that it seems like I'm rushing, compared to general consensus here. But this game is incredible.

Hey did anyone go "Oh shit" just like Joel did, when you
open the door in the sewers and see the clickers just standing there
LOL Good luck boys. In hind sight i probably would have dropped this game without listen mode.

Not using Listen Mode means every single room feels like a threat. Your senses are heightened for 100% of the game (unless it's an obvious "exploration section"). No safety net. If you alert the enemies, you have no idea how many there are, or where they're coming from unless they're in your line of sight. It's builds character and puts hair on your chest. The best thing about the combat in this game is being forced to make spontaneous decisions in the heat of battle. Too much information takes away from the tension.

Now if only we had the ability to lean. And no forced walking. And a suplex, a roundhouse kick, a dog, and a shady arms dealer. Kinda joking about the last few. Not really though.


I'd say I'm a good 6 hours in, and man, this game is amazing. Naughty Dog is so good!
The atmosphere, the characters, the gameplay.. all so satisfying.

Just started the multiplayer, and Supply Raid is tons of fun.
I don't see the graphic complaints. I mean, I do, the jaggies are obvious and the framerate isn't butter smooth, but for me it's no big deal when the game looks so carefully handcrafted. Like they barely cut and paste everything, every corner of the environment looks unique and is packed with fine detail. I've played Metro LL and Crysis 3 and all the usual suspects maxed out but visually this game is much more of a feast for my eyes than pretty much everything. I appreciate this kind of painstaking artistic work much more. If this is ported to the PS4 in higher res and higher framerate, it'll crush all the best looking current PC games in my eyes.


I love the subtle way in which
Joel and Ellie grow closer to one another. The high five...little comments about the world before the outbreak and just the way Ellie shows subtle clues about putting all her trust in Joel, even though he doesnt show much emotion.

At first I thought Joel just came across as a bit of an ass....but witnessing the subtle changes in the characters is pretty amazing


I'm exactly 31% into the game on Hard mode. I have been hording my ammo like crazy, but I hope it'll pay off eventually.

I actually find the game to be pretty entertaining. I didn't really care for the Uncharted games too much, but even with this game's quirks (for instance, Ellie running straight into the line of sight of an enemy and the enemy not noticing at all), I'm still finding some enjoyment with it.

But fuck Clickers though, for serious.
Hard mode down, no Listen Mode.

That was intense! /ellie

Goddamn, dat second half of the game shot it up from a very solid 8/10 to a 9/10, easily.
I don't see the graphic complaints. I mean, I do, the jaggies are obvious and the framerate isn't butter smooth, but for me it's no big deal when the game looks so carefully handcrafted. Like they barely cut and paste everything, every corner of the environment looks unique and is packed with fine detail. I've played Metro LL and Crysis 3 and all the usual suspects maxed out but visually this game is much more of a feast for my eyes than pretty much everything. I appreciate this kind of painstaking work much more.

Yeah, something that's not getting enough praise is the sheer amount of unique assets, at least that's what it looks like without putting a microscope to the game. Everything in the environment feels very deliberate.


8 hours and so far loving it. Game is amazing. Can't wait to see what naughty dog will be able to do with the PS4.

Combat is brutal and fun as hell. My advice is try stealth but if you get caught deal with it. Some of the best moments came from those "oh shit" moments.

I'm playing on normal with listen mode off and it's been pretty easy.


I turned off Listen mode for my last play session, it does make the game funner IMO. The game is really starting to mesh for me now, the combat is quite fun, especially the melee. Very engaging so far, about 6.5 hours in, 47% completion. Game really does pick up after you meet Bill.

4hrs 15 minutes, so far. 30%

Having an absolutely incredible time and I just got through what I suppose many people consider the dull section.

I do wish Joel had the Lara Croft scramble when you press Circle.

Haha, I do as well.


Listen mode off. This game is so tense at times.

It starts off real slow and I'm only a couple hours in, but there have already been a handful of spontaneous HOLY SHIT moments, strictly from the way I play and the enemy AI. I've been enjoying playing against clickers more than human enemies so far.

On the tech side, I suspect that it's part of my old ass PS3 that's trying not to die before the PS4 comes out, but the fan gets loud as hell, and there are some weird graphical things happening when I look at certain things in certain angles. Like jarring blurs and flickering shapes. It happens with some games I put my PS3 these days. But it's happening a lot less now where I'm at in the game, thankfully.

Otherwise, the game is fucking gorgeous. Soft shadows, reflective light, they really give a unique and distinct look to it that not many console games can.
Random Hard mode(no listen mode) stats...spoilers?

583 kills
65 deaths(2/3rds of these are from the last few hours, which make sense I suppose but FUCK does this game get hard)
12 hours, 30 minutes
This is hands down the best looking game I've ever seen and I've been mostly pc gaming for the last year. So incredible, it feels 100% hand crafted.
8 hours and so far loving it. Game is amazing. Can't wait to see what naughty dog will be able to do with the PS4.

Combat is brutal and fun as hell. My advice is try stealth but if you get caught deal with it. Some of the best moments came from those "oh shit" moments.

I'm playing on normal with listen mode off and it's been pretty easy.
What are you up to? I'm trying to get an idea of whether I'm going too fast. I'm 56% and 8 hours in,
escaped the city with Henry and Sam, in the sewers now

10.5 hours in, the game says 59% complete
Didn't want to stop but sleep is killing me.
How are people going so slow?!?


Random Hard mode(no listen mode) stats...spoilers?

583 kills
65 deaths(2/3rds of these are from the last few hours, which make sense I suppose but FUCK does this game get hard)
12 hours, 30 minutes

Hard no listen mode

488 kills
91 deaths
10 hours in and i think I'm almost done. I dunno why it seems so close to the end.

What are you up to? I'm trying to get an idea of whether I'm going too fast. I'm 56% and 8 hours in,
escaped the city with Henry and Sam, in the sewers now

How are people going so slow?!?

10 Hours in and I'm way in front of you. I guess you're kinda slower. :p
What are you up to? I'm trying to get an idea of whether I'm going too fast. I'm 56% and 8 hours in,
escaped the city with Henry and Sam, in the sewers now

You got a loooong way to go, especially on harder difficulties which require quite a bit more patience/restarts/quick thinking to get through.
You got a loooong way to go, especially on harder difficulties which require quite a bit more patience/restarts/quick thinking to get through.
Okay...that's great. I'm playing on Hard, without Listen Mode, and there have been four or five parts where I've died at least ten times. But the game's always awesome

So of course when people are saying they're 10 hrs in and only at 40,45%, I get a bit worried.

But if I have a loooong way to go....that's a relief.

Really don't want this game to end.

Not Spaceghost

While I seriously and absolutely do love this game, like I never love most AAA titles and I generally disliked Uncharted outside of 2 but that was only for the awesome locations. It does have one hilarious flaw, death isn't an issue...like at all. It took me until my first clicker to realize this, because up till then I had fought tooth and nail to not die but as soon as I realized death meant nothing every encounter went from a "don't give up, do anything you can to survive!" to a super meat boy extravaganza, I literally just let myself die if the encounter doesn't go flawless for me. To me this is still a blast because it turns fights into a puzzle game more than a struggle to survive.


Quick question. When is game set?
Is it 2013? Or was 2013 the year of the outbreak and now it's 2033? I assume it's the latter but I'm not sure.
Sorry if this was something said before in ads or interviews, I went in the game mostly blind.


Multiplayer is broken.

When it actually works, it's pretty fun.
But a lot of the time the lag majorly disrupts control of the game leading to rage-inducing moments.

The last match I played, just now, I was the last man standing. I was about to sneak up on two guys and the game took control from me. My character stood there for 4 seconds while I mashed buttons and screamed at the tv. They turned around, walked up and slowly aimed for their headshot. Despite hammering buttons, all I could do was watch.
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