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The Last of Us |OT| It Can’t Be For Nothing (Spoilers)

Quick question. When is game set?
Is it 2013? Or was 2013 the year of the outbreak and now it's 2033? I assume it's the latter but I'm not sure.
Sorry if this was something said before in ads or interviews, I went in the game mostly blind.

Pretty sure the outbreak starts in 2013 as you see 2013 calendars/posters in some of the ruins

Dunno why i had to spoiler that but fuck it
Go into building, pull my gun out out just in case, you know, I have to shoot something before it kills me

3.57 seconds elapse

Joel puts his gun away, presumably so he can feel up the walls instead

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I don't see the graphic complaints. I mean, I do, the jaggies are obvious and the framerate isn't butter smooth, but for me it's no big deal when the game looks so carefully handcrafted. Like they barely cut and paste everything, every corner of the environment looks unique and is packed with fine detail. I've played Metro LL and Crysis 3 and all the usual suspects maxed out but visually this game is much more of a feast for my eyes than pretty much everything. I appreciate this kind of painstaking artistic work much more. If this is ported to the PS4 in higher res and higher framerate, it'll crush all the best looking current PC games in my eyes.

Artistically, it's amazing, but it really feels like some rickety boat that could fall apart at any time. So many weird graphical glitches and otherwise unseemly visuals. I think Naughty Dog found their best balance with Uncharted 2. They've started pushing the hardware a bit too much with Uncharted 3 and now they really seem to be taking it too far in this game.
Finished the game today. Last half of the game really steps it up. I'd probably give it a 9/10. Main complaint is that I hate the pacing. Constant bouncing back and forth between combat that's dialed up to 11 and exploration that hovers around 1. Really no middle ground and the game flow quickly becomes formulaic. I'll go for the platinum out of obligation but the game isn't going to hold up especially well on replays thanks to stuff like unskippable slow walk sections, among other things (the intro, tedious puzzles, etc...). Still an gripping and intense game that's long as hell without ever repeating itself during combat or overstaying its welcome. It's this gen's RE4 in combat and length that's unfortunately stuck with some "cinematic" AAA game trappings that occasionally bloat the experience a bit and damage replay value. If trophies weren't busted I would have started a Survivor run right after finishing it.

A must buy.


I don't see the graphic complaints. I mean, I do, the jaggies are obvious and the framerate isn't butter smooth, but for me it's no big deal when the game looks so carefully handcrafted. Like they barely cut and paste everything, every corner of the environment looks unique and is packed with fine detail. I've played Metro LL and Crysis 3 and all the usual suspects maxed out but visually this game is much more of a feast for my eyes than pretty much everything. I appreciate this kind of painstaking artistic work much more. If this is ported to the PS4 in higher res and higher framerate, it'll crush all the best looking current PC games in my eyes.

Defiantly agree.

There was something about it that made me also prefer its look over C3/ Last light ( which was my previous current GOTY, now TLOU is) but the art style and the detail as you mentioned is just phenomenal.

If only it could have that extra power to really shine.
I have to commend Naughty Dog, this may be one of the first games where I never really felt like the same general sequence of combat events were taking place over and over and over. The story keeps changing, the characters keep changing, and the events you find yourself faced with keep changing. For a game that takes an average of 17 hours to beat that has to be the lowest amount of cut/paste design I've seen in a very long time.

With praise like this, that ending better blow me away...

I think going into expecting to be blown away may lead you to expecting a certain type of amazing ending. I'd say it's better to just go through the game and take it as it comes.


I don't see the graphic complaints. I mean, I do, the jaggies are obvious and the framerate isn't butter smooth, but for me it's no big deal when the game looks so carefully handcrafted. Like they barely cut and paste everything, every corner of the environment looks unique and is packed with fine detail. I've played Metro LL and Crysis 3 and all the usual suspects maxed out but visually this game is much more of a feast for my eyes than pretty much everything. I appreciate this kind of painstaking artistic work much more. If this is ported to the PS4 in higher res and higher framerate, it'll crush all the best looking current PC games in my eyes.

This game at 1080P+60FPS+AA would be be best looking game of the year, no contest.
I have to commend Naughty Dog, this may be one of the first games where I never really felt like the same general sequence of combat events were taking place over and over and over. The story keeps changing, the characters keep changing, and the events you find yourself faced with keep changing. For a game that takes an average of 17 hours to beat that has to be the lowest amount of cut/paste design I've seen in a very long time.

I think going into expecting to be blown away may lead you to expecting a certain type of amazing ending. I'd say it's better to just go through the game and take it as it comes.
Well considering the game's pacing, I'm actually expecting a subdued, but emotionally powerful conclusion. I'm only 56% through anyway, so I got a ways to go


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
I'm at 52% right now. For me it got a LOT better after
Tess died
. Everything just starts to click after that, and the character development really starts to pick up.

But the main problem with The Last of Us is there is very little tension even though the game tries to capture it. Dying has zero consequences, and the enemy A.I. along with the all-but-invincible companion A.I. makes for easily exploitable combat. Melee combat should be a last resort but ends up being a very large part of most encounters. There is so much that I love about this game, but the gameplay itself really holds it back from being a really great game (IMO).


OMG. Thee feel of the bow in this game is amazing. Performing a head shot is incredible. You can see the arrow destroying whatever you are aiming at. Naughty Gods.
Just beat it on Hard. Gonna now do a playthrough on Extreme. This game is easily one of the best games I've every played. I felt the same way playing it as I did Metal Gear Solid on the PS1 for the first time. Amazing amazing game. Naughty Dog knocked it out of the park. I am excited to do another playthrough.


I'm at 52% right now. For me it got a LOT better after
Tess died
. Everything just starts to click after that, and the character development really starts to pick up.

But the main problem with The Last of Us is there is very little tension even though the game tries to capture it. Dying has zero consequences, and the enemy A.I. along with the all-but-invincible companion A.I. makes for easily exploitable combat. Melee combat should be a last resort but ends up being a very large part of most encounters. There is so much that I love about this game, but the gameplay itself really holds it back from being a really great game (IMO).

You will definitely feel tension in Pittsburgh (if you haven't experienced it already)
So I just played through a small bit of
, can somebody give me an estimate as to how many hours there are left (for someone who checks every nook and cranny)? I'd like to finish this baby over the weekend if it's feasible.
You will definitely feel tension in Pittsburgh (if you haven't experienced it already)

The whole of
was insanely tense. The boss battle in particular almost had me in tears, I was terrified. It was relentless and awful and completely captured the mood in an amazing way.
I'm playing on Hard now. And I plan to do a Survivor playthrough after.

But the difficulty increase from Hard to Survivor can't be that much right? Anyone know what's different? I've heard everything from damage and health stay the same and only less supplies to more enemy health and les supplies. Are there remixed enemies, better equipped enemies, etc.?

I still haven't received a definitive answer on that.


So I just played through a small bit of Winter, can somebody give me an estimate as to how many hours there are left (for someone who checks every nook and cranny)? I'd like to finish this baby over the weekend if it's feasible.

Once I got to winter it took me about another 3 hours to finish on Normal difficulty.


The mp is turning into an organized camp rape.

Every match is an organized team camping one end of maps buildings and killing randoms who attack them 1 on 4. I'm already bored watching the streamers doing this.

The game really needs a mercenary game mode with only random lobbies for people not on skype.

I have a bad feeling the mp is going to dry up fast.
So I just played through a small bit of
, can somebody give me an estimate as to how many hours there are left (for someone who checks every nook and cranny)? I'd like to finish this baby over the weekend if it's feasible.

You might want to spoiler that which I spoiled for you man!


I got to 50% yesterday and left it at that. Today I went over to my friends house where I watched him play from 0-50% (saved it at the same spot I did). Its a bit late now here in NY so I think ill just continue on tomorrow. So far, game of the gen for me. Thank you Naughty God, I mean dog.

I don't think there is a game with more satisfying melee combat. Smashing heads with bricks never gets old

This is easily the most satisfying Melee ive ever played.


Oh god oh god oh god
When Joel falls from the elevator and I turn the light generator on and I'm rushed by infected out the ass, plus bloaters. Once I see a bloater and I'm cornered, I cry like a baby, haha.


On a side note, completely anecdotal. At my cousins HMV, on the first day they sold out of this game (UK). 68 copies sold. They're getting another batch in very soon however.
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