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The Last of Us |OT| It Can’t Be For Nothing (Spoilers)


Oh jesus, I just discovered the unlockable skins menu. So much to buyyy

The multiplayer in this game is really good.

So good. I finally wrapped my head around just straight up running away from encounters when I'm low. Fun stuff bobbing and weaving around obstacles to get distance.


Just hit 50% at almost 8 hours, game has definitely grown on me after the slow start. Enjoying it so much more than the Uncharted games


Oh jesus, I just discovered the unlockable skins menu. So much to buyyy

So good. I finally wrapped my head around just straight up running away from encounters when I'm low. Fun stuff bobbing and weaving around obstacles to get distance.

wait there are skins? When I was looking for skins to change to like in Uncharted all I saw was shit like hats
I beat the game earlier today.

I really love the story, the visuals, the voice acting and the atmosphere. It's all fantastic. But.. the gameplay is frustrating. The stealth isn't executed in the best manner, there are tons of glitches throughout my playthrough including enemies shrinking and flying away after dying. I still like the game, but.. a 10/10 it is not. One thing I will say. I love both Joel and Ellie. Great characters. There were plenty of points in the story that really made me feel something. It's rare with games for me, kinda.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
This game is freaking amazing. I think I'm still only near the beginning, just met up with Ellie, but my mind is already completely in that world. I can't stop thinking about the game when I'm not playing it. There's so much stuff happening, so much detail.

Btw, Tess is a complete badass. So ruthless, she kind of makes Joel seem tame.

All the NPC animations are crazy good, far better than in any of Uncharted games. Animation overall is for sure best of any game I played. The opening scene kept surprising me in that regard. That scene
in a car
where you just look around, still felt completely different than other such scenes, because of how animated you are when looking around.

I love how intuitive level design is. Someone mentioned it, but finding where you need to go is somehow really logical. The thing is, I think this kind of thing is extremely difficult to do, as all the other games either put obvious markers, or you end up stuck somewhere where you never would get stuck in real life (Valve games are so very guilty of this)

Playing hide and seek with the enemies has never been done better. Their reactions, co operation etc. are very impressive. Then of course there is combat which is both scarily brutal and very satisfying.

One last thing, the caustic at the middle of your flashlight beam. Whoever came up with that and programmed how it works, has my respect. A small detail, but it adds a lot, and sets this apart.


I just finished the game, here are my impressions:

-This game worked it magic on me from the moment I saw the menu screen in the beginning of the game. The music and the window angle is just perfect.

-The characters in this game are some of the best written, best spoken dialog and best performance of any game this generation. The biggest surprise to me this not only pertains to Joel and Ellie, but the entire cast of characters.

-The graphics are fu*** nuts. Some of the later stages especially the
Ellie snow levels
are so pleasing to the eye. And its not only on a technical level. The gritty art style heightens the mood as well.

-Not all will agree with me, but this game is my favorite third person shooter in terms of game-play mechanics. I like how heavy Joel feels, I like how the default button configuration is setup, I like how there is no cover button, I like how the melee feels, I love how they handled the running animation and I like how they implemented their crafting system. Kudos to Naughty Dog for making the perfect third person shooter.

-The sound is also top notch. The soundtrack was expected to be amazing but the sound design is also genius. ND knows how to set the mood.

To be totally honest, I came into this game expected to be disappointed not only because of the overly high scores it received from the media, but because I thought it would be too similar or subpar to the stories in The Walking Dead and to an extent Bioshock Infinite.

But nope. This game is better than those games. The cast alone in TLOU is the far above the other games not to mention the superior gameplay.

Hats off to you Naughty Dog. You cemented your self in the pantheon of the best developers in the world. Its a shame I will not a play a game with such characters like these in a long time.

NO negatives. This game is perfect for me.


I beat the game earlier today.

I really love the story, the visuals, the voice acting and the atmosphere. It's all fantastic. But.. the gameplay is frustrating. The stealth isn't executed in the best manner, there are tons of glitches throughout my playthrough including enemies shrinking and flying away after dying. I still like the game, but.. a 10/10 it is not. One thing I will say. I love both Joel and Ellie. Great characters. There were plenty of points in the story that really made me feel something. It's rare with games for me, kinda.

You don't have to play this game in stealth manner you know?

At least I didn't.


Console Market Analyst
15:50, Hard mode, 71 deaths. Never felt so physically drained after playing a game. But yeah, pretty brilliant in every respect.


Also I think I gotten to a point in the game that I don't try as hard with stealth...maybe I was tired for the day but when I was doing the whole running around town with bill I really didn't give a shit about the infected as long as the clicker was killed first in the area
finished it just now. wow.
was such a bitch. such a draing struggle. made me feel like a real man when i finally got the
though gotta say, fuck you bloaters


Man I'm about 70% finished and this is shaping up to be my favorite game this gen and an all-time favorite. I sometimes get caught up in something when I play it, so maybe I will think differently when I finish and have time to reflect on it, but I'm just blown away now.

Also I always kill every enemy possible... haha. I just love searching through the environments which means all enemies must die first so I can do so at my own pace! I do try and take them out with stealth at first, but that usually goes to shit (I'm not very good at stealth). The combat has so many options. I can't get enough of it. What an amazing game.


I still don't know what to make of the actual gameplay.

I feel at times I'm still playing as Drake with the amount of people I'm mowing down.
I have to say, my favorite gameplay innovation of The Last of Us is the lack of a cover button. It just feels so... natural. I hope more games can implement such a system. Also, I'm at the part that was shown during E3 last year. At first, I wasn't really feeling the game, but now... I'm hooked.


Fought a stage four infected for the first time. FUUUCK.

That whole stage with Bloater + Runners made me spend all my ammo T_T. Shoulda dropped a bomb on it.
Is this game Children of Men? That was an excellent film, but I couldn't talk to another human being for like 3 days afterward, it was so fucked up. Not sure I'll be able to finish this.

Ugh. Children of Men. Ugghhh...
I'm only 5 hours in but the basic premise is very similar so far

In spite of all the criticisms, I love all the Uncharted games to death. I want my good time killin' guys games back, not so much this wince and feel every gag that escapes this dude's throat while you wring the life out of him killin' guys game. I suppose my disgust is how I know that they've made something pretty remarkable.


Just finished the mansion area where
Tess died
and that was intense.

Killed silently some guards then sneak pass them using bottles and sprinting. lol

Btw, is it worth it that im saving shivs and molotovs for later part of the game?
I'll type up a megapost tomorrow, but some quick thoughts. Lots of stuff I like:

-The story is very, very well put together for the most part.
-Likewise, the acting is excellent across the board.
-Fantastic soundtrack.
-Melee combat is super satisfying.
-Animation is a big improvement over Uncharted. They finally nailed the interaction with the environment, no more drug-bender wall groping.
-They really delivered on the smaller, more intense encounters vs. typical TPS shlock.
-The guns feel awesome, and the ammo management is well balanced.
-I love any area with human enemies.
-Graphics and art direction: wow.
-The sound design: even more wow.

And some things I like less:

-Stealth gets really boring.
-You can simply sprint your way through way too many encounters.
-The amount of walk-while-exposition-happens scenes is a bit too high.
-I actually found fighting humans far more compelling than fighting not-zombies.
-Companion AI isn't very good, and oftentimes useless or intrusive.
-Lack of dedicated cover button makes some encounters really finicky.
-Item scavenging and crafting can get sort of tedious.
-The game is definitely front-loaded with some less-good design.
The swimming part with the gas mask is really not good, and there are far too many areas full of clickers that feel like padding, especially in all the areas while you're working towards a car.


10:30 hours, 61% done.

Holyyyyy shit
I knew Sam would turn and Henry would probably off himself but it was still shocking due to how well it's executed. And I actually like that the time skip is right after with no reaction time, just Ellie's "OMG" then the screen cuts to black.

At that part right before the cutscenes, when you have to sneak around, I didn't really look around as much as I'd like. Did I miss a lot of stuff? Anything noteworthy? I missed the entire left side of houses and for some reason ran straight up the stairs to the top of the house at the end of the street. I'm sure I missed things but hopefully not too much, probably some cool collectibles though :(


All these new guns and I'm too miserly to shoot them. Also, the molotov manual turns them into miniature thermonuclear devices. Also, scissorsaxe.

Cannot freakin believe I'm only at 62% after over 13 hours. I can understand the reasoning behind giving it a 10/10 now - it's not a flawless game by any means but it's so good and there's so much of it. If I was a reviewer who gave out 9/10 to your average 6 hour long AAA game I'd feel bad giving this the same score. Which I guess is the problem with only using 3 points of a 10 point scale.


Just finished the mansion area where
Tess died
and that was intense.

Killed silently some guards then sneak pass them using bottles and sprinting. lol

Btw, is it worth it that im saving shivs and molotovs for later part of the game?

Yes. Shivs are key to sneaking up past clickers and molotovs are very effective later in the game.


Would you guys recommend this game to someone who doesn't like Uncharted? I've been thinking about picking it up considering all the reviews. How similar is it to Uncharted?


So I just met Bill and just want to chime in my thoughts so far.

Not very impressed. Oh, the production levels are obviously straight threw the roof, but so far the story has been the most predictable thing I've played all year. I don't think there is a single shock moment that I didn't call out beforehand.
I knew Ellie would be immune as soon as I was told that she was the package, and I knew Tess was dying the before she was even bit.
I really don't usually complain about this kind of stuff because there is a certain amount of predictability to everything, but it's a bit ridiculous when I'm calling out each and every plot point way before it appears.

The characterization is pretty archtypical so far as well, with Joel playing the world weary guy and Elle being the innocent youth who marvels at everything from garden gnomes to the goddamn rain. Well acted, but there is no depth to them so far.

Gameplaywise, it's alright. THere was a lot of hype surrounding the AI of this game, but so far, I'm not noticing it. Maybe it's because I play it very safe for the most part, and take almost all enemies unaware, and the AI does not shine here in particular. In fact, there was one really stupid moment early in the game when I was hiding from the police. There were 2 guys, both facing away from me, one was closer than the other by maybe 5 feet. I accidentally hit the wrong button and instead of grabbing the first guy, I melee'd him with my wooden stick. I was a bit surprised, so I didn't hit the melee button again immediately, so he stumbled back, regained his awareness, then I started beating on him again. At this point, he was two feet from his partner when I beat him to death very loudly with the stick. He didn't notice a thing. I realize the that all stealth games that are not primarily stealth suck, but come on, this is a bit ridiculous. And there was another time where I sprinted through the enemies and they all came at me through a doorway, and I threw a molotov on them, and they all still kept trying to get at me through the flames. Maybe it's the normal difficulty setting?

Lastly, ND said that this wasn't a horror game, but I have trouble believing that when they set up so many horrorlike situations. Even if it isn't horror overall, I think a lot of these set pieces,
like the entire building of zombies you have to go through
, are suppose to be scary, but, and I say this as someone who gets very easily scared in these kinds of games (Alan Wake had me terrified, and I'm told no one got scared in that game), I have not felt an ounce of fear or even much tension in the game. Again, maybe it's the difficulty, but I did pick normal, so I had expected there to be some challenge.

I want to like this game, but so far i'm not wowed. I really hope this doesn't end up being as overrated as uncharted 3 was.


At that part right before the cutscenes, when you have to sneak around, I didn't really look around as much as I'd like. Did I miss a lot of stuff?

This kind of crap drives me nuts. It's only happened a couple times, but whenever I'm forced to advance and can't go back I worry that I missed something important. I don't remember finding anything critical going up the left side though.


Would you guys recommend this game to someone who doesn't like Uncharted? I've been thinking about picking it up considering all the reviews. How similar is it to Uncharted?

What do you dislike about Uncharted that would put you off from this game?
Not very impressed. Oh, the production levels are obviously straight threw the roof, but so far the story has been the most predictable thing I've played all year. I don't think there is a single shock moment that I didn't call out beforehand.
I knew Ellie would be immune as soon as I was told that she was the package, and I knew Tess was dying the before she was even bit.
I really don't usually complain about this kind of stuff because there is a certain amount of predictability to everything, but it's a bit ridiculous when I'm calling out each and every plot point way before it appears.

To be fair (big early game spoilers),
we knew Tess would bite the dust pretty early on because she's never been the focus of any of the media rollout. The game has been pitched for ages as Joel and Ellie's Big Day Out.


Somehow this game managed to remind me of every great game I've played. Definitely hints of MGS3 and Resident Evil 4/5.
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