my cake, fuck off
I stood on the beach for HOURS and the sun didn't move an inch. Totally took me out of the game.
No, I rented this from Redbox.Oh wait, I must be mixing up your lack of a PC rig with the lack of a PS3. You planning to play multiplayer?
Regarding echolocation, it may be that clickers only recognize prey if it's moving and thus alive. Perhaps they wouldn't identify human prey based on human shape alone.I only have two regrets about this game.
1) that they describe clickers as having echolocation. If they actually did, I wouldn't be able to stand in front of them because they'd "see" me, regardless how slow I was moving.
2) this isn't on a ps4
Regarding echolocation, it may be that clickers only recognize prey if it's moving and thus alive. Perhaps they wouldn't identify human prey based on human shape alone.
I agree completely. And I LIKED Infinite a lot, as well as Elizabeth. I thought she was a pretty good companion.7 hours in and the performance of Ellie already absolutely blows away Elizabeth, as far as I'm concerned.
I just started the game and there is this really annoying effect like a strobe light flashing. Is it supposed to be that way?
Would explain why they go chasing after bricks and bottles. Ha ha, dummies.
Think I'm about to hit Winter here in a bit. Damn, man this game is good.
Want to get finished so I can check out the multiplayer. Ucharted's took me by surprise on how good it was and I'm hoping this does the same.
One last note is that Troy Baker is doing a great job. Way better than Booker from Bioshock (although that dude didn't really have that much of a personality). Ashley Johnson is fantastic too and apparently the last thing I saw her in was Dollhouse with What Woman Want before that.
Yeah thought that was pretty neat.
I've been looking everywhere for an Uncharted reference but no luck so far
To be fair to Troy, the way Booker was written was very ambiguous and vague. The character didn't have much personality.
He was kind of a blank slate, something that Irrational and all other first person shooter creators are infatuated with.
Why I don't know.
But Half Life 3 having a mute Gordon just won't work in 2015.
Ashley Johnson is fantastic too and apparently the last thing I saw her in was Dollhouse with What Woman Want before that.
I agree completely. And I LIKED Infinite a lot, as well as Elizabeth. I thought she was a pretty good companion.
But Ellie is on another level in terms of... well, absolutely everything. I think she may be my favorite female video game character of all time too. Sorry The Boss, you had a damn good run![]()
FUCK CLICKERS. I don't mean this in a cute, "OMG Clickers are terrifying I don't want to fight them aaahhh!!" No, I mean it in a "fuck whoever thought putting one-hit kill enemies into this game was a good idea" kinda way. There has not been a single Clicker encounter that I have enjoyed. Not one. I keep dying, and restarting, and dying, and restarting, and dying, and restarting, until I want to throw my controller through the damn TV.
Picked this game up today from GameStop on an impulse. Started playing at around 7 and I'm only now getting off at 11:45. The game is amazing so far, and everything from the graphics to the gunplay to the acting is blowing me away. However, I do have one thing to say to the developers...
FUCK CLICKERS. I don't mean this in a cute, "OMG Clickers are terrifying I don't want to fight them aaahhh!!" No, I mean it in a "fuck whoever thought putting one-hit kill enemies into this game was a good idea" kinda way. There has not been a single Clicker encounter that I have enjoyed. Not one. I keep dying, and restarting, and dying, and restarting, and dying, and restarting, until I want to throw my controller through the damn TV.
At the rate the game is going, it could quite possibly be a 10 for me if not for this retarded enemy type. For reference I just met, so that whole section you have to go through is the thing that was giving me fits.Bill
Clickers stopped being quite so bad once you get the Shotgun.
FUCK CLICKERS. I don't mean this in a cute, "OMG Clickers are terrifying I don't want to fight them aaahhh!!" No, I mean it in a "fuck whoever thought putting one-hit kill enemies into this game was a good idea" kinda way. There has not been a single Clicker encounter that I have enjoyed. Not one. I keep dying, and restarting, and dying, and restarting, and dying, and restarting, until I want to throw my controller through the damn TV.
At the rate the game is going, it could quite possibly be a 10 for me if not for this retarded enemy type. For reference I just met, so that whole section you have to go through is the thing that was giving me fits.Bill
I gotta say... I disagree so much. She's constantly running around in front of clickers and bad guys, which is only not a problem because they specifically made it so they can't see her. They made a shitty design choice because their AI wasn't good enough to do it right. She's bumping into me, standing in my way at doors I want to go back into.... She's standard. She has none of cool "go look at things" that Elizabeth had, which breathed so much life in BioShock Infinite, only scripted stuff.
Wonderfully written character... a healthy dose behind Elizabeth and Alyx as an AI partner IMO.
I know the reasons and Troy did a good job in Infinite. But yeah, by design he has much more to do with Joel.To be fair to Troy, the way Booker was written was very ambiguous and vague. The character didn't have much personality.
He was kind of a blank slate, something that Irrational and all other first person shooter creators are infatuated with.
Why I don't know.
But Half Life 3 having a mute Gordon just won't work in 2015.
is it really so hard for you to sneak up behind the clicker, grab and then shiv them? they're BLIND for pete's sake! they can even be taken down with melee weapons if you keep your distance.
and having one hit kill enemies is a great idea for a survival game. it keep the tension high.
I haven't tried it yet. Is a headshot with the Bow fully extended a 1-shot kill?I prefer to use the bow against them. Much quieter.
I don't have more than two shivs in any given encounter, and there are always more than two Clickers. That is what is annoying me.
Plus that Clicker near the beginning of the game that they place near the ladder, and I obviously used my shivs against the other Clickers because I didn't think there would be a Clicker guarding the exit. Screw that guy.
And yet she had none of the extremely gamey things about Elizabeth.
Having to use Elizabeth to open locks every single time, her flipping coins to you every 5-10 minutes...
Infinite isn't really a stealth game, so her AI wasn't put to the test like it is in The Last of Us. I won't get into the point of her as a character.
She absolutely has the equivalent of opening locks every time. How many times have I given her a boost or pushed on a pallet through water to get her to open something for me?
It's actually way more annoying and lazy than 5 seconds to pick a lock.
I haven't tried it yet. Is a headshot with the Bow fully extended a 1-shot kill?
She absolutely has the equivalent of opening locks every time. How many times have I given her a boost or pushed on a pallet through water to get her to open something for me?
It's actually way more annoying and lazy than 5 seconds to pick a lock.
Believe it or not, the section with Bill has more Clickers than nearly every part of the game.
So yeah, I understand the frustration. It gets easier though.
I thought so too, but I never really saw that happen. They always seemed to be clicking.
I don't have more than two shivs in any given encounter, and there are always more than two Clickers. That is what is annoying me.
I only have two regrets about this game.
1) that they describe clickers as having echolocation. If they actually did, I wouldn't be able to stand in front of them because they'd "see" me, regardless how slow I was moving.
2) this isn't on a ps4
I prefer to use the bow against them. Much quieter.
Although, if one is running at you, then yeah, the shotgun is probably the best weapon to use.
I'll have to pay more attention next time I play but they definitely get louder and click more frequently when a noise sets them off. Could just be the difference between them clicking just enough to not bump into objects versus clicking fast and loud so they can notice moving
ehhh nah. Echolocation doesn't mean that they can identify a human. They guide themselves with echolocation and sound. that's why they startle when they hear sound. Echolocation is their navigation system since they're blind. They needed something lol.
I played for about one hour and my PS3 crashed. Now all I get is a beep and a blinking red light when I try to turn my PS3 on.
It's long out of warranty and probably not worth the money to replace as it was going to be retired after I finished TLoU anyway.
She absolutely has the equivalent of opening locks every time. How many times have I given her a boost or pushed on a pallet through water to get her to open something for me?
It's actually way more annoying and lazy than 5 seconds to pick a lock.
Nah not reallyI played for an hour and still completely sucked. It was embarrassing. There is definitely a steep learning curve.