You don't have to use the spoiler thread for spoiler questions.
That didn't happen to me once.
I would say so for end game spoilers.
You don't have to use the spoiler thread for spoiler questions.
That didn't happen to me once.
I have to wonder why they didn't have an install option.One small complaint, this game takes an absolute age to boot up and actually get into any action.
What part are you at? Think I have a decent idea but don't want to spoil a later part for you if I'm wrong.
There are very few parts where you face real 'waves' of enemies. I found enemy counts to generally make sense. In the forced encounters with infected it would make sense that your first few shots draw additional attention. There were a lot of times where I died facing waves of enemies pouring down on me when I noisily killed the first few, then on a second attempt was more cautious, killed the first couple quietly, and found that what I saw as waves of enemies were people from different parts of the map that I had alerted by being too loud the attempt before.
Also, stealth does get a lot harder later in the game, but I found that a mixed approach where you take out only the people who have to actually works incredibly well. The escape routes from an area really open up with only one or two well chosen stealth kills.
I have to wonder why they didn't have an install option.
Well, I don't believe that is the rules, maybe a mod can clarify if they wish to.I would say so for end game spoilers.
Man, the stealth in this game is by far and away the worst 'stealth' gameplay I've ever experienced. So cheap, so bug riddled and so completely boring. Now I'm even at a section where they spot me through walls. Man I'm so ready to just ditch this game.
Either I'm doing it completely wrong or ('burbs)this bit where I have run at the sniper in the house is annoying as fuck.
I was wondering about a certain encounter that was just impossible to do stealthily, but I'm not sure if it was bugged or not:
~55% game completion spoilers
In the sewer, on your way to the radio tower with Sam and Henry, after you get split up: are those infected that look like a cross between a clicker and a runner supposed to hear and see your every move?
They were impossible to evade and if I tried to sneak up on one, he always managed to spot me, even if he had his back to me. There were a lot of them too, so I thought I was supposed to stealth through, but I had to shoot my way through in the end.
I was wondering about a certain encounter that was just impossible to do stealthily, but I'm not sure if it was bugged or not:
~55% game completion spoilers
In the sewer, on your way to the radio tower with Sam and Henry, after you get split up: are those infected that look like a cross between a clicker and a runner supposed to hear and see your every move?
They were impossible to evade and if I tried to sneak up on one, he always managed to spot me, even if he had his back to me. There were a lot of them too, so I thought I was supposed to stealth through, but I had to shoot my way through in the end.
The first half is shorter actually.I'm 9 hours in and only 49% complete. Does the completion rate goes faster later on or is the game actually longer than what was reported?
I'm 9 hours in and only 49% complete. Does the completion rate goes faster later on or is the game actually longer than what was reported?
The funniest bug I've seen in this game is enemies disappearing during Joel's death scenes. I've had several Clickers kill Joel, only to have the cutscene camera show Joel reacting to an invisible zombie attack.
This also happened once with a (minor spoiler)Bloater ripping his face in half, which resulted in a terrifying and hilarious shot of Joel's face appearing to explode for no real reason.
I didn't really pay attention to who Ellie was being played by until just now. Ashley Johnson didn't ring a bell, and I probably wouldn't have noticed until you mentioned Avengers and I looked her up.she also has a small role in The Avengers as well
First time I started a new game I thought there was a problem.What drives me crazy is the way it loads the loading screen. I always get a solid two minutes of pretty guitar and dust/spores before the loading percentage even shows up.
I think Spec Ops: The Line does a better job of making you feel bad for all the people you kill. Speaking of which, there are some things I wish The Last of Us had copied/improved from it.I'm surprised there isn't more discussion on how this game went head on with the ludonarrative dissonance.
Oh stop this defence shit, yes I'm sure they printed a unique copy on to my disc, I'm sure damaged HARDWARE causes enemies to see me through a wall and my copy is up to date. I'm sitting here playing, sat in a corner with enemies on the other side, not moving and they suddenly got alerted -- Fine, a bug.
And don't tell me you haven't experienced slowly creeping up on someone that is patrolling and SUDDENLY they are alerted to you, magically. That has happened at least 10-15 times now. This is all worsened by the fact that when one guy / infected spots you, everybody else is alerted which means you have to burn through the ammo I barely have or fight when is just slapping square a million times and still dying because the 3 other infected hitting me will stop the attack and ultimately a clicker comes up from behind.
Damn, that is the EXACT part I'm at! And they do seem to 'hear' everything.I was sitting in a corner, not moving when they suddenly got alerted. I tried sneaking up on one of the patrols - They turn around straight away. I tried sneaking me way through, there's a shit ton of them and I've retried like 10-15 times now and running 'works' but when you get to the end it requires a boost / animation / put something in place you can jump on ...
All of them.Speaking of the murdering, I have a question for people who have finished the game.
Did you kill the doctors at the end?
The first half is shorter actually.
It took me 20 to finish.
The hybrid type infected can still see you via line of sight. If you're sneaking up behind them, there's a small animation window of vulnerability where you can grab them, otherwise they will turn around.
If it helps, I stealthed through the area by hugging the left side, going into the room with shelves, and then up the central stairs. Use a brick to distract. It was tense as fuck, though.
Speaking of the murdering, I have a question for people who have finished the game.
Did you kill the doctors at the end?
I didn't want to,so only the one that is blocking my path
I've had a couple of enemies literaly running aorund in circles (on several occasions, only 1 at a time). I could walk right up to them and it didn't break their running loop. Had to smack them in the head with a brick or something to jolt them out of it.The funniest bug I've seen in this game is enemies disappearing during Joel's death scenes. I've had several Clickers kill Joel, only to have the cutscene camera show Joel reacting to an invisible zombie attack.
When you meet the two brothers. The first time when you get separated you face like 10 infected and you can't really stealth it cause most of them are runners and they see you easily. The part where I'm stuck comes later when Ellie and the little boy get past the door and try to open it from the other side while you and the bigger brother wait and hold off against the infected. I don't have the ability to get away from a clicker by using a shiv and there's 4-5 of them and the area is quite small so it's quite easy for one to grab me which results in insta death. This one time I managed to run around and hold off pretty well but I was on the other side of the room, ie. near the stairs and that area was even more cramped and hence when I tried to run for the door I got grabbed by one of the clickers
It took me 20 to finish.
Ten hours in, this is till now the best game played this gen.
Only downsides are:
1: the friendly AI wich is undetectable by enemies during the stealth sections
2: At hard difficulty with no listen mode there i'v had a couple of "trial and error" stealth sections.
Apart from that it looks like a real gem. If it continues that way it will be glourious.
I was wondering about a certain encounter that was just impossible to do stealthily, but I'm not sure if it was bugged or not:
~55% game completion spoilers
In the sewer, on your way to the radio tower with Sam and Henry, after you get split up: are those infected that look like a cross between a clicker and a runner supposed to hear and see your every move?
They were impossible to evade and if I tried to sneak up on one, he always managed to spot me, even if he had his back to me. There were a lot of them too, so I thought I was supposed to stealth through, but I had to shoot my way through in the end.
Run!I am stuck in a place full of clickers and I dont have enough ammo!
It's true.I find it hard to believe this![]()
I am stuck in a place full of clickers and I dont have enough ammo!
If anyone is interested in what sound to choose, here's a post from a dev during the Uncharted 2 release
Clickers are pretty easy in my experience, just crouch and slowly move pass them like nobody. They won't even notice you in 0 distance unless you touch them generally. I hate moving runners a lot more, I can't seem to eliminate them without getting the whole area into crazy mode.
Speaking of interesting bugs, I have three to share:
1. Usually you cant grab one of the guys talking when they enter a scene because they are in a pack and would attack you immediately. In one building, there were a few guys and the guy saying "lets search these rooms" was in another room as the others. I ran to his room and stealth killed him while he was still talking. That deleted all of the other units as well.
2. In a big open area, at around 50%. I retried this scene a few times for perfect stealth because it seemed like the game was actively trying to get me to shoot at one point (so thatThe scene where Ellie gets the big rifle. In one retry all the enemies froze in their tracks and didnt move at all. Made for easy picking them off one by one.Ellie can join in
3. In the same area, on another try, I managed to pick off every single enemy stealthily. I noticed that the game then spawns new enemies to attack you when you either a) defeated all the enemies or b) start a fire fight. Since I managed to stealthkill them all (despite the game not planning on me doing that), the reinforcements spawned but were all standing on the same spot on one of the sides without moving or talking.
Not big bugs or anything, but fun to toy around with how the game works exactly.
It's true.
When you meet the two brothers. The first time when you get separated you face like 10 infected and you can't really stealth it cause most of them are runners and they see you easily. The part where I'm stuck comes later when Ellie and the little boy get past the door and try to open it from the other side while you and the bigger brother wait and hold off against the infected. I don't have the ability to get away from a clicker by using a shiv and there's 4-5 of them and the area is quite small so it's quite easy for one to grab me which results in insta death. This one time I managed to run around and hold off pretty well but I was on the other side of the room, ie. near the stairs and that area was even more cramped and hence when I tried to run for the door I got grabbed by one of the clickers
So when are they going to fix the load times?
I just clocked the game at six minutes loading :/
how in the hell does this happen?
Speaking of interesting bugs, I have three to share:
1. Usually you cant grab one of the guys talking when they enter a scene because they are in a pack and would attack you immediately. In one building, there were a few guys and the guy saying "lets search these rooms" was in another room as the others. I ran to his room and stealth killed him while he was still talking. That deleted all of the other units as well.
2. In a big open area, at around 50%. I retried this scene a few times for perfect stealth because it seemed like the game was actively trying to get me to shoot at one point (so thatThe scene where Ellie gets the big rifle. In one retry all the enemies froze in their tracks and didnt move at all. Made for easy picking them off one by one.Ellie can join in
3. In the same area, on another try, I managed to pick off every single enemy stealthily. I noticed that the game then spawns new enemies to attack you when you either a) defeated all the enemies or b) start a fire fight. Since I managed to stealthkill them all (despite the game not planning on me doing that), the reinforcements spawned but were all standing on the same spot on one of the sides without moving or talking.
Not big bugs or anything, but fun to toy around with how the game works exactly.
Has happened to me times and again.But several people have mentioned it in the thread, so let's not play the "Must be you" game.