I really don't get how some of you were able to finish this game in a few sittings. Personally my nerves can't handle more than a couple of hours at a time. Right now I'm inI'm overwhelmed.Pittsburgh's hotel and I just fell off the elevator.
I hardly used Listen Mode. The only thing annoying about the MP is that sometimes my teammates keep running everywhere which shows up on the radar. Can't believe the amount of games we've lost due to this. I can't be bothered to tell them either.To those playing Mp do you feel you must use listening mode to compete? Is it asmassively overpowered and abused as I'm hearing?
Well you were scavenging those houses, did you see the dialogue between Sam and Ellie playing darts? Dialogue between them seemed so natural
When I find myself in a terrible circumstance like that, I can't bear to leave the game until I've moved through it to a more comfortable point. Then, having cleared a major obstacle and come out alive, I can't help but play more because I'm energized and awake. Repeat until 4 a.m., two days in a row.
I hardly used Listen Mode. The only thing annoying about the MP is that sometimes my teammates keep running everywhere which shows up on the radar. Can't believe the amount of games we've lost due to this. I can't be bothered to tell them either.
I really don't get how some of you were able to finish this game in a few sittings. Personally my nerves can't handle more than a couple of hours at a time. Right now I'm inI'm overwhelmed.Pittsburgh's hotel and I just fell off the elevator.
Well you were scavenging those houses, did you see the dialogue between? Dialogue between them seemed so naturalSam and Ellie playing darts
Not being from USA myself, I decided to map Joel and Ellie's journey during the game...it looks as though from my point of view that their route was quite erratic.
Correct me if I am wrong, but they started out in Boston (East Coast), then to Lincoln, Nevada (West Coast), and then all the way back to the East coast (Pittsburgh) and then to Colorado (Central USA), then to Salt Lake City, Utah (Central/East Coast) & finally to Jackson Mississippi (South East)........
So in summary: East > West > East >Central> East>South East What a journey ! (or my geography skills are all messed up) lol
(late game)
Jesus...this fight againstis so fucking difficult. I barely have any health, no medkits, no silent weapons. Some ammo for my pistols and revolver, no shotgun or rifle ammo, and somethe Firefiles after learning about the surgeryammoflamethrower
I'm able to stealth kill a few but then I'm running out of ammo by the time more guys come and I'm not able to get to a good spot with being seen or shot at.
lol, I'm the same way kinda. I really only play it in like 2~ hour spurts because the game is so exhausting (mentally) to play sometimes.
lol no Lincoln is in the outskirts of Boston. It's a small historical town.
After watching the E3 2012 trailer, why'd they take out the ability to run while crouching and peek around corners while in cover? Seems like they had a proper cover system before like Uncharted aswell. It feels a lot more clunky in the final game due to it being automated. Also, is it possible to disarm enemies and have them beg for mercy? Never happened in my first playthrough.
Not being from USA myself, I decided to map Joel and Ellie's journey during the game...it looks as though from my point of view that their route was quite erratic.
Correct me if I am wrong, but they started out in Boston (East Coast), then to Lincoln, Nevada (West Coast), and then all the way back to the East coast (Pittsburgh) and then to Colorado (Central USA), then to Salt Lake City, Utah (Central/East Coast) & finally to Jackson Mississippi (South East)........
So in summary: East > West > East >Central> East>South East What a journey ! (or my geography skills are all messed up) lol
Oh good, I'm not the only one. I had a fear I had become lazy and I couldn't focus even though I really enjoy the game. Traditionally I play my 'day one' games almost all the way through in a sitting or two but as of recent I do spurts.
I just got toI know I'm not that far at all but I'd like to know how far I am (20%?) and if anything gameplay wise really switches up before the end.The ambush after leaving Bill's area
Really enjoying the game. <3 Naughty Dog
A-ha...well that makes more sense then![]()
Salt Lake City is also directly west of Colorado btw
How populated do you think the MP is? Unfortunately, unlike UC2, you can't see a concurrent number. I am really curious as to how it's doing
Also you missed this part,You go to Wyoming (Which is Tommy's Dam) at the start of fall. Basically you go from Boston to Pittsburgh to Wyoming to Utah back to Jackson (which is in Wyoming). It is assumed you are heading back to Tommy's place.
Hopefully that clears it up.
When I find myself in a terrible circumstance like that, I can't bear to leave the game until I've moved through it to a more comfortable point. Then, having cleared a major obstacle and come out alive, I can't help but play more because I'm energized and awake. Repeat until 4 a.m., two days in a row.
I just tried tolol, I'm the same way kinda. I really only play it in like 2~ hour spurts because the game is so exhausting (mentally) to play sometimes.
I'll probably wait for Gaffers to start playing the MP. Randoms are annoying.The scrubs are getting whittled out
MP is getting pretty tough now
Im looking forward to how competitive it will get when everyone becomes accustomed to everything
Hopefully that clears it up.
I just tried tostart the motor then got attacked by 3 Walkers before I pulled the cord the third time and died. Restarted the area, killed the Walkers, started the motor, then got my face split in half by a Bloater.
I just... can't.
Quick question, does the percent on my save file represent my distance into the game or does it also include the collectibles and stuff? I've been fairly thorough but I may have missed some collectibles. So I just want to gauge my time left. I just entered, seasonand am like 63%.Fall
Quick question, does the percent on my save file represent my distance into the game or does it also include the collectibles and stuff? I've been fairly thorough but I may have missed some collectibles. So I just want to gauge my time left. I just entered,seasonand am like 63%.Fall
Here's what I did:
Explore the area up top, find the key card, locate the door to use the card on and keep the location in mind. Go back down, start the motor and BOOK IT straight for the door. Swipe the card and GTFO. Made that whole encounter go by in a minute.
Which skill should I get first:
Shiv Master or Weapon Sway?
Argh, theis fucking hard. Anyone knows what to do?humvee part
Yep, buckle up.I just hit Fall thirty seconds ago.
I just hit Fall thirty seconds ago.
I just hit Fall thirty seconds ago.
I just hit Fall thirty seconds ago.
I just hit Fall thirty seconds ago.
I want neither. New IPs seem to really inspire ND to innovate and advance their genres. Keep us guessing.
Fuck this...been stuck at this same fight for the last hour
Very late game..Fireflies in the hospital
I have very little health and no medkits, no supplies to craft anything, and not much ammo. Every time I gain an advantage, I either get flanked or just get shot because only a few bullets kill me. I'm always able to stealth kill a few, but once they spread out, that's when the shit hits the fan. And I very rarely can pick up that useful gun
I don't want to reduce the difficulty. Not at 97%
No. I need TLoU2 in my life.