It pains me to see this game being suffocated and beaten to death by the PS3. Some sections are amazing looking and makes me think what could have been
Maybe we'll get a remastered edition of this on PS4 in a few years? (like the PS2 HD remakes)? Though I know it'll never happen what with the drastic change in architecture :/
It pains me to see this game being suffocated and beaten to death by the PS3. Some sections are amazing looking and makes me think what could have been
They couldn't have been, it takes money to make games impressive, and it takes hardware to sell those games. If it'd launched exclusively on the PS4, it would have been a money pit, they can always just port it afterall.
Maybe we'll get a remastered edition of this on PS4 in a few years? (like the PS2 HD remakes)? Though I know it'll never happen what with the drastic change in architecture :/
I played on hard and it was pretty difficult to just bum rush a guy if he was under cover. You would get hit quite a few times and there were a few times I didn't have enough supplies for first aid. Supplies are definitely more scarce on hard. (end game spoilers)
good luck rushing the dudes in the hospital with assault rifles on Hard. You die almost instantly.
was incredibly difficult and took me several tries. Standing up from cover and getting the attention of a single person and you go down before you can get back. I used the checkpoints to re-position myself and reset the guards patrol. Fighting them, is not worth it one bit on Hard.
That scene was amazing. The fact that I just put my controller down and watched the whole sequence speaks volumes about the quality of the dialogue in this game.
Does anyone else think there are almost too many resources available in the environment on normal? I'm only 30% in, mind you. But I'm having to leave all types of shit behind because I'm carrying a full inventory 90% of the time.
The source is... questionable, but even if it's in that ball park it's a fantastic launch
Completed the game today, didn't really like the ending, felt they should have cut out that last cutscene, but other than that the game was flawless
Never shouted so much at singleplayer in my life
Yeah I relied on stealth and quick headshots for that part. I'm trying to decide if I wanna do normal+ or just redo the game on hard. I feel like I missed out on alot of the suspense playing on normal because for about ~70% of the game I had nearly max ammo and max supplies
For all the complaints of its flaws, I can't think of a game that does it better. Certainly make's Dishonored's (which I also love) seem laughable.
Absolutely. I actually had a guy go full-on "oh fuck everyone else has been picked off by Batman, time to cower shaking behind a bed" around the apartment building part shown in one of the demos. Honestly, I only went and found/killed him because I was still employing listen mode at that point in the game. If I had turned it off already he'd probably have saved his life by hiding.
I love the way human enemies react in this game once they realize they're not dealing with an easy target. Adored the
"I bet he's full of shit, no way a pair of tourists took out the whole crew"
I thought I had killed everyone. No shots or movement or sound at all for a minute or two. So I start gathering up supplies and I turn a corner and there's a guy cowering against a wall out of sight. We both jump and then I shoot him
The netcode in the game is broken for me. When I get into a game, its fine 99% of the time. But its taking a long time to find games, and keeps disconnecting me just before the game starts, or failing to connect to the host. Both of these count as a quit game, with the clan punishment to show for it.
1) Is this a problem on my end, or a common occurence, and are there any patch plans either way?
2) How easy is it to get the clan back into a healthy shape?
The MP is great, but this will destroy it for me unless it can be fixed.
Maybe we'll get a remastered edition of this on PS4 in a few years? (like the PS2 HD remakes)? Though I know it'll never happen what with the drastic change in architecture :/
Does anyone else think there are almost too many resources available in the environment on normal? I'm only 30% in, mind you. But I'm having to leave all types of shit behind because I'm carrying a full inventory 90% of the time.
I've beaten the game on normal and Yes there is way too many resources around, I was crafting stuff I never used just to make room to pick up stuff. Switch to Hard if you can(I had no idea that was an option, thought you were stuck with whatever mode you started with)
The graphics in the game looked great to me for the most part. There framerate didn't seem to get too bad either. The place I noticed it the chugging the most was
Eastern Colorado University when you're walking around the campus
. The part that stood out as being the worst graphically for me was when
you're sniping and trying to protect Ellie, Sam, and Henry and the machine gun truck starts hunting them down. Just looked really awful to me.
Even if you felt more connected with Elizabeth, I'd like it a lot more if you could spend more time with the game's world and your escort instead of the hundreds of bullet sponges.
Bruce Straley/Neil Druckmann were two of the leads on UC2, then moved on to the TLOU. That's why I was excited about this game, and it seems to have paid off. It's beter than UC2, or any of the UC games. It feels like a culmination of that cinematic action game they've been making this generation.
Even if you felt more connected with Elizabeth, I'd like it a lot more if you could spend more time with the game's world and your escort instead of the hundreds of bullet sponges.
No, I absolutely feel more connected to Ellie and I've said multiple times throughout this thread how much greater of a character she is than Elizabeth, but I was talking about that one moment specifically.
What's the difference between hard and survivor? I might give that a try and see how that goes, if its too much for me I'll hop back down to Hard I guess.
Does anyone else think there are almost too many resources available in the environment on normal? I'm only 30% in, mind you. But I'm having to leave all types of shit behind because I'm carrying a full inventory 90% of the time.
Are you actually using your items or basically playing stealthy and hoarding it up? Normal is obviously easier than the other modes, so yea your going to have more access to stuff. If you play very stealthy, your going to be going around with a full inventory a lot. Don't be afraid to use your stuff
Hopefully they can do something to make it look better. I'm really hoping for a physical release, but I won't be surprised if Sony uses this game as one of its showcases for Gaikai.
Also the The Last Of Us documentary series is worth the season pass. They go through a lot about the making of the game in it, and even explains on how they did some of the amazing scenes from the game.
Finally beat it last night. This game is definitely one of the best I ever played and probably the best video game ending I have ever seen. Now time to check out multiplayer I guess.
This game! THIS GAME!!! Finished it last night, GOTY so far. What happens in the last half of this game is some of the most engaging moments in game history. The story is incredible, it's also the best movie I have seen all year.
I just have a few issues with the game that hold it back for me from being a "10" level game but this is a fantastic start. I feel like a sequel would nail the gameplay in the same way Uncharted 2 did when compared to the first.
What's the difference between hard and survivor? I might give that a try and see how that goes, if its too much for me I'll hop back down to Hard I guess.
It's like hard but with even less supplies. I'm not sure about hard but in survivor you can't kill every enemy, you will need to stealth and skip some because of the limited gear that you find.
Alright, jumping back in at 60%. I have to work a closing shift this evening, so I know I won't be able to finish it today. Maybe not even tomorrow night.
Bruce Straley/Neil Druckmann were two of the leads on UC2, then moved on to the TLOU. That's why I was excited about this game, and it seems to have paid off. It's beter than UC2, or any of the UC games. It feels like a culmination of that cinematic action game they've been making this generation.
Are you actually using your items or basically playing stealthy and hoarding it up? Normal is obviously easier than the other modes, so yea your going to have more access to stuff. If you play very stealthy, your going to be going around with a full inventory a lot. Don't be afraid to use your stuff
Hate to ask twice, but just wondering if anyone tried this. My download is going extremely slow even though my internet is good. Want to switch it from Wireless to wired, but I don't want to screw the install.
Seriously launch 20 gig? You have to die NOW? Goddammit, I'm gonna have to go across the street to gamestop and buy the awful looking new slim. Seven years buddy, we made it through seven years, and then The Last of Us brutally murdered us.
It's like hard but with even less supplies. I'm not sure about hard but in survivor you can't kill every enemy, you will need to stealth and skip some because of the limited gear that you find.
Alright thanks, yeah I'll give it a try and see what happens tonight. I played the majority of my first playthrough using stealth so it should be interesting (I assume all prompts and Listenmode is disabled as well)
I think when I finish this game I'll have been at it for over 20 hours. Crazy. Got 116 collectibles from searching although there were two areas that I got sort of locked out on.
Hate to ask twice, but just wondering if anyone tried this. My download is going extremely slow even though my internet is good. Want to switch it from Wireless to wired, but I don't want to screw the install.
Agreed. This is how I played it and the difficulty level was perfect. I would probably say turn listen mode on if you don't have surround sound or a decent pair of headphones, but the game is much better without it.
Gonna disagree, thought it was a great gameplay climax to that section of the story, impressive visually for the sense of scale and a hell of a setup for what follows.
Maybe it was my game but there were times where things just wouldn't load fully.Ellie even appeared pitch black at times because her textures wouldn't load. The cars/environment weren't as bad but they still had issues. Signs during gameplay videos were fully loaded but sometimes not in my play through .
Gonna disagree, thought it was a great gameplay climax to that section of the story, impressive visually for the sense of scale and a hell of a setup for what follows.
When you download off PSN there is an option to download in the background, then go to download management and then find what you're downloading (the last of us) then press triangle and there should be a pause option.
So everyone seems to love the bow so I guess I need to play with it some more to see if it's as great as everyone says. I tried it on the very first enemy you see after you pick it up (a clicker) and it took 3 arrows to put him down. And I lost all 3 arrows. Don't know if it was bad luck or what. I've used it once since then and it was a one hit kill and I got my arrow back, but I'm just really used to ignoring it by now. Hopefully I get to play some more tonight and fall in love with it like everyone else seems to have.
So everyone seems to love the bow so I guess I need to play with it some more to see if it's as great as everyone says. I tried it on the very first enemy you see after you pick it up (a clicker) and it took 3 arrows to put him down. And I lost all 3 arrows. Don't know if it was bad luck or what. I've used it once since then and it was a one hit kill and I got my arrow back, but I'm just really used to ignoring it by now. Hopefully I get to play some more tonight and fall in love with it like everyone else seems to have.
So everyone seems to love the bow so I guess I need to play with it some more to see if it's as great as everyone says. I tried it on the very first enemy you see after you pick it up (a clicker) and it took 3 arrows to put him down. And I lost all 3 arrows. Don't know if it was bad luck or what. I've used it once since then and it was a one hit kill and I got my arrow back, but I'm just really used to ignoring it by now. Hopefully I get to play some more tonight and fall in love with it like everyone else seems to have.
Absolutely love the game. I'm about 63% done at the moment. The pacing and the overall world they've built is both sad and beautiful. I unfortunately had to keep taking breaks due to the thunder storms we've been having lately. Multiplayer is a blast too. Haven't had this much fun since MGO. Actual teamwork at play for most of my matches.
Has anyone from ND said anything about a patch for some of the technical issues? I've had two trophies glitch on me and have been reading about the rest of the trophy list being bugged as well. The official forums are also pretty filled with reports of other issues. I was hoping there'd be some sort of acknowledgement about it today.
Went away on a Two-day trip with the lady and came back today, played a bit more and I'm at 41% in 6-7 hours long, really taking my time because I don't want this game to end.
I'm lacking more bullets now, however. This game is amazing. Going to start Chapter 5 soon.