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The Last of Us |OT| It Can’t Be For Nothing (Spoilers)

Beat the game earlier today on Hard. Was a tad difficult, until suddenly all the mechanics clicked with me. I got less stingy and smarter with using crafted items and I pretty much breezed through the latter half. Definitely would have been too easy for me on Normal. Game was amazing. Dat ending. So many feels. Strong 9/10. No real complaints.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Just got to Winter. Stopped for the night.

This game is the real fuckin' deal. The handling and the growth of these characters relationship is the best I've seen in a game. It gets better and better and it's to the point I'm almost floored.

It seriously does... It's just crazy. I just know I'm going to be disappointed eventually. 13 hours in and I just made it the part of this thread's
. Starting to feel a little depressed now. It's all going to be
for nothing in the end, isn't it?

Actually, don't answer that part!

Hoping I can power through to the end tomorrow. Loving every moment of this game.

On a technical note, though, I had my first freeze tonight. Never had freezing problems on my PS3 before. It also takes between four and six minutes to get into the game from a cold boot of my PS3. Kind of ridiculous, but I'm playing for 2-3 hours sessions, so I don't mind too much.
Just started this game tonight. Perhaps a third of the way thru it. So far - wow. The characters and acting is excellent, the plot has grabbed me, and I am completely enjoying myself. What an achievement.
Feel the same way about this as I do about the Uncharted series. Wish there was less combat. Loving the story and the environments but just getting tired of the stealth/combat mechanics.


What would you like to do in this game instead?

I'm not the guy you quoted, but for me, I didn't want less combat so much as have it less bunched up. It seemed to be like that more towards the end of the game: Huge battles, instead of intermittent skirmished with only 2 or 3 guys. I did use the listen R2 mechanic. And there were several times I saw tons of guys, took them out, used R2, and saw a ton more coming in after.

Don't get me wrong though, I actually really liked the combat in this game. Loved the impactful feel of combat, both guns and melee. And I loved stealthing around. Especially with this weapon (weapon spoilers):
the bow and arrow


I just found Tommy and his hideout, then it got raided. I fended off the raid and stopped after Ellie ran away.

Have you died alot so far?

Because if you have, than where you're at might take you way more than 4-5 hours.

Especially since there are some encounters, particularly near the end, that are very fucking difficult.

I spent an hour during that particular skirmish alone, just fyi.

Also, unless you have to return it the next day, why not try to soak it in as much as possible? Especially since you're never going to be able to experience this game the same way ever again.
Amazon had some survival editions in stock a while ago and they're already sold out. Seemed like they had 15 of them and they were available for like 2 hours before I got the notification email. Kind of wish I had waited and grabbed one of those


Also, unless you have to return it the next day, why not try to soak it in as much as possible? Especially since you're never going to be able to experience this game the same way ever again.

I do feel I've sufficiently soaked. I'm ready to discover this game's secrets.


I do feel I've sufficiently soaked. I'm ready to discover this game's secrets.

This game doesn't really have any secrets though.

It's more about what you've experienced along this journey, and what your about to experience, than some "Elizabeth is your..." type of twist
What would you like to do in this game instead?

Have less combat scenarios and less resources. Have some situations you could talk or barter your way out of. Again I just feel, like in Uncharted, there are too many enemies that I've dealt with by the latter half of the game. And the volume of guys per scenario increases then too which doesn't help matters.

It might also be the setting too. Can get pretty heavy playing in bursts. think I'd honestly prefer it as an episodic game, like The Walking Dead. Personally I think ND games would benefit from that format. The games are so cinematic it feels like watching a movie or tv show...


Man, Bill is great. And I was thinking to myself earlier "he really reminds me of Dan from Deadwood" and what do you know, that's the voice actor. Dude puts in a great performance here.

My PS3 is gasping for air when I pause the game. Fans at mach 5.

When the game is PAUSED, bruh.

Last of Us pls. Don't kill it before GTAV
LOL mine too man. Mine is a freaking launch phatty and it's really struggling.


This game doesn't really have any secrets though.

It's more about what you've experienced along this journey, and what your about to experience, than some "Elizabeth is your..." type of twist

I didn't mean literal secrets... I just mean like, everything I haven't seen yet. Secrets to me.


It might also be the setting too. Can get pretty heavy playing in bursts. think I'd honestly prefer it as an episodic game, like The Walking Dead. Personally I think ND games would benefit from that format. The games are so cinematic it feels like watching a movie or tv show...
The greatest advantage of this being that we would get more TLoU sooner.


How it must feel for the Naughty Dog devs reading this thread. It's pretty much a slobbering love fest in here.



I don't even know if were going to experience a back lash with this like we did with Infinite.

The only legit complaints I could see being argued is the ai.

But that's a small drop in a large ocean (when you consider the game as a whole).

With Infinite the whole dissonance issue was huge, as well as the racism angle not fitting in, nor the whole vox poppuli revolution feeling shoe horned in.


OK, I started playing this at 10:30 p.m., wrapped around 3 a.m. I'm at "The Woods." I'm amazed to say it: This game has legitimately great GAMEPLAY. It goes without saying that the art direction, OST, VA, etc, are all top-notch, but I'm really, truly impressed by how well the game PLAYS.

In my head, I'm trying to sort through all of the elements that make it work so well. It's a potent combination of many small things working together in perfect harmony. Like the way Joel effortlessly segues in and out of cover without any jarring transition; the way he organically feels his way along the walls as he creeps in the dark, and leans around corners, and how his partners effortlessly squeeze in beside him, keeping a low profile.

The sneaking controls are tight and deliberate, not fiddly or oversensitive like an MGS game. And that's great, because this game has been primarily a stealth title so far. Probably the best stealth game I've ever played -- listening in on enemies to pin down their location and movement within a limited range, observing their patterns (easy enough to pin down, yet with just enough spontaneity to seem "alive" or sentient), and then tightly winding your way around the many interconnected rooms and passageways, distracting and drawing away your foes with an effortless toss of a brick or glass, and then closing in for a shiv to the throat, a drawn-out stranglehold or, if they see you, a rollicking brawl/fast-paced shoot-out.

Speaking of which, there's another balance the game strikes well -- when hell DOES break out and you find yourself outnumbered and outgunned, even amongst the deadly one-hit-kill Clickers, your ability to sprint out of dogpiles or beat back most enemies with quick melee strikes and then shake even the most relentless pursuers by weaving in and out of rooms and diving into the shadows create a sense of exhilaration without the hopeless annihilation that often results from being detected in other games. I love it.

So stealth and the build-up/release of confrontation/takedown is the taut sinew that holds this game together, but then you have the air that fills its lungs, the "breathers" in the form of soaking up the lush environmental detail, and heading off the beaten path, never quite getting lost but always finding some supplies to reward you for your thoroughness. Supplies aren't hyper-abundant like the loot in BioShock Infinite (a game I loved), but that makes it all the more precious. Playing on "Normal" difficulty, it seems like there's just the right amount of supplies, enough for me to make a couple shivs every now and then, and to keep at least couple of first aid kits in tow.

I've yet to upgrade my character with the supplements or upgrade my weapons/holsters with the gears, but I appreciate those extra RPG-lite layers being here, as well.

I appreciate how the gunplay feels truly lethal here; enemies don't seem bullet-spongy, and neither does Joel himself. I like how crafting and healing is in real-time. I like having a flashlight I can use to explore my surroundings or turn off to feel more stealthy, and I like shaking the controller to fix my flashlight's battery when it periodically goes on the fritz. I like how easy it is to pick up planks and bricks and bottles and use them to pump up melee attacks or trick unsuspecting enemies into investigating the wrong corner of the room.

I love -- LOVE -- how in a game with AAA production values and a third-person view of a character with a gun, I'm barely doing any shooting; bullets are scarce but valuable for getting out of tight fixes, so there's incentive to shoot less and THINK more. And when the fisticuffs and sneaking and stealth kills are as fun as they are, it's easy to lay off the trigger, which in turn makes the times when you use a gun all the more impactful. This balance makes the experience as a whole feels all the more refreshing. I loved the Uncharted games, but this is so fresh coming off of them, and really proves a versatility I never knew ND could achieve.

Oh, and another thing: This game has such admirable restraint. Again, maybe it's because I'm accustomed to the (fittingly pulpy and genre-inspired) bombast of the Uncharted series, but there are so many moments in TLoU so far where the game opts for a quiet moment instead of a loud one, or a gentle whimper instead of a roar. The scaffolding you just stepped on creaked, but it didn't give way so that you could dramatically jump to safety; no, it just creaked beneath your weight, making you truly feel the strain of time on a skyscraper being slowly reclaimed by nature.

Man, so much to say. Between this and Animal Crossing: New Leaf -- two games that couldn't be more different, yet couldn't be more perfect for each other -- I'm in gaming NIRVANA.


Literally just had to quit the game because it was so boring.
No enemy encounters for 40m, just wandering around looking for supplies, wtf how is that fun. Even more so if the "running" animation is slow as hell, gimme something to shoot at, don't bore me with this shit.
Literally just had to quit the game because it was so boring.
No enemy encounters for 40m, just wandering around looking for supplies, wtf how is that fun. Even more so if the "running" animation is slow as hell, gimme something to shoot at, don't bore me with this shit.
Whoa, this couldn't be more opposite of my thoughts.
Bollocks said:
Literally just had to quit the game because it was so boring.
No enemy encounters for 40m, just wandering around looking for supplies, wtf how is that fun. Even more so if the "running" animation is slow as hell, gimme something to shoot at, don't bore me with this shit.

Your name suits your view ;)

Sorry to hear you don't like the game, I guess you can't please everyone though.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I got less stingy and smarter with using crafted items and I pretty much breezed through the latter half.

Yeah, I'm finding the difficulty of hard becomes less so when you start being more versatile with your equipment and not trying to hoard bits and pieces. Same goes for meticulously stealthing undetected through every area. Wrestling a dude to the ground in a punch out looks great, but throwing a brick at his head, then running up for ye old pipe-to-face in an extremely useful tactic. Same goes for bottlenecking and hitting them with a molotov.
Literally just had to quit the game because it was so boring.
No enemy encounters for 40m, just wandering around looking for supplies, wtf how is that fun. Even more so if the "running" animation is slow as hell, gimme something to shoot at, don't bore me with this shit.

(Today, 01:11 AM)


anybody here actively plays MP?
still deciding whether i should buy this game or not... every day seems like more people are saying how great the game is... aaaaaaaaargh


Literally just had to quit the game because it was so boring.
No enemy encounters for 40m, just wandering around looking for supplies, wtf how is that fun. Even more so if the "running" animation is slow as hell, gimme something to shoot at, don't bore me with this shit.

Maybe you should return it and trade for action horror games rather than survival horror games.

If you bought it and expected it to be like Dead Space 3 having enemy wave on every 2 minutes sorry you are gonna be disappointed.


Junior Member
Literally just had to quit the game because it was so boring.
No enemy encounters for 40m, just wandering around looking for supplies, wtf how is that fun. Even more so if the "running" animation is slow as hell, gimme something to shoot at, don't bore me with this shit.

Please tell me you are joking right??


Literally just had to quit the game because it was so boring.
No enemy encounters for 40m, just wandering around looking for supplies, wtf how is that fun. Even more so if the "running" animation is slow as hell, gimme something to shoot at, don't bore me with this shit.

Actually they want you to get emotionally attached to the characters. If you thought it to be another run and shoot type of zombie hunting game then you have selected a wrong title.
Incase you dont like it then i would say go and watch the movie the road instead.


your SUPPOSED to sneak.

Going the combat route is practically impossible.

Oh, oops then! I tried the stealth approach the first couple of times. After failing, I said f* it and went Rambo. I took out everybody with my trusty bow and arrows and el diablo. Shit was fun!


Just got to Winter. Stopped for the night.

This game is the real fuckin' deal. The handling and the growth of these characters relationship is the best I've seen in a game. It gets better and better and it's to the point I'm almost floored.

You and me both- there's snow falling!

Joel getting hurt, bleeding out all over the floor was something I didn't expect- I don't know why! I felt like I had been taking it so slowly, silently killing most, running from infected- but that encounter I just ran. Zipping through gun shots, straight down the stairs, darting away from enemies. As that guy pushed him over the ledge into that struggle with the Square button, I was half expecting Ellie to shoot him like last time.

Staggering through the hallway, blacking out near the exit...

This game. This glorious game.
I just realized
you need to beat the game at least 8 times to get a platinum trophy + multiplayer stuff... If you beat the game on normal it does not also give you the trophy for easy mode.

a few pages ago I mentioned there is a trick that will let you play survivor on first playthrough or take you new game plus gear to a new difficulty.


I wish they had implemented some sort of treasure hunting thing again to make exporing worthwhile. I like to explore in games like this, and finding extra supplies as the only reward is completely unsatisfying as theyre unnecessary. The letters arent great fun either
Gotta admit i'm not a big fan of the multiplayer. The gameplay types are limited, there's not much progression. It kinda feels shoe-horned in. People are saying this is original multiplayer but it's basically a stealth version of gears of war except that has a much higher variety of weapons, executions and better maps. Then there's the fact that everyone can pick up parts means there's almost no exclusivity and uniqueness in crafting weapons.

I get the same vibes from playing this MP to max payne 3 multiplayer - a very competent single player experience which just doesnt translate to multiplayer very well. That's okay though cos the single player is awesome and that's where most of the effort has gone.

Ill just stick to playing the SP over and over.


I wish they had implemented some sort of treasure hunting thing again to make exporing worthwhile. I like to explore in games like this, and finding extra supplies as the only reward is completely unsatisfying as theyre unnecessary. The letters arent great fun either

the letters are great. especially the ish one's in the sewer.
I wish they had implemented some sort of treasure hunting thing again to make exporing worthwhile. I like to explore in games like this, and finding extra supplies as the only reward is completely unsatisfying as theyre unnecessary. The letters arent great fun either

There's the comics and the fireflies dog tags too.
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