The game is marvelous indeed. Not difficult to find the way through.
My advice to trophy hunters:
- Play through the story first, no collectibles
- Survivor Mode. Collectibles. Optional Conversations.
- Survivor+. Clean Up.
I guarantee you will miss a bunch. I went in with a guide and missed 2. Game is chock full of them.
Your best bet is to comb through them later seeing as they lead to a ton of salvage as well to craft items.
Sucks about your lost time, but hey, the game is so damn good who cares right?
I scoured like a bastard for collectibles and still ended up missing a bunch =/
Im on the warpath now though, strategy guide in tow.
Those are the games that got me hooked on hard-as-nails difficulties and slower paced gameplay. Before I was avoided high difficulties, but those games are so rewarding yet so fucking intense at the same time. They're practically survival horror games and IMO have the best enemy design in any game or movie ever. You have to cautious, careful, and smart...or you dieDemon's Souls and Dark Souls would be right up your alley if you haven't played them yet.![]()
I've made it all the way into week 12 in the MP only to realize that buying items do not deduct from the final supplies bonus that you get based on your total parts collected. Fuckkkkkk I've been going without armor all this while!!
Demon's Souls and Dark Souls would be right up your alley if you haven't played them yet.![]()
I've never been a huge fan of molotv cocktails within games. They're usually pretty messy and somewhat inconsistent in their spread. Sometimes the fire wont fully finish enemies off either in my experiences.
In this game though? They're slowly becoming my new go-to weapon and Im seeing how valuable they really are. It's gotten to the point where Im anxious to get three (or if possible more) enemies bunched up together so I can burn them all down with one accurate toss.
It's just such a beautiful weapon. The sound of the lighter igniting the rag, seeing the alcohol slosh in the bottle as you're carrying it, and then that gentle perfect breaking sound when it hits the ground.
I've made it all the way into week 12 in the MP only to realize that buying items do not deduct from the final supplies bonus that you get based on your total parts collected. Fuckkkkkk I've been going without armor all this while!!
I've found armor is a huge key to success in multiplayer. Such an advantage. I've turned around a lot of matches once I was able to collect enough to start wearing armor.
Yup. The match totals is only determined from your scoreboard score. The in game parts can all be spent without penalty. I just finished 12 weeks. I can't believe I just figured this out.Wait, WAT? The parts you collect can be used in the store without it affecting your end match totals?
I've never been a huge fan of molotov cocktails within games. They're usually pretty messy and somewhat inconsistent in their spread. Sometimes the fire wont fully finish enemies off either in my experiences.
In this game though? They're slowly becoming my new go-to weapon and Im seeing how valuable they really are. It's gotten to the point where Im anxious to get three (or if possible more) enemies bunched up together so I can burn them all down with one accurate toss.
It's just such a beautiful weapon. The sound of the lighter igniting the rag, seeing the alcohol slosh in the bottle as you're carrying it, and then that gentle breaking sound when it hits the ground.
Check your save fileyou're about halfway
Thanks guys.Depending on how you play, 6-7 hours left? More than Half way basically i would say.
Use melee, run around quite a bit. If you need to, run to the end, climb up on the rubble, and they can't come up all at once, giving you a little more time to beat on them.Stuck pretty early in the game. Suggestions?
I'm in the Goldstone building/skyscraper where I've jumped down into an area (leaving Tess and Ellie on the above floor) with some runners and one clicker. I get that it's all about stealth, but every time I think I've picked off a runner in seclusion, I get swarmed by everyone else in the area.
They really are a godsend.
Stuck pretty early in the game. Suggestions?
I'm in the Goldstone building/skyscraper where I've jumped down into an area (leaving Tess and Ellie on the above floor) with some runners and one clicker. I get that it's all about stealth, but every time I think I've picked off a runner in seclusion, I get swarmed by everyone else in the area.
Wow I never knew how effective they were against Bloaters. Note to self...
Personally I try to avoid those bigguns whenever possible.
No way would I play on Survivor or Survivor+ looking for collectibles and cleanup. Wayy too much time fucking around and searching which could lead to untimely deaths. My hard+ run Im in currently is for cleaning up and the convos, not to mention maxing out Joels skills and weapon upgrades.
Most of the collectibles aren't dangerous to find and almost always have some good items nearby. So you want to at least collect a chunk of them. Especially the shiv doors.
Stuck pretty early in the game. Suggestions?
I'm in the Goldstone building/skyscraper where I've jumped down into an area (leaving Tess and Ellie on the above floor) with some runners and one clicker. I get that it's all about stealth, but every time I think I've picked off a runner in seclusion, I get swarmed by everyone else in the area.
Yup. The match totals is only determined from your scoreboard score. The in game parts can all be spent without penalty. I just finished 12 weeks. I can't believe I just figured this out.
Throw something near the Clicker to get its attention. It'll start walking around after that so sneak up and stealth kill it. The rest is pretty straight forward.
Not the end of the world. I suggest:I'm doing normal. I probably shouldn't have gotten the shiv master upgrade as it's really easy to restart... oh well.
God I love the bow in this game. It's so satisfying to lead the enemy perfectly while they're moving and pull off a headshot. When the arrow doesn't break it just feels like such a nice bonus too.
I got to Fall last night. The end of Summer seemed a perfect time to stop playing for the night. Man this is a heavy game.
That's fairly easy. Yet long to explain. Doing this room the way I detail will help you immensely in the game ahead. Use these tactics to help you everywhere else.
Once you drop down, crouch (and stay this way the entire time) go to the right and switch out for the lead pipe melee weapon (just in case). Look around the corner on the left and there's a runner standing there by himself. Sneak up behind him and when you get close enough, grab him and choke him out with square. Grab the brick laying nearby if you don't already have one. Turn around and go back to the hallway you dropped in from. Check your listen mode for the roaming runner. Once he goes past the hall from the left to the right, sneak through to the room on the left and stay on the right side. You'll come up to a desk on the right and stay crouched there hiding. Check listen mode and wait for the roaming runner to come into the room again. wait until he pauses and starts walking away (don't worry he shouldn't see you), sneak up and choke him out. Go back to the hallway (while checking listen mode so a runner doesn't see you) and go right. There is a desk. Go to the right side of it and wait. A runner should walk around to the open doorway and look into the hallway. Once he turns around, immediately sneak up and grab then choke him. It shouldn't alert the clicker standing nearby. Once that is done, turn around and go back into the hallway. There is one last roaming runner in the last room on the right. Check listen mode and watch his patrol path. Once he moves from the doorway, immediately sneak up and choke him out. If you did everything right the clicker is the last one alive and still not moving. Sneak up slowly then once you get close enough, grab your brick (you still have your brick right?) and bash him in the head. There you go. If anything went wrong, that's why you have the pipe and hopefully enough ammo. Run around and pick up all the stuff you left laying around.
Good luck!![]()
Yeah, I finished it in thirteen hours, and I don't feel like I rushed at all, replaying it I'm taking a little more time, but I'm surprised people are getting thirty hours out of it.I just hit Spring last night at around 11.5 hours on normal. I have 1 trophy for the game. Fantastic so far though, although it seems I'm getting through it faster than most.
Or how about when the arrow doesn't break AND they drop some goodies?
I managed to oneshot a clicker, get my arrow back and pick up six shotgun shells off the body. I was pleased.
How did you one shot a clicker? I hit them in the head and they just dust it off D:
Yup. The match totals is only determined from your scoreboard score. The in game parts can all be spent without penalty. I just finished 12 weeks. I can't believe I just figured this out.
You can't, + doesn't allow you to change difficulty upwards.I've died maybe 10-12 times on normal and only found it hard in a few parts (due to no stealth option and overwhelming odds). Was thinking of playing new game+ on hard, how much harder is it?
The first four levels of UC2 are pretty bad. Climbing tutorial, stealth tutorial, explosive charges planting, blue flame cave thing. It's not till Urban Warfare it picks up.I'm a few hours in, people said game is getting really good after some time.
Nothing special so far to be honest, nowhere near the quality of Uncharted 2 in the first couple of hours.