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The Last of Us |OT| It Can’t Be For Nothing (Spoilers)


You can also try running to the Molotov guy, he won't throw the bomb if you're too close.

Any bullets? Try and make the molotov guy your main target.

Dont you have the
El Diablo and Shorty
by that time? Those combined with the Jack Torrance special make short work of that area.

I didn't realize there was only one molotov guy. I'll scope him out. I have some ammo, enough to make it through for sure if I don't get roasted. Thanks


This game has some Uncharted-like frustrating moments.

The part where you are hanging upside down while Ellie tries to lower you down. Fuck that part. I have no problem one-shotting the runners. But the fucking Clicker won't die even with one nicely placed headshot. And he was often too fast before I can aim the 2nd time. It's not until I start shooting at it from far away a couple of times that he collapse by the time I can headshot him. But still, FUCK THAT PART!
There's one section that is almost exactly like a level in UC2.
80% complete and im in winter with 13 hours of gameplay. Solid and great game and deserves all its accolades and top reviews. Simply gorgeous looking out at the snow and lake and other areas. Loved the deer hunt as well (wont get into it dont want to spoil anything)

Ive played mp extensively and do pretty good. I probably average about 6 kills but have games where i have more or less. Def. like a manhunt type thing where everyone is sneaking around and you have to sneak up and kill them. Love the execution animations and the graphics in Mp are really beautiful. Love the stealth gameplay and dropping bombs to later hear someone get blown to bits!!!!!!! Love the melee weapons!!!!!!! Everything is just on point.

I agree with most though it shocks me that no infected were added to the mp gameplay either as an opposing side or just as events happening in the game. How cool would have that been if halfway through the game a horde of infected stormed in chasing players!!!!!!! And everyone scrambling to kill them, meanwhile also killing the occupied opponents.


Gold Member
Great game. Can't wait to start NG+. Took me around 19 hours and 170 some-odd deaths. Some things just didn't really click until Winter when I stopped getting completely lost and dying so damned much.


There's definitely plenty of arrows to be found after you meet Bill,
leave the church and go around that small neighborhood
. Enemies do indeed drop them but it's extremely rare for it to happen. It's only occurred a couple times for me so far.

Yeah, I did find a few there. But those were gone before I hit the hotel section. Found maybe 2 in the hotel. Then I went without up until

I'm currently maxed out on arrows, I seem to find plenty. And although I don't use them too much, I've only had one arrow shot that wasn't reusable.

You playing on normal or hard? I haven't had anything maxed in my playthrough ever. Pretty much use all that I have at my disposal in some encounters. It sounds like I'm whining, but I actually love that the game is really stingy with resources. Definitely makes it feel like a proper survival game. Usually by now I'd be swimming in ammo/health packs in other survival games anyway. It's very well balanced in this one. Definitely a lot of deal with the hand you are dealt situations which makes for some fun improvising.

sniper encounter
with only my shorty and 2 smoke bombs was a lot of fun and demanded some very careful planning.


Anxious to get back into this today. I was knocked out of commission with a nasty virus yesterday and was too sick to get out of bed, let alone play games.


I'm a little past 1/2 way through the game and I'm loving it. There are some very gamie parts that take me out of the experience however and I wish they could have been polished a little better and fit more seamlessly into the narrative and setting.

About 1/2 way through the game
and I'm in a school I think and get separated from Ellie and I have to find my way back to her. The place is empty and I'm going around grabbing supplies and I find a door with a press triangle prompt. I figure that is where I need to go next but decide to do a final sweep for stuff before I continue. I find a couple more things then go back to the door and it tells me "You need a keycard". Now the school is suddenly filled with about 6 enemies that weren't there before. Where did they come from?

Okay so I take them out and get the keycard that is in a room that wasn't there before. I can only assume the door to the room magically opened when I tried to open the other door. Then I try to use the keycard but I need to turn a generator on now. The noise the generator makes attracts a crap load of enemies that weren't there before but whatever, I'm willing to buy the noise did that more then "you quietly trying to open a locked door causes enemies to magically spawn". I decide the best thing to do is just run for the door. I bolt there as fast as I can with 10 guys including a bloater chasing me and I get to the door then Joel takes his sweet ass time opening it. He just casually pulls the card out of his pocket, swipes it, opens the door, goes in and closes it behind him. No enemies are chasing me anymore. Starting the swipe the card animation causes them to disappear. Seriously what the fuck? I should had to frantically shut the door behind me and finding the keycard should have only happened if I missed it before I got to the door, not required. Especially since those enemies where easy as pie to shiv from behind.

The game still has me hooked however. The character development is way better then Uncharted with it's "Hi I'm the camera guy and I die in 5 minutes. Please care about my death even though I've given you no reason to give two shits about me". If Ellie dies, I am going to care about it. Although I have a feeling, I'm the one who's going to die.

I played like 4 hours straight last night without even realizing it. My headphones dying was the only reason I stopped and looked at the clock


Yeah, I did find a few there. But those were gone before I hit the hotel section. Found maybe 2 in the hotel. Then I went without up until

You playing on normal or hard? I haven't had anything maxed in my playthrough ever. Pretty much use all that I have at my disposal in some encounters. It sounds like I'm whining, but I actually love that the game is really stingy with resources. Definitely makes it feel like a proper survival game. Usually by now I'd be swimming in ammo/health packs in other games anyway. It's pretty well balanced in this one. Definitely a lot of deal with the hand you are dealt situations which makes for some fun improvising.

Def not whining. I guess everyone's playthroughs are gonna be different. I played on Hard my first run and a couple times I was maxed out with arrows (isnt it 9 total you can carry?) Ill tell you this though, I definitely wasnt using it as much then as I am now.
Did anyone figure out where to trigger this optional event?

"There's a segment in The Last of US where you can go off the beaten path if you want, where you leave Ellie and this other character Bill behind, and explore a house," says Druckmann.

Neil Druckmann
"When you return, something has happened to Ellie that she wants to talk to you about. She asks, hey, have you got a minute? She wants to talk in private. So it's down to you whether you want to talk to Ellie or say to her, no, not right now, we've got work to do.


I thought it was the part where you get the nail bomb and you can explore upstairs, but when I came back down that didn't trigger.


Did anyone figure out where to trigger this optional event?


I thought it was the part where you get the nail bomb and you can explore upstairs, but when I came back down that didn't trigger.

Its just another optional conversation. After you leave Bills place, it occurs in the second house (the one after the treehouse in the backyard). Go up to the boys bedroom and pick up his diary. Read it, and Ellie comes walking in.


Dude, Ellie's
joke book.

Definitely. It seems I missed a few. I'll have to get those after I finish my first run. The cutscene after Bill,
in the car, the scene with Ellie casually pulling out the male nude magazine was fun. So that's why Bill was so paranoid about her going through his stuff lol.
I absolutely adore her, such a cool girl.


Did anyone figure out where to trigger this optional event?


I thought it was the part where you get the nail bomb and you can explore upstairs, but when I came back down that didn't trigger.

I triggered that, I don't recall getting an option to listen to what she wants to talk about or not. Joel just said not right now without giving me an option to choose if I wanted to here what she had to say or not


Had a really weird glitch today. I was playing through the game and was near the end of the
Pittsburgh area where after meeting up with the two brothers, you try to get to the bridge.
I got involved in a fight where Joel barely survived and my health bar was basically depleted. I don't know if it was supposed to register as a death or what though, because even though health still mattered (for instance when my hud was blinking red telling me I was near death, I could use a health pack and still regenerate health) my freaking health bar disappeared.

I tried dying, that didn't fix it, then I tried to just go back to the main menu and reload my save and that didn't fix it either. I decided to just continue playing anyway and played for about another hour or so and got to
the beginning of the suburbs after exiting the sewers.
I decided that would be a good time to quit, so I saved my game and turned off my PS3. Then I decided just to make sure, to restart The Last of Us and lo and behold, my health bar is back. (which I'm very happy about, would have been annoying to play the 2nd half of the game with no health bar)


I triggered that, I don't recall getting an option to listen to what she wants to talk about or not. Joel just said not right now without giving me an option to choose if I wanted to here what she had to say or not

You do get the normal triangle convo prompt as usual.

Ellie tells you
that she is really sorry about Tess's death. Joel just kinda mumbles "Okay..."


I don't recall seeing an optional dialogue prompt. Ah well, It's doubtful that was the only one I missed so I won't be getting the trophy this play through anyway.


Literally just had to quit the game because it was so boring.
No enemy encounters for 40m, just wandering around looking for supplies, wtf how is that fun. Even more so if the "running" animation is slow as hell, gimme something to shoot at, don't bore me with this shit.

Call of Duty Ghosts Release Date: November 5


"If one of you two would just let me use a gun, I could help you kill some of these fuckers!"

Bill/Joel simultaneously whisper: "Shut up!"

Literally just had to quit the game because it was so boring.
No enemy encounters for 40m, just wandering around looking for supplies, wtf how is that fun. Even more so if the "running" animation is slow as hell, gimme something to shoot at, don't bore me with this shit.
Are you serious?

It called pacing. Very few games do it well. But TLOU blows every other game out of the water, pacing-wise
I actually came to enjoy all the mundane things like scavenging for supplies and simplistic traversal puzzles or just walking and talking with NPCs and seeing all the little side-stories and environmental storytelling ND painstakingly crafted. The combat scenarios are so tense and exhausting sometimes, I enjoy the breather. I think it's better this way instead of being turned to 11 the whole time. You really feel that sense of a journey and progression with it's various highs and lows, and the violence is that much more effective when it breaks up the quiet moments.

Infinite tried something similar, but I detested the scavenging in that game. That's actually my biggest problem with it, great game that it was. I think TLOU's scavenging is more naturally built into the storytelling and mechanics of the game.
Finished it on normal after a little over 18 hours.

Gameplay wise, story wise, tone wise and pacing wise this game is a marvel.

Please excuse me now as I check myself in for some therapy.
Anyone else playing on Survivor mode been incredibly late getting the Hunting Rifle? I just got to where you get the shotgun and I still don't have it :/ Originally got it right after the
That's weird. Was the revolver in the same spot?

Yep, same spot. Guess it might have not appeared, I definitely checked the column in that hallway. Hopefully I come across an enemy with one in the next town.

Also: Plaid shirts must be the most hilariously humdrum unlockable ever.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Are you serious?

It called pacing. Very few games do it well. But TLOU blows every other game out of the water, pacing-wise

While The Last of Us is damn finely paced, Resident Evil 4 is still king in that regard.

Not me, not Capcom, not anyone knows how the fuck they did it. But they did.


Yep, same spot. Guess it might have not appeared, I definitely checked the column in that hallway. Hopefully I come across an enemy with one in the next town.

Also: Plaid shirts must be the most hilariously humdrum unlockable ever.

True. I like the regular brown tee and then when it starts raining I put on dat plaid.

And yes, re4 still owns in the pacing department =D

Although I put this one right up there damn near next to it


While The Last of Us is damn finely paced, Resident Evil 4 is still king in that regard.

Not me, not Capcom, not anyone knows how the fuck they did it. But they did.
What's the definitive version of Resident Evil 4, including emulation? I haven't played it in 8 years and I kind of feel like goin' back.


Loving survivor so far. Glad I played hard before it. I can't imagine how most people would handle the lack of supplies.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
What's the definitive version of Resident Evil 4, including emulation? I haven't played it in 8 years and I kind of feel like goin' back.

I'd like to know this, too. I know there are several versions out there. The last one I played was the Wii version, which was excellent if I recall.


What's the definitive version of Resident Evil 4? I haven't played it in 8 years and I kind of feel like goin' back.

Either the Wii version or the 'Cube with a Wavebird controller is considered the "definitive."

Otherwise just go grab the HD version for PS3 or 360. It's got all of the extras included from the PS2 version (Ada missions most importantly) and it still looks and plays great.

The Wii version might have all the extras too (it's been awhile so I dont remember exactly), but the aiming is significantly easier with IR and it actually tones the overall difficulty down quite a bit.


One thing that always bugged me.

*stuns clicker with a brick and runs up to finish with melee*
*ally shoots clicker breaking it out of stun animation*
*gets eaten by clicker*

I dunno if I made a mistake or not but it is still annoying when it happens.
What's the best way to deal with Clickers if I don't have a shiv?

I'm trying to just use stealth and take enemies out from behind at the moment (minor location spoiler:
I'm in the museum, just got split from Tess and Ellie)
- A hallway of about 3/4 clickers and taking one out alerts the others if I can't use a shiv.

I'm restarting sections like 10-12 times before I just give up and brute force through it and waste all my bullets - It's getting kind of tedious tbh.


I think the pacing is really good for the type of game ND have tried to create. The starting sections are a bit slow but the second half matches Resident Evil 4 in pacing. Still, I wouldn't compare both these games, they're clearly trying to do different things.

The HD version of RE4 is pretty decent. Not much improvement overall but if you want to experience the game again there's nothing wrong with it.


What's the best way to deal with Clickers if I don't have a shiv?

Arrow headshot, bash them with a brick when you get close enough and get the "grab" prompt, or just avoid altogether. Up close and personal with the shotgun is also awesome.

Molotovs also kill them quick but its in your best interest not to waste one of them on a single enemy.
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