Oh, they're certainly different games, and honestly nib, The Last of Us eclipses many, MANY other games in several game design regards. This isn't even hype talking; I've played the game, I've beaten it, I've mulled over the experience, and it's quite honestly a breathtaking work of art. It just encapsulates so many qualities that gamers have been demanding for such a long time: long campaign, loveable characters, great writing, visceral and unforgiving combat, stellar enemy AI, stealth gameplay that isn't contrived, etc.
I might be confusing "pacing" with the ability to just keep playing the game, which Resident Evil 4 and Uncharted 2 were just excellent at. The Last of Us is expertly paced, but I found myself literally exhausted by it after a few hours, and I think that might be due to its setting. Every enemy encounter, be it human or Infected, is so fucking intense. Never in a game like this have I, like you said earlier (I think), tried to avoid being shot as much as I have in this one. Every enemy encounter SHOULD be like that, which is just a tremendous achievement, in my opinion.