Just finished it, and I loved it. I must say that 40% or so into the game I wondered what the fuss was all about. As much as I hate saying this, you need to play a good 10 or so hours before the game grips you and doesn't let go. There many fantastic moments,. There are a few things that could be improved though. The story was very straight forward and ratherthe sniper, the whole winter sequence, the very last ending sequence. The controls could be improved; there were more than a few instances where the grab didn't quite work as it had previously. That said, the stealth gameplay was great. I'd love for ND to have a take at the Thief franchise.predictable
Anyone else not really liking this game?
I mean the story is fine and it looks good but I cannot get used to the combat. I've tried changing the sensitivity but still find it very clunky when aiming any gun. The result is me dying a few times in every encounter (I'm playing it on normal difficulty). It's more of a chore to play instead of fun at this point. I can only play it for short while before I say "fuck this" and turn it off. I'm not that far into the game either.Just met Bill and I'm on the way to the school.
Is there something I'm missing to the combat? Stealth is fun but not always an option. Maybe going from 20 hours of State of Decay into this has burned me out on zombies right now.
Sometimes I can't tell where it is in this scenario. They do jump down randomly it seems.
I guess with those pulse headphones things might work alright, but I feel like the clicker noise is played really loud no matter how far away you are and it doesn't really work directionally. That or that sound just fucks with my brain like that.
Anyone else not really liking this game?
I mean the story is fine and it looks good but I cannot get used to the combat. I've tried changing the sensitivity but still find it very clunky when aiming any gun. The result is me dying a few times in every encounter (I'm playing it on normal difficulty). It's more of a chore to play instead of fun at this point. I can only play it for short while before I say "fuck this" and turn it off. I'm not that far into the game either.Just met Bill and I'm on the way to the school.
Is there something I'm missing to the combat? Stealth is fun but not always an option. Maybe going from 20 hours of State of Decay into this has burned me out on zombies right now.
This insta kill thing from clickers is really annoying...
Winter:In the warehouse thing with that dude defending against the onslaught and something always happens... they sneak up behind me or I run out of bullets at a bad time then bam dead...
Stealth is an option the majority of the time, the AI is quite difficult at times and getting spotted is likely ( which I love, makes it challenging)
Never had a problem with the combat. The gun sways but that can be reduced with the pills.
Are you used to aiming with controllers?
You should always be in a position to deliberately line up your shots. If you're entering into a traditional 'shoot out', that's when you know you've done it wrong. Take a shot or two that you aim extremely well, then move to another position to hide and get them searching, and then either re-engage with another carefully aimed shot or simply stealth kill a few.
One of the best things about Last of Us is the approach to combat. Every shot clearly has impact and matters, the force is great, the weight and feel of it all is right on the spot. It simply must be played differently and a bit more strategically than other shooters
Is State of Decay good? I keep hearing people talking about it. It's on PC, right?
Regarding stealth. The thing about it in this game is that it feels fair. You have enough methods of attack in your arsenal that lets you handle almost any situation without feeling like you got hosed. And when you do take everyone out stealthily it feels really rewarding.
There was basically only about 2 situations where I thought the encounters were setup unfairly, which was the hotel basement and part with Sam. Maybe unfair is the wrong word though. I just felt like I needed to do something gamey to cheese through the situation.
Thanks for the tips. I'll try that shooting method the next time. State of Decay was really good actually. I played it on 360. It has flaws yes but still fun to play.
haha, that's pretty bad.
Yeah, example of some of my Uncharted 2 trouble:
I had just finished clearing the room of people too and then I had no way to escape, had to reload and redo the whole room![]()
It's really fun once you get the understanding of the flow. For a little while I had to adjust to the difference in approach because I'm so used to just getting into wild west like shoot outs in games. I hope you can get a handle on it![]()
The cool thing about stealth is that it isn't all or nothing... sometimes you stealth just enough to shift the balance of power in your favor. Or just enough so that, if a shoot out does happen, you have the resources to handle it.
There have been a few situations where I don't know how a clicker spotted me though on Survivor. It didn't happen on Hard, but on survivor there seems to be some probability that a clicker will turn about and see me even if I'm standing still. Twice now since my replay Tess or Ellie ran in front of me, pushing my character out of the way which immediately alarmed the clickers near by.
The game also could have used a few more gameplay options to add depth to the stealth, which tended to be rather barebones in the end.
I get why some of you liked the ending but here's why I personally didnt like it
I can't relate to the main character since he decided to lie to Ellie just so he could have a new "daughter" which also leads to the cancelation of SAVING THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD... I see it as a selfish move and it doesn't suit me or my way of thinking at all, so the ending was really disapointing to me
Anyone else not really liking this game?
I mean the story is fine and it looks good but I cannot get used to the combat. I've tried changing the sensitivity but still find it very clunky when aiming any gun. The result is me dying a few times in every encounter (I'm playing it on normal difficulty). It's more of a chore to play instead of fun at this point. I can only play it for short while before I say "fuck this" and turn it off. I'm not that far into the game either.Just met Bill and I'm on the way to the school.
Is there something I'm missing to the combat? Stealth is fun but not always an option. Maybe going from 20 hours of State of Decay into this has burned me out on zombies right now.
That's something I enjoyed about UC2 and hated about UC3. Even if you screwed up a stealth scene and only got two guys instead of five, that's two less guys you've taken out for free, sometimes with an little extra ninja bonus incentive. And in the TLOU, some of the best moments in the game come from screwing up stealth and having to deal with the alert enemies.
In UC3, didn't matter how many guys you cleared up, if you fucked up on the last two dudes in the airport scene for example, here comes a mysterious wave of snipers/armor shotgun people/grenadiers/etc! I hated that shit, made it seem like my stealth was for nothing.
whose chopping up children without anyone knowing and leading a community.
I get why some of you liked the ending but here's why I personally didnt like it
I can't relate to the main character since he decided to lie to Ellie just so he could have a new "daughter" which also leads to the cancelation of SAVING THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD... I see it as a selfish move and it doesn't suit me or my way of thinking at all, so the ending was really disapointing to me
This isn't your story. This is Joel and Ellie's story. Joel's choice disappointing you should be a GOOD thing, and the game managing to stir up emotions is a forward step in game narratives. I personally loved the ending BECAUSE it isn't a typical ending, especially not for a AAA game, and in the end Joel gonna Joel. If it took you until the end to realize you couldn't relate to a psychopath living in a post-apocalypse America, maybe the issue lies with how YOU were looking at the game. That's why a character being relatable doesn't even come up in whether or not I enjoy a story. The only that that matters is whether I'm interested.
Im diving in fresh tonight, what are the best settings to play the game on? I generally play games on hard for the first play through to make for a more rewarding experience. Is that the case with Last of Us?
Just finished it.
Really didn't like the gameplay - it felt over-simplistic, loose, and unsatisfying - and the story took a while to hook me; but by the end I was left massively impressed by the experience. The game tells a superb story using techniques completely unique to the medium, and for that reason alone it's a masterpiece. Perfect ending.
I get why some of you liked the ending but here's why I personally didnt like it
I can't relate to the main character since he decided to lie to Ellie just so he could have a new "daughter" which also leads to the cancelation of SAVING THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD... I see it as a selfish move and it doesn't suit me or my way of thinking at all, so the ending was really disapointing to me
I just finish the Game, Really the best game i ever play since MGS4,
I dont Spoiler anything but really hope for the sequela
And if is possilbe, a Joe game spin-off because really in the end Joe is a killer Machine
Alright finished it a half hour ago, and its best game of the gen and favorite game of all time now.
My rankings for this gen
1. the last of us
2. Uncharted 2
3. red dead redemption
4. Bioshock infinite
Naughty dog has been my favorite dev since PS1, its amazing they're just getting better and better.
I get why some of you liked the ending but here's why I personally didnt like it
I can't relate to the main character since he decided to lie to Ellie just so he could have a new "daughter" which also leads to the cancelation of SAVING THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD... I see it as a selfish move and it doesn't suit me or my way of thinking at all, so the ending was really disapointing to me
warning serious ending spoilers below
I think people are misreading Joel'smotivations. He did not lie because he is selfish... he did so to protect Ellie from the weight of it. So she would not have to feel such immense guilt just for living her life. He chose to shoulder all the weight of it himself. Maybe someday, when she is older, he will tell her. Maybe. But Ellie doesn't owe the world anything. And all the people who feel entitled to what she has, even if it costs her life, they are the dark side of humanity. And she is not beholden to them or anyone. Not even if the cure was 100% guaranteed. Which it wasn't. Joel witnessed how hard Ellie fought for life. Her will to live was demonstrated over and over again. He eventually assumed the role of guardian and parent, and ultimately acted in her best interest. In the end, he protected a child from those who meant to kill her. He did not fuck over the world, it was already well-fucked.
Who's Joe?