After spending some time watching a The Last of Us walkthrough I can say that the game story seems awesome and visually it's quite the attractive game.
As for the gameplay itself? It just looks like most other 3rd-Person shooter/action games. So far there isn't really unique gameplay elements.
All that said, I would still have loved to play this game if I was able to.
I think on the surface, sure, the gameplay elements aren't in and of themselves unique, but I certainly felt the game played unlike almost anything I had played before. There are a lot of little touches that elevate things. I mean just the fact that to heal or to grab a different gun Joel literally has to open his backpack and take it out, something you'd think is more animation and realism than gameplay, adds so much. The choices you make on what to craft, too are superb. It's a really simple system, but it makes you search through the environment, and makes you feel accomplished when you find stuff. It's something that Bioshock: infinite didn't really do well with all the searching I did there. The way the infected segments differ from the human segments, too and the pacing around that really gets you into a different mindset. I also loved the choices in upgrading. You felt like you really had to spend those points correctly. There's also the environmental design, too, that fed into the gameplay. You were given quite large areas sometimes to play around in, and that really changes up how the stealth works and how the gameplay works.
Anyway, I think you do a disservice to the game by just watching it and thinking there's nothing unique here. It plays very uniquely, I feel. It doesn't play like an Uncharted or even a Resident Evil 4. It doesn't play like RE5, either. It doesn't play like most of the stealth genre games, either. It definitely doesn't feel like a Metal Gear.
It would needs to be really really different for me.
even though I think ND is the best company out there I just can't see them doing something as good or better than this.
Its not really about the quality or whatever because I think I still enjoyed Uncharted 2 just a tad more but could see where 3 or a 4 could be even better.
With Last of Us I can't see them topping either character, the story, the setting and the only gameplay improvement I can unrealisticly see would be a more open world city.
They don't really have to top the stuff, just give me something different. Give me a different but still really compelling story arc and characters. Give me people struggling for something else. Realistically TLOU was kind of a cliched zombie story (but executed excellently), so I think there's plenty of room to grow. There's also plenty of room for setting. You can use a lot of interesting landmarks around the US (or even do Europe somewhere). I'd love to see something like DC done up like this (I know Fallout kind of did that, but this is different!). Actually going into something like a zoo or theme park or really anything would and could be cool. There are TONS of settings they could pull from and get some really unique stuff.