The main point of this remake was to introduce the game in a modern coat of paint to new players who never played the The Last of Us before.A review is the subjective opinion of someone who experienced the product. For most people who have already played the game, many of them multiple times, this will like be a perfectly fine remaster of a game that is a bit outdated and a bit of a slog to get through for 4th or 5th time. A 6/10 seems perfectly reasonable to represent that feeling numerically.
What’s a joke are the reviews that are saying the remaster is underwhelming or that they are tired of this game but still giving the game an 8 or higher because they have their nose stuffed up ND’s ass.
The HBO show is dropping early next year and it will probably drive more interest in TLOU games for new players. The only people complaining about this remake are people who already played the game which isn’t necessarily this games audience.
So if these reviewers were to bash the game for “being a unnecessary remake” I would think that’s a very biases standpoint and it shouldn’t be a factor in the scoring.
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