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The Last of Us Part II: First Impressions/Final Previews go up at 9AM EDT on June 1st 2020.

WIll TLOU2 review better than TLOU1?

  • Yes

    Votes: 82 47.7%
  • No

    Votes: 48 27.9%
  • The same

    Votes: 42 24.4%

  • Total voters


I just read through a few early impression tweets and already seen the same detractors claiming media bias. I've never been so ready to see Crow get served up on that online platter.


REE Machine

I hoist into a side window to effectively bypass the entire pack of angry WLFs. The best bit – it’s all a part of my plan. Two or three of my enemies are incinerated by the trip mine that was sticky taped to their comrade.

We’re talking shredded torsos and limbs a-go-go here. Also, piteous death wailing that goes on for five very l-o-n-g seconds.

For example, it’s been days since I did the above infiltration, but I can still tell remember that the guy I exploded halfway across the level was called Andrew. He had friends who loved him. Some of them shrieked his name when they ran up to help him. Post explosion, I’m pretty sure the people who found the remains of those would-be-medics muttered a few more names as well.
I think im in love
Also note to play the game on hard or survivor for the best experince this go around
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“Enemy encounters are frequent, but it’s credit to Naughty Dog that each one feels different to the last. Whether that be down to the variety in enemy type, items at your disposal, or your chosen playstyle, every fight feels dynamic. You can go in with a plan, but have to think quickly on your feet as Ellie’s cover is blown or a new threat enters the scene. The combat of The Last of Us Part 2 is constantly rotating between heart-pounding tension and brutal butchery and forms a circle of violence that is wholly unpleasant, but necessary for the story it is trying to tell.”-IGN
The gameplay will definitely be better, but they won't be able to top the story of the first.
By the leaks they already did unless you wanted TLOU 1.5 in which case 😈

Game is a true sequel which is kinda rare these days. It's not meandering it seems to be pushing everything forward. Only thing I don't like the sound of is skill trees but everything else is a massive step up.


"The story will eventually speak for itself in the full context of the game, but as for the extended gameplay section we've played, it shows that in terms of gorgeous, terrifying spectacle and scrappy, panicked survival, The Last of Us is still unrivalled"


"The story will eventually speak for itself in the full context of the game, but as for the extended gameplay section we've played, it shows that in terms of gorgeous, terrifying spectacle and scrappy, panicked survival, The Last of Us is still unrivalled"



Dreams in Digital
Greg Miller said it seemed to him it was trying to out MGS. He also said he went through the section we've seen without killing anyone and being seen. I'm happy. Oh, yeah, and stalkers can't be seen with listen mode! That's a NICE touch and differentiates them from clickers.
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Obviously, Naughty Dog hasn’t just created some sort of mindless, next-gen spiritual successor to Manhunt here. There’s another side to The Last of Us 2 that works to balance all of the god awfulness out. That said, I’m not at liberty to discuss anything about that side of the experience. Nor would I want to yet.

All I can really say is that come June 19, you’re going to want to block a few days out in your social calendar. Some of your allotted hours will be spent on playing, others will be needed for quiet contemplation…or a foolish replay attempt on Grounded. Either way, clearly what we have here is a sequel that’s guaranteed to grow on you quicker than cordyceps wall fungus.



The Last Of Us Part 2 is going to be a complex game to dissect but in terms of the visuals and the quality of storytelling (specifically the writing and voice-acting) it’s exactly as good as you’d expect.

It’s easily the best-looking game of the current generation, even more so than Uncharted 4, with the best foliage and facial animation we’ve ever seen. Playing on a PS4 Pro there’s been only a few brief seconds of slowdown, with performance otherwise exceptionally good for such a complex game. https://metro.co.uk/2020/06/01/last-us-part-2-hands-preview-love-hate-seattle-12787736/


out of stock on Amazon.. what?? Anyway, I’ve been a hater since I read the spoilers but man I can’t wait to put my hands on this game now..


To say that The Last of Us Part 2 is immersive is an understatement; I went in focused on linear progression and on-screen prompts about hints but that quickly melted away as I sat gripping a DualShock with my pulse racing, happy to have scraped by in a fight with the infected. In mere minutes, I stopped thinking about Ellie as a character in a game and started thinking about me — her — and my survival. Naughty Dog is great at character and equally as good as a compelling narrative, and what I’ve experienced is no exception.


Gold Member
That last screenshot looks awful. Previews seem solid. Are the difficulty modes still the same as the first or are they different this time round? Glad to read you can go past the entire encounter without fighting but guessing some will be mandatory for the story as well. Was going to play through the first again this week but think I'll burn out so going to wait.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Overall, if the game can keep up this level of emotion and cinematic brutality, then the Last of Us Part II is going to be one of the best games ever made.

From the pacing, the detail in the environments to the humanising of your enemies, this game is going to blow you away.

Hands on with The Last of Us Part II – the best game ever made?
The Last of Us Part II's release is drawing ever closer, finally coming to PS4 on June 19, continuing the story of the first game. As the world continues to decline due to the lethal Cordyceps virus, nature has reclaimed more of the land and humans continue to fight for survival. Picking up five...

Oh my goddd :messenger_weary:


That last screenshot looks awful. Previews seem solid. Are the difficulty modes still the same as the first or are they different this time round? Glad to read you can go past the entire encounter without fighting but guessing some will be mandatory for the story as well. Was going to play through the first again this week but think I'll burn out so going to wait.
I think I read there’s no listen mode for Surviror


Dreams in Digital
So, you can't turn listening mode off even on the hardest difficulty. This tells me that it's going to be integral to certain elements of the gameplay at different points in the story.


Gold Member
I think I read there’s no listen mode for Surviror

So, you can't turn listening mode off even on the hardest difficulty. This tells me that it's going to be integral to certain elements of the gameplay at different points in the story.

I think the biggest factor will be scent trails. They might adapt it, so Survivor mode doesn't let you see enemies, but keeps scent trails etc. I would imagine limiting skill points would be better though.


Dreams in Digital
I think the biggest factor will be scent trails. They might adapt it, so Survivor mode doesn't let you see enemies, but keeps scent trails etc. I would imagine limiting skill points would be better though.

Yeah, I was thinking it would likely be scent trails. I wonder if at some point you have to hunt down an injured creature or perhaps there are animal infected you can hunt down. That growl we heard in the new playthrough reminded me a lot of king kong and we know primates can get infected because we saw them in the first game. I'm better we come across at least one gorilla.


Gold Member
Difficulty is highly customizable. I played through the hospital infiltration on a few different challenge settings, and the gulf between them is noticeable. However, you aren’t bound to defined modes like easy, normal, or hard; you can also fine-tune specific elements of the experience, like how much damage Ellie takes, how perceptive enemies are, and how plentiful resources are in the world.

The accessibility options are broad. They include a wide array of adjustments you can make to the visuals and gameplay. Colorblind mode, HUD magnification, remapping controls, and infinite breath while swimming are just a handful of options that illustrate how Naughty Dog has kept players with disabilities in mind.
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Difficulty is highly customizable. I played through the hospital infiltration on a few different challenge settings, and the gulf between them is noticeable. However, you aren’t bound to defined modes like easy, normal, or hard; you can also fine-tune specific elements of the experience, like how much damage Ellie takes, how perceptive enemies are, and how plentiful resources are in the world.


This game is indeed the game of the generation... it is going to sell like face masks and cleaning wipes. It is going to be a long wait for June 19th. I am currently playing the first part and it is as awesome as i remember it, I am playing all my games now with headphones and I am enjoying my games way more than before. And the last of us has a lot of cool ambient sounds and i can appreciate thegame even more.
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REE Machine

So, you can't turn listening mode off even on the hardest difficulty. This tells me that it's going to be integral to certain elements of the gameplay at different points in the story.
Have a feeling maybe because of the addition of dogs and they are more versatile than regular humans and can also pick up your scent. Ill try my damnest to not use it but if dogs can track you and you dont know where they are on the map it could prove difficult
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