I guess you can read it like that if you want to, I'd rather read it like them not showing anything this late is perhaps a cause for worry, which connects back to my comment about expecting a Criterion-like remaster.
But hey, I did say I am pessimistic and may be expecting too much, no need to defend ND's honor.
Criterion rarely release 'evidence' of the quality of their transfers, sometimes in fact, all you get is small images of a frame or two. Certainly they're not putting out scenes of films in 2k RAW.
Of course I understand this point, but as a gamer and potential buyer, should you be accepting approach? I understand you may post this from an objective/neutral point of view, but I feel that if I am to put aside some cash for this game, I want to know more. And yes, the easiest answer is "just wait for the DF analysis".
'As a gamer' I don't feel like I have to own a game day one. If I'm not convinced I'll enjoy something, I am completely fine with waiting a couple of days to see how something is received. I've preordered this, because I want the game on PS4. If it were 30fps, I'd have still bought it.
I want them to do whatever they think is best for the product, so they can make as much money as possible, and have greater resources and stability to continue making the products they want to.
There's been some very very strange posts surrounding this release. From the stance that of course everyone has to preorder it, but how dare they not release footage, or how dare they charge full price, or how dare they not give discounts to PS3 owners. I really don't understand any of it. Someone is offering a product, no one is being forced to buy it.
That is the very essence of being the consumer, don't give them your money till you know you want their product.