Whats wrong with the 8th?, 8th is a Friday, the normal UK release date for games.
Didn't Infamous come out on Friday? Maybe it's going to be a Sony thing like when Nintendo releases games on a Sunday.
Whats wrong with the 8th?, 8th is a Friday, the normal UK release date for games.
Thus far it seems that ND is doung it themselves...Who's doing the port?
I dislike that people tend to lie to avoid admitting a product exists.
It could be 'in case we can't do 60 for Uncharted 4'.I'll gladly translate this as "we're also trying this to work at 60fps, but we don't want to mention it right now, in case we can't."
Those are some good improvements, but 60 for a remaster is a steep asking price, for me.
Especially given the 30 fps.
On the other hand, the DLC i have to play alone is 20 (though i was waiting for a sale on that).
Why the hell would I want this in August? Too many games coming in the fall, nothing in June or July.
Oh sweet, that's a nice surprise.Thus far it seems that ND is doung it themselves...
So, is it 60fps?
I think something built from the ground up by ND will work. We'll see with their next game.
Infamous SS was 60fps, iirc. It just had some framerate issues when too many explosions happened.
60FPS would work here. Period.
Most fitting gif in this threadShortly...
Get on with it Naughty Gods!!
They do seem pretty barren right now. The rumored GTAV port could fill up that gap though.
It's mid-30s 98% of the time, and it dips significantly when things get hectic. It's only at 60 when looking straight to the sky.
If GTAV came in June, I would be fine because I'd have something amazing to play online all summer. If it is coming, we better get that announcement soon.They do seem pretty barren right now. The rumored GTAV port could fill up that gap though.
Shortly? How shortly? That sounds like not soon.
Fuuuuuuuuck yeeeeeeeah!!!
Waiting for framerate info though... For 60 bones it BETTER BE 60 fps.
Don't shit around ND, make it 60. :|
Season pass had the same unlocks. They just give you one upgrade notch, which you can get through gameplay anyway."Preorder for easy mode!"
Why would you do that?
Two of which are for multiplayer, which i don't play, the other one i don't think is worth its full price (which is why i haven't bought it yet).
Plus 30 for a game i've already played.
I'm not saying they're scamming us, but for MY level of interest, it's a steep price.
I'll buy the game D1 if you pay it for me, though!
Yes, you're totally right. 60 fps are for most fast paced games. 1080p is a great achievement on this remaster. It already looked gorgeous on PS3 I can't imagine on PS4 at 1080p.
Thus far it seems that ND is doung it themselves...
The company figurehead worship on GAF usually baffles me, but Shu is hilarious. Love that guy.
Cold as ice!
"The game will drop in price relatively quickly. For people who have already played it and don't think its worth a replay at full price,"
August 8th?
Where is Bishop when he is needed?
Christ, so 30 fps is worth 60 Euros to you alone? I don't get obsession over FPS. As long as you get no tearing with stable FPS, who gives a shit. Especially for a game like TLOU, 30 FPS is more fitting for the atmosphere.
August 8th.
60FPS would work here. Period.
Said no one ever.
How hard is the platinum for this one for someone who isn't good at shooters? Don't you have to beat it on the hardest difficulty?
God, are we going to have a bunch of stamping and pissing when this isn't 60 FPS?