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The Last of Us: Remastered MP |OT| For the love of god please stop running.


not fun though when you lose 0-20.

guys all solo, not communicating and just running everywhere :/

This is usually my experience in online shooters. I just had a lucky night TEAM-WISE, I think. People play a little more conservatively in survivors. I can't stand the 20 respawns game mode. Everyone played it like 3rd person COD.
I've got a lot of people from GAF added onto my FL, but I can't remember how joining together works. Do I send an invite from outside the game or does it see your FL when your in the MP lobby?

I'll be on for an hour or so tonight.
You can send invites or join parties from within the lobby.

I'm probably gonna trade in my PS3 copy towards the remaster later. Sucks cause one of my best friends doesn't have a PS4 and this is the sole MP game we play together :/

Still, looking forward to more maps, better resolution/framerate. I'm sure the latter makes a massive difference in play. Oh and also 3 rounds of The Dam in a row lol


The default trigger switching made me play like a moron for two rounds. Like, "WHAT IS HAPPENING," until I realized the button mapping was different for Remastered.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Grey sorry for bailing on that match... I had some jerk banging on my door.


"Meta game On/Off" and I would enjoy this MP so much more.

Does anyone know if there are any gametypes in this MP that don't count kills and deaths etc ? I just want to have fun and not feel enraged as I repeatedly get placed with the 3 lowest levelled players in 90% or more of the matches I play and the team uses all of the respawns in the first 5 minutes.
Jesus Christ I need to remember the controls lol. Massacre in my first game.

Also I'm having issues finding a game in supply raid (no parties).


Saw somebody asking for tips, so I'll repost this from page 2. It'd be nice if it could get added to the OP, or if not mine, something like this.

Multiplayer Tips for New Players


I've got some friends who are just getting into this and I wanted to make a beginner's guide. Feel free to add to this, as I'll just be linking the direct post in our facebook group, and I can edit in any other good advice.

-Keep in mind this is for beginners only! Eventually you will outgrow some of these tips and behaviors. This is just to help you get eased into the game.


Pretty simple. Both game modes are just about killing the other team. The only difference is that Supply Raid has you respawning after you die, where Survivors is just 4 vs 4, first team to win 4 rounds wins the match.

In Supply Raid, if you gather supplies and weapons, you'll keep them when you die. In Survivors, all items and special weapons are reset each round except the ones you buy with parts.


You earn parts for everything you do in the game. Think of parts as currency, because you buy ammo, armor, upgrades, and weapons with it during matches. There are more ways to earn parts aside from killing enemies. You can get them by making items, marking enemies (click right stick when an enemy is in your sights and your team will see them) downing enemies, healing teammates, reviving teammates, and giving gifts.

If you find that its hard to get kills at first, focus on supporting your team and crafting as many things as you can. Once you have all the perks unlocked, you can be the top scoring player in a match just by helping out the most. Teamwork is really rewarded, and I'm not just talking about flanking!

Supply Boxes are scattered around the maps and show up as a white dot on your radar. Open them up to get all the ingredients for bombs, molotovs, shivs, etc. Make these a priority in every game.


You won't have all your loadout points unlocked yet. You'll need to experiment with all the guns and see which ones suit your playstyle, however I recommend the semi-auto as you can down an enemy in as few as 3 hits with it. When its upgraded, its pretty accurate from long range and you can pop off several shots before reloading or running out of your starting ammo. Others may recommend the bow, but I've personally found that weapon to be a bit more difficult to use, though its stealth perks are undeniable.

As for your perks, start with First Aid 1. Why? Because you'll heal yourself much faster than you would without it. This can really be important when you get winged and you see enemies closing in on your radar.

Also try Crafter 1 and 2. Remember, ABC: Always Be Crafting! This will eventually become your most important perk when you want to keep the clan in your meta-game alive or you just want to have a lot of parts to spend each game. At first you'll just create things quicker, but once you get Level 2 unlocked, you can give a gift to your teammates for every 3 items you make. This gets you parts that you'll want to remember to spend on weapon upgrades. Make whatever you can, when you can. Don't hoard ingredients in the hopes that you'll eventually make that elusive molotov, just make what you can and go with it! You might die and lose all your ingredients if you're playing Survivors, so make that shiv and health kit beacuse that's an easy 60 parts for you right there.

Also try Covert Training. The 2nd level of this lets you hide from enemies' radar when moving while crouched. This really helps you slip in behind enemy lines when needed, or make a sneaky escape if you feel like you're in a bad spot and want to relocate.

What should I do?

Again, remember ABC: Always Be Crafting! A typical game should consist of you and the smart members of your team making their way to every available supply box on the map. Should you meet resistance at a supply box from the other team, you may want to consider hanging back and seeing what they do before you go trying to push your way in. These boxes are important because they don't just supply you with extra weapons, but sometimes they have 100 parts in them and the items you make are also netting you parts. Again, all this should be spent in the store (R1 while in your backpack) on weapon upgrades first, armor second, ammo only in a jam or when you know you're going to get into a firefight.

Make weapon upgrades a priority because once you buy one, you'll have it for the rest of the match. Armor will stick with you between lives/rounds, but it can be destroyed and you'll need to buy it again. That's why I always make it a 2nd priority over upgrading my main weapon.

LISTEN! Listen Mode is limited, unlike the campaign mode. However, its super useful and you can see enemies through walls as long as they aren't sitting still or using the Covert Training perk, which hides them as they move while crouched. Once you get a little ways from your spawn, or in the case of Supply Raid, every time you spawn, its best to listen to Lt. Dan: Shut up! Get down! Listen!

Stick with your team! Sometimes you will have idiot teammates that are just suicidal. You'll have to know better than to follow them into the frying pan. Eventually you'll want to play around with flanking on your own if you feel like you can pull it off, but the majority of the time you are best off when you have at least 1 teammate nearby who can watch your back. You never know when an enemy is going to crouch out of the dark with a shiv ready for your neck, so its good to have an extra set of eyes and firepower!

Outnumbered? Get to any surviving teammates you have, but try to keep down and quiet if possible. Sometimes you'll have to run and get organized once you're there.

Alone? Get to a supply box! Normally you'd need to make bombs/molotovs/etc. but in the event that you are the last man standing on your team, a supply box will have these ready to go! Expect 1 or 2 of each, which could be the difference between putting up a good fight and going down in flames. If you can pull it off, grab this stuff, find a spot to hunker down, and lay bombs all over the place! Then get your molotov ready to throw at the first sign of ANYTHING.

Be okay with dying! Its going to happen and it doesnt matter. Just have fun! Try supporting your team with gifts and heals, sneaking up on enemies for stealth shiv kills, or whatever you want. Play around with the different weapon loadouts and see what feels good!

Good stuff to know

Smoke bombs are good for more than just creating a cloud to hide behind. If you can smoke an enemy, they'll be stunned for a moment, allowing you to run up and shiv them from any angle, as opposed to the normal rule that they can only be shiv'd from behind. Or if you don't have a shiv, just shoot them while they're stunned!

Molotovs have crazy range! If you even SEE an enemy holding one and looking your way, get outta there! If its in the air and their aim was true, well, YouAreAlreadyDead.jpg.

Bombs work differently than in campaign. If you just press R1 with it equipped, you'll set it down and it now works like a proximity mine. If you aim with L1 and throw, it will detonate shortly after it lands. You can also spot the ones enemies have laid with Listen Mode and you can mark them for your teammates to see once you have them in your crosshairs, should you not want to blow it up for some reason.

There's no friendly fire. You can bomb yourself out of existence and accidently set yourself on fire, but your teammates will not pay the price for your bumbling.

If you die, you may want to set up for the next round by making your purchases in the store before the round starts. This kind of thing would allow you to do something wild like buy a Military Sniper Rifle and as soon as the round starts, sprint up to the equivalent of the 50 yard line and pick off your enemies by surprise!

Some people will say never craft a health kit. This is true only some of the time. Yes, they are already scattered around the maps, but you still get 30 parts for each one you make and sometimes its best to just make the damn kit and get your parts.

Last thing and I'll say this again because it bears repeating, HAVE FUN! Don't worry about dying, take it all in stride, and remember its just a game. When your corpse gets teabagged, and it will, learn to laugh about it because at some point you'll have your moment and you may be returning the favor. Hell, your whole team may be in on it if you pull off a sweep!

So enjoy. This is one of the coolest competitive multiplayer shooters to come along in a generation that has been craving innovation like this for years.

PS- Remember your ABC's!


I recorded an pretty amazing comeback earlier, how would I upload it? you can only post on facebook still with the share feature?


Last night, I was number 2 in the clan leader board and number 1 in supply raid (technically number 4, but the ones above me bugged out the leaderboard).
Yeah I don't think anyone says you can't run at all. I run at the start, when I stun shiv someone, when I run for my life or when I want to draw the enemy into a bomb I left, to avoid the enemy reviving someone or when a teammate needs quick help. But that's pretty much it.

This really does need to happen more often, but, at least in randoms, some people like staying in stealth mode (or worse, sniper mode) in time-critical situations when you absolutely need to break stealth and force the enemy to back off or spend a bomb/molotov to kill a downed teammate. Even in non-critcial situations like when a teammate is already acting as bait, they stick to stealth when they could be at the very least walking.

Really, my comment was just about the breaking the notion that you must maintain stealth whenever possible. *Points at thread title and previous comments* I mean, yes, getting shot, or worse, killed, sucks, but that doesn't mean you can't go loud from the start. If you know what you're doing, it's actually 100% viable to run around like a maniac and it frees up loadout points that you can spend on weapons or skills designed to drag out or even win a firefight (and I must say, the gunplay really is satisfying).

...Of course, I just remembered you won't have all the loadout points and weapons/skills at the start. >.> More of something to keep in mind as you advance through the game.


I never played the MP on PS3 but this looks so good... I'm going to pick up the game after work and try it out. It really sounds fun. Saw some videos and it looks fun for sure.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Matchmaking is basically fucking broken right now... 15 mins and I can't get into a no parties supply raid?

Just tried multi for the first time. Lone wolfing it, searching supply raid, no parties...and nothing. Been searching for 5 minutes.

Edit: searched with parties allowed, immediately in a lobby. Never had this problem on PS3. Crazy lol

I seriously dont want to play with parties, im having a hard enough time as it is :/
I recorded an pretty amazing comeback earlier, how would I upload it? you can only post on facebook still with the share feature?

Export to USB. Then upload to youtube via laptop/pc.

Then Add me on PSN Bright-Light
Im competant, Im a team player, and i will 100% steal your executions. #dealwithit


Anyone know if there is a way to tell if Gore is enabled? I'm in the UK and bought it off the US PSN but haven't seen any dismemberment or anything.
So I bought the US digital version but i'm playing on my normal UK account but it seems to me that the MP is censored still. I've not had any heads explode when i'm executed or when I execute.

Anyone else in EU/UK on the US digital version able to check MP for me?



GUYS! before I break the fuckin' ps4 and throw it out the window, can someone take a look at my port forward settings and tell me whats wrong?


Game keeps booting me when I try to start multiplayer (FACTIONS MP), giving a popup window saying "go check you nat is 1,2 or 3"

So when I go to network settings to test, it now gives me NW-31374-8 error, which translated means that it does not have ...time to establish connection to check the fuckin' nat.
I get the same error both wired and through wifi.
my ps4 has been setup with static ip and the opened ports you see in the above image (the yellow ones, 11 to 15).
what gives?

countdown to throw out: 15, minus.......
Picked this up over lunch and played one match (supply raid, no party, tie game)... probably shouldn't have, gonna make this afternoon go by so slowly haha.


Export to USB. Then upload to youtube via laptop/pc.

Then Add me on PSN Bright-Light
Im competant, Im a team player, and i will 100% steal your executions. #dealwithit

Ok added.

I think I will avoid survivors without a party. Paired with 3 level 0s who sit in spawn and not one down between them in 4 games.


GUYS! before I break the fuckin' ps4 and throw it out the window, can someone take a look at my port forward settings and tell me whats wrong?


Game keeps booting me when I try to start multiplayer (FACTIONS MP), giving a popup window saying "go check you nat is 1,2 or 3"

So when I go to network settings to test, it now gives me NW-31374-8 error, which translated means that it does not have ...time to establish connection to check the fuckin' nat.
I get the same error both wired and through wifi.
my ps4 has been setup with static ip and the opened ports you see in the above image (the yellow ones, 11 to 15).
what gives?

countdown to throw out: 15, minus.......

time = 10 minus
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