Yeah, the PS3 version's season pass applies to this one.
So how would I buy the Ps3 season pass if I don't have a ps3?
Yeah, the PS3 version's season pass applies to this one.
So how would I buy the Ps3 season pass if I don't have a ps3?
They sound overpowered, but they're really not. And gunslinger is a joke, since it no longer applies when you upgrade your pistol.
Thank god... I was worried about creating imbalances with the MP.
Somnium986, Gray Matter and I pulled off this cool triple shiv last night.
I thought I was the only one. Paying real money to have access to weapons and perks that other people can't have unless they ALSO pay real money is what made me stop playing the PS3 version. I'm not paying real money to nullify someone else's advantage. When I'm playing a game and a new update comes up with things like "Rocket Launcher and Homing Missile DLC - $2.99" I no longer support that MP. Honestly it bothers me to see a company like ND do this, it's not what I would expect. And the worst thing was I saw a ton of people using them, so a ton of people bought them, sending the exact wrong message.
^ I just wish you could press the share button to automatically capture and upload the last x seconds of footage, without going through the menu and taking yourself out of the game. Most of the footage people want to save are moments, not whole rounds of a match.
Anyways, for the newbies, what's your favourite map so far?
Majority of the people on PS3 seem to agree Lakeside is the greatest map. It was the De_Dust of Last of Us.
Three lanes of attack, a sniper perch in the middle, rooftops to climb, a blizzard that obstructs your view mid-game, nicely designed interior building in the middle that has awesome entry points, the whole Lakeside resort with two floors, the little house on the bottom that makes for some good hiding spots.
What maps have you taken a liking to?
Yeah the timing of it was just way too perfect.This is a way better angle. Probably the first and last time we'll ever see something like this.
Servers are getting hammered, I've had better luck getting into Interrogation matches, perhaps try that.Trying out multiplayer for the first time, is it normal to wait 5+ minutes for matchmaking to put me in a game? It keeps saying 'searching for Close Game' but doesn't seem to find anyone.
I selected 'Supply Raid'
Pretty disappointed so far.
Servers are getting hammered, I've had better luck getting into Interrogation matches, perhaps try that.
Sony Online Store. You can buy it without a PS3.
So i can buy the ps3 season pass for 9,99 and get all weapons, perks, masks, etc?
So I think I like Downtown. What's happening to me?
Seriously though it's a great sniping map.
Yeah, party of 4 was much quickerDo you guys usually have trouble finding matches in a party of three?
Except for the new ones, yes.
I don't think the season pass is there. I can't find it at least.
Yeah, party of 4 was much quicker
Man, just had a nice save in interrogation that I had to save:
And I finally climbed up the leaderboard, sixth in clan members!
That's not the season pass. That's the online pass that enables the multiplayer portion of the PS3 game.
Need some advice please on growing my clan/population.
I'd like to unlock some hats and helmets and i need to reach at least 115 members and at the end keep it at 70 members.
So im playing mostly interrogation mode since it lasts longer and you can get more kills and points right ?
This way I get around 4000 parts per match.
Which loadout should i use ?
I'm currently week 3 day 7 and I have 90 members. Am I on the right path or is 90 members already too low to make it to 115 ?
You got 200+ clan members.... So which loadout you use and which mode are you playing ?
Edit: Back on ps3 when TLOU came out I unlocked all masks and got 140+ clan members and usually got 6000-7000 points per match but this time it's harder :S
Did they nerf some perks ?
That's not the season pass. That's the online pass that enables the multiplayer portion of the PS3 game.
Are you aggressive and do you like to get lots of parts?
Executioner 3
Collector 2
*Insert 3 loadout point purchaseable of your choice here*
If newbies are having trouble, make a support class: Stick close to allies, provide the backup
Semi-Auto Rifle (Silenced?)
Shorty or Enforced
Reviver Level 2
Crafter Level 2
First Aid Training Level 2
^ Likely cant use them all so find a good combination. I suggest ditching Reviver, or keeping it at level 1 and going with Crafter or First Aid. With Crafter, keep making the cheapest items, and every 2-3 creations will allow you to gift a random item to your teammate.
Alternatively, be a dedicated healer and bandage up your allies. Reviver is also good if you manage to stick close and pick up downed enemies, especially if they are also newbies.
For a more offensive class, I like using Covert Training 2. It allows me to crouch walk without being detected by the enemy's Listen Mode. This is very useful to sneak up on players, especially newbies.
Depending on the map, you may want to equip the Full Auto Rifle for Close quarter combat.
I like using the Silenced rifle or AR for power weapons, but a shotgun can do the trick if you lure players/are playing on a CQC map.
Does anyone's Facebook friend profile pics showing up in the multiplayer menu? Mine don't seem to load.
Revolver / Semi Auto
Brawler 2
Covert 2
Fortitude 3
Essentially, any variety of Covert 2 + Brawler 2 is what I find best; Reviver can be substituted for Fortitude if you're playing matches against good players/parties as those extra seconds make the difference (the points are nice too). Also, in case it wasn't obvious already, don't use explosive expert and Brawler 2 together...
Covert 2+ will make you die a lot less and give you some game-deciding flank opportunities if you know what you're doing. A lot of new players may not find the benefit in it though until they get better.
Knowing the maps and spawn points is just as critical in this multiplayer as any other, and probably more. Knowing the angles from which you can be shot from in each location on the map and the timings to certain boxes at the beginning of games will aid you considerably.
You can change helmets, hats and emblem but your character's appearance and gender will always be randomized.Is there any way to make a female character or change the look of the default guy?
You can change helmets, hats and emblem but your character's appearance and gender will always be randomized.