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The Last of Us: Remastered MP |OT| For the love of god please stop running.

Gray Matter

Holding triangle doesn't work well enough to use it. When it works it's great, but there are other times when you're just crouching there holding triangle and nothing happens because you're not close enough. Not worth the risk in my books.

Holding down triangle in the only way to pick items. Idc what anyone says.


Yeah, you don't pick up things unless they're onscreen, and if you move while holding Triangle it doesn't then pick those things up. You have to let go and hold it again.


Lordy, finished my first MP 12 Weeks campaign. Hunter trophy just popped.

Guess it's time to go through Fireflies' 12 Weeks. I was kinda surprised that all my skill unlocks and such carried over. Do the challenge missions reset?


I'm trying to branch out the skills I use a bit and I've been consistently using silencers & covert training 2 but am wondering how effective that really is. I feel like most teams are somewhat near each other and will know if their teammate is being gunned down anyway so silencers might not provide much extra stealth benefit. For covert training 2, I guess I don't quite know when you are visible on radar/listen mode while NOT using it. If I walk normally (standing, walking but not sprinting) vs crouch walking without covert training 2, is there a difference between the two? Do people use listen mode enough to even warrant the point cost of the skill?


Starting an exhausted-after-work party. Have 2/4 so far. I will check out my buddy list and accept any new invites (Grinchy) to get a 4 person party for the next 2-3 hours.

edit- came back to say we're full after Roe-Bear shamed me for my lack of gaf etiquette lol

edit 2 - getting off earlier than I had expected. Too tired
Just played with a player who ran around everywhere, didn't have a mic, and didn't listen to me when I told him that an enemy was flanking him. He got shivved and quit.

His username was HelenKeller.

Can't make this shit up.

Gray Matter



I'm trying to branch out the skills I use a bit and I've been consistently using silencers & covert training 2 but am wondering how effective that really is. I feel like most teams are somewhat near each other and will know if their teammate is being gunned down anyway so silencers might not provide much extra stealth benefit. For covert training 2, I guess I don't quite know when you are visible on radar/listen mode while NOT using it. If I walk normally (standing, walking but not sprinting) vs crouch walking without covert training 2, is there a difference between the two? Do people use listen mode enough to even warrant the point cost of the skill?

I've found covert 2 great for being able to walk around, and I've used my shiv many times. The silencer is good because when you are firing you won't show up on radar, so you can sneak behind enemies while your team acts like a distraction. I recently took off my silencer though, because most teams will keep a tab of where you are (covert 2 can still be tagged), and I wanted the loadout points for more team-focused perks like reviver.


As an ex-avid comic reader, I hate the thought bubbles being used for conversation. It thows me off big time WTF, Sony.. (messaging app for PSN)

OK: Here are some things that seem to work for me:

  • Starting with things that gives you items with spawn (knife, heath pack) is very beneficial as you don't spend resources producing them and move on to producing more lethal stuff. Of course, you may not want to bleed late for interrogation (the perk which gives you the health pack may not be usable in this mode).
  • Buying weapon upgrades before you begin spending money on armor makes more sense as the former is kept throughout the round, but the armor is lost each spawn. Whenever I see an armor reminder, I do the weapon upgrade first.
  • In interrogation mode, sneaking around hotspots of engagement to the safe works wonders. If the rest of your team is fighting close to your own safe (the opposing team putting pressure close to your safe), usually the opposing team does forget about their own safe, and you can even walk (don't run, like, EVER, even after spawn to indicate you are using the alternate route) without having to crouch towards the safe in the alternate route. Every time your team executes an opponent, slow down (stop completely, preferrably), wait for that red dot to go back to the engagement spot (they'll probably run), than move forward. Take care of the explosives around the safe, and you'll win the round. Unfortunately, this tactic can be broken by your team mates running along or near the alternate route.
  • If you still have not completed the interrogations but the other team have, you can act like a bait for a good ol' execution, so you can lure the opponent to execute you while your teammates can take the aggressor(s) out and finish the interrogations quickly. I even move towards the enemy to tempt them to execute.


[*]Buying weapon upgrades before you begin spending money on armor makes more sense as the former is kept throughout the round, but the armor is lost each spawn. Whenever I see an armor reminder, I do the weapon upgrade first.


I think you keep the armour, if they don't shoot it off you.
That's why it's always beneficial to shoot the armour off a downed person before executing him.


I swear to god sometimes I would rather play with monkeys than those players I get teamed up with.

Last night I was playing with randoms on the suburbs maps, I got my trusty bow and the ability that makes me invisible in listen mode. Right in the start of the match I go left up to first house, a long with me was one of my teammates, which I thought was good to see, so our team isn't completely splitted.
Now as soon as we enter the first house, I immediately see three players through the listen mode. I crawl closer to them and notice one of them is lacking behind the others, so I quickly down him with a bow to his head, without his teammates noticing. All is good, untill my stupid ass teammate pulls out his gun (with no silencer on) and shoots him.
Him stealing my kill I can live with, don't bother me that much, but him alerting the other team is just stupid.
But wait there's more. After killing the enemy, he runs over to the body to get the parts, and seeing how the enemy got alerted by his shots they down him instantly. Even if he was a new player it's still stupid.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I'm half joking.

There are a lot of ways to play, is all I'm saying. Obviously sometimes people are just dumb, but TLoU gives you options.



But the other team is alerted anyway by having a downed team mate. Now with a shiv kill they may have not noticed.
Oh man, my heart is pumping so fast. I was my teams last life on Supply Raid, and I had the whole enemy team after me. Luckily I have agility and covert training on, so I could sneak away pretty quickly and not be seen in listen mode while crouch-walking.

I led them down to the bottom of the map on Laketown (I sprinted so they could see me on their mini-maps, then continued to crouch-walk) and picked 3 of them off without any of them knowing where I was, with each shot of my bow hitting it's target. I felt like a badass. The last guy saw me, and his 3 teammates get slaughtered, and retreated back up the stairs up to the area with the wooden floors and then, out of nowhere, a molotov landed on me. He must have randomly tossed it over the wall/fence.

Lucky bastard!

I forgot to record it, damn.


Anyone who uses guns in this game is wasting loadout points. Same goes for all the perks. Just use a 0/13 loadout to play like a real man.


Anyone who uses guns in this game is wasting loadout points. Same goes for all the perks. Just use a 0/13 loadout to play like a real man.
You can't because if 0 loadout points are used, the ability to pick that loadout is gone when you start a match.

Try it out. Only have a revolver in a loadout.


You can't because if 0 loadout points are used, the ability to pick that loadout is gone when you start a match.

Try it out. Only have a revolver in a loadout.

You haven't bought the 0 loadout point perk that takes up 13 loadout points. It's only $1.99 on the store. Incredible value.
Played a match of Supply Raid with a fellow gaffer and some of his friends yesterday. These guys are pretty good, I am shit, and I thought it would be a good chance to learn some new skills... Holy. Fuckballs. The other team had 19 lives left at the end.

I had no idea what was going on half the time as everytime I tried to move position at least 3 bombs would fly my way. I've never seen anything like it. That match was just painful. The other team was rushing, flanking, and shit... I don't even think I got a shot off. lol


Okay, important question : is Covert Training 2 mandatory ? Everybody I played with on vocal was making it a non-arguable perk.

I get the point that this is a slow and tactic game and that not revealing your position while conserving the ability to move is a pretty huge big deal.

But I'm also seing a lot of good players on the web just ignoring CT2 and wrecking stuff. I just can't figure out how to reconcile both and give CT2 its proper value.

On a side note : What's the app for the Playstation messaging ?


I've had games where the party was split up and we made deals to not kill each other and just hunt the randoms lol *shrug*

It'd be better if it never split parties up at all. I wouldn't mind the extra waiting time... but of course others feel differently I'm sure.


Can't you just play it for fun when you're seperated and laughing at each other when you kill each other ?

Yes, it sucks big time when the game separates you when the whole point of partying up was to enjoy teamplay. But just because the game is ruining your party is not an excuse to sabotage the party of your teammates.


I had no idea what was going on half the time as everytime I tried to move position at least 3 bombs would fly my way. I've never seen anything like it. That match was just painful. The other team was rushing, flanking, and shit... I don't even think I got a shot off. lol

I come across matches where everyone on the other side must be crafting wizards because they'd be stocked as all hell on bombs and molotovs early in the match. Those situations are nightmares lol.

As for what I consider the most useful abilities for my play:

I think Reviver 1 or 2 is always good to have because the faster reviving time is often crucial and the default reviving speed is incredibly slow.

Covert training 2 saved me more than a few times in defensive fallback situations and it easily allows me to flank offensively if I'm arriving to a scene because they never see me coming.

Crafter 2/3 is also one of my favorites since extra items, especially material intensive items like bombs or molotovs (seriously, Binding are the rarest fucking items in MP) can quickly change the tide of battle.


Yes, the game shouldn't. But how is punishing the innocent guys who happen to be in your team of any use ?

Why don't you just leave the game ?

Please don't do that anymore.
It is. But I don't feel bad. I was in a full party the game shouldn't have separated me from my team.

Oh, you're "that" guy. Lame.

I've been finding more and more people playing for the other team lately and it's infuriating. I get separated from my team often and I guarantee I'm still trying to beat my friends.

Gray Matter

Yes, the game shouldn't. But how is punishing the innocent guys who happen to be in your team of any use ?

Why don't you just leave the game ?

Please don't do that anymore.

Because, as good as this MP is it sometimes gets boring when all you do is win. I was just trying to have some fun. Also that game was close, the team I was on lost by 1 so they got their supplies.

Gray Matter

Oh, you're "that" guy. Lame.

I've been finding more and more people playing for the other team lately and it's infuriating. I get separated from my team often and I guarantee I'm still trying to beat my friends.

Who is "that" guy?

Almost every time time that I get put in the other team I try my best.
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