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The Last of Us: Remastered MP |OT| For the love of god please stop running.

Does anyone else despise the university level? Everything culminates in the same damn hallway every time.

One of my favorite levels. While everyone in is dishing it out in the hallway I sneak outside, work my way to the enemies vicinity and throw my smoke bombs/bombs through the windows at them. And then we overwhelm them.

Downtown and Shipyard are so rarely chosen that I still don't fully understand those maps yet. I think I've played on both those maps 2-3 times total, and I just started my second campaign. The first time I played Downtown I got like 10 downs somehow. Was really glad I didn't miss the op to get the map-specific trophy lol

The ones who avoid Downtown are mostly players who have played it on the PS3 and are familiar for why the map is so notorious and as a result it gets avoided every time.

Due to the shape of the environment, it's a haven for snipers who camp up on the second floor of the house. They're a true pain to deal with. The map isn't the easiest when it comes to flanking and the map takes place at night. I know that a lot of people prefer daytime maps compared to nighttime maps.

In my opinion it's an alright map, but I think I have a bias against nighttime maps. I dread Hometown as well, I feel that they didn't balance the lockbox locations for that map too well.
Finally got my copy and I'm creeping through the single player right now. I'll probably jump back into MP tonight. Are the trophies the same? I mean, will I have to complete a full run on hunter and Firefly. Just wondering since I'm not sure If I have that much TLOU mp left in me. I played quite a bit on it already.


Downtown is the best map.

People don't like it cause it is bowl shaped and it's at night.

The most fun matches are in downtown.
Are you people finding matches right now? or is it not working due to the DDos attack (or whatever it is)?


Anyway, I was able to play earlier.

I like Downtown and University and Wharf. I hate Bill's Town.


About to hop on in a bit. I've gotten exponentially better since I started playing a couple weeks ago. Add me, lets party up. psn: kanyeswagyolo


Finally averaging close to 3000 parts per Supply Raid match!

Yes, I'm not very good.

i don't have strong map preferences but I don't like the high school map very much.


It's one of my favorite levels in the game. Now Downtown on the other hand is one of my least favorites.

Agreed, I can't stand downtown. I just have one more raid to survive before I can start a hunter clan. Holy hell does using first-aid training 2 make this thing easy. I went up to 2 teammates in my first match and had 15 heals done. Gonna select it again for my final raid.


Why am I so bad at MP? I take it it's going to take some time before I can make a custom build. So many locked weapons. Heck, can't even build the preset choices. The most downs I ever got was 6, but I can easily struggle to get 2...
First time playing this, not sure what to expect lol.

Just take your time, stick with you team mates (I can't stress this enough), use listen mode a lot, and don't run around like you're playing CoD or something.

Why am I so bad at MP? I take it it's going to take some time before I can make a custom build. So many locked weapons. Heck, can't even build the preset choices. The most downs I ever got was 6, but I can easily struggle to get 2...

See my above comment.


Starting up a party. At 3/4 so far. I don't care if you suck, you can join. Just send me a friend request (Grinchy)

edit- we're full
I don't understand how people like Downtown. That map is by far the worse map in the entire game bar none. Thankfully, I haven't had the misfortune of playing on it since launch week.
Just take your time, stick with you team mates (I can't stress this enough), use listen mode a lot, and don't run around like you're playing CoD or something.

See my above comment.

Had a connection issue in the end, so the wait to try the online continues. I didn't expect it to be anything like cod(not my type of game), but im interested in seeing how this game will put me down lol
University is amazing. It might be my favorite map. The long hallways with no cover always have something going on. Plus there are great sight lines for my hunting rifle.

Downtown is also great. Sight lines are pretty damn good through out map. I don't understand the hate.

Bookstore is one of the best DLC maps. Again, great sight lines, especially on the side with the bar. People always gravitate to that side.

Honestly there isn't a map that I hate. I don't love some of the tighter maps like Wharf and Water Tower. I use the hunting rifle almost exclusively and the sight lines on those maps are decent at best.


Did the PSN downtime mess up the matchmaking again? Was working really fast on Saturday and now can't get in a game as a 2 person party :(

Edit: The worst is when the lobby fills up and then you just leave the lobby. Did that twice already.


I just got off after some weird network issues. I had a game where anyone who died couldn't respawn, then the very next game, the other team all had 0 bars and it was laggy as hell. Decided to quit for the night.


FINALLY... Firefly Journey done! Now I just need to complete the hunter journey and I will have 100% for the entire remastered version of this game and the platinum trophy.


What isn't so glorious is that I heard my first N-word drop (on PS4) from someone in the last game I played of this journey.


FINALLY... Firefly Journey done! Now I just need to complete the hunter journey and I will have 100% for the entire remastered version of this game and the platinum trophy.

Congrats! I just finished Hunter Journey recently. I'm on my third week on Firefly and I have to say, it actually feels like I'm progressing towards my platinum now, lol.
Is it easier to accumulate supplies in one gametype over another? My friends and I have been playing tons of Survivors over the past few nights and even though we are playing and scoring similarly, sometimes it seems like we don't get nearly as many supplies in the end. And yes, I am accounting for larger clan sizes, etc.
Is it easier to accumulate supplies in one gametype over another? My friends and I have been playing tons of Survivors over the past few nights and even though we are playing and scoring similarly, sometimes it seems like we don't get nearly as many supplies in the end. And yes, I am accounting for larger clan sizes, etc.

In my experience you can earn the most supplies in interrogation since it's unlimited lives and most rounds go to nearly the full amount of time.


I am loving this new loadout I've put together:
Enforcer, Damage Marker 1, Hawk Eyed 3, Scavenger 2, with 2 points left over that I can't decide what to put them into.

Damage Marker 1 marks people as you shoot them. So not only do you get the drop on an opponent, but you mark them for your team mates. Since I also run Hawk Eyed, the person glows for the whole team too. The act of not having to press R3 to mark the opponent is especially good for me, since R3 is also the camera, and a lot of the time I accidentally move the camera as I'm marking someone and by the time I've realigned it the person has ducked behind cover.

Hawk Eyed 3 makes the person glow instead of just having an arrow over their heads. This is especially helpful if the opponent does duck behind cover, as we can see if they are bandaging themselves, getting revived, reloading etc. Of course Hawk Eyed at Level 3 actually marks any opposing teammates who're stood near the guy you marked, so sometimes you are able to light-up the entire enemy team at once and all your team can see them.

Scavenger 2 makes me automatically pick-up the blue supplies that enemies drop when I down and execute them. I HATE having to pick these up manually, since sometimes they are thrown a fair way away from the downed body, even through walls so they're outside a building when you killed someone inside. It makes for stupid errors when you're hunting around for blue supplies, sometimes getting killed in teh process. Now I just run over to the dead body and I automatically pick them up. No need to even stop running.

All this not having to stop and mark, or stop and collect blue supplies, not having a massive recoil when shooting (revolver), and not having a gun with weak-ass damage (9mm pistol) allows me to be far more reactive, and I find I play much more aggressively.

My remaining 2 points I keep going back and forth on. Really anything works, I guess. At the moment I'm rocking SharpShooter 1. But if I had just two more loadout points I'd LOVE to put First Aid 2 on there so I could bandage my teamates.

So scavenger 2 doesn't automatically give you the supplies - you still have to run over them?

Love your explanation of your loadout btw


Yeah, you still have to run over the supplies, but it still makes a world of difference by not having to scoop down to collect them; or hunt around for them if the game decides to throw them far away. Usually you can just get up to the body and it will automatically pick them up for you. much easier now.

I also ended-up re-jigging my remaining loadout points by going down to Hawk Eyed 2 and swapping the gun to the 9mm pistol in the end. This gave me the 4 loadout points in order to have First Aid Training 2 (bandage my teammates). Whilst DM1, HE2 and Scavenger2 still allow me to play aggressively, the FAT2 allows me to also help out my teammates as well. Overall this is a very nice all-round loadout that has become my main.


Where are the dogs on Suburbs?

I've heard that when you hear them bark, it means your opponents are near them, but I don't know where the dogs themselves are.
People hate downtown because they can't help but get rekt every time. Every game is like that. The online community plays the same maps they know(and eventually love as a result), and shun the map they think sucks...or the map they've had the least practice on. It's an annoying trend, because the levels in most shooters that get avoided for being "bad" tend to be the most well designed ones. People just want the map that lets them win. I don't get it.
And yes, I know this doesn't apply to you
People hate downtown because they can't help but get rekt every time. Every game is like that. The online community plays the same maps they know(and eventually love as a result), and shun the map they think sucks...or the map they've had the least practice on. It's an annoying trend, because the levels in most shooters that get avoided for being "bad" tend to be the most well designed ones. People just want the map that lets them win. I don't get it.
And yes, I know this doesn't apply to you

Downtown is really just a bad map though. The original layout was even worse; you could walk across the top and there were platforms etc.


GAF Username: ksdixon
PSN ID: ksdixon
Timezone: UK
Console: PS3 and PS4
Mic/No Mic: Microphone, willing to talk strategist with teammates
Play Time: Usually play late at night.
Game Mode: Prefer Supply Raid


FINALLY... Firefly Journey done! Now I just need to complete the hunter journey and I will have 100% for the entire remastered version of this game and the platinum trophy.


What isn't so glorious is that I heard my first N-word drop (on PS4) from someone in the last game I played of this journey.


I'm slowly getting better at this game, but very slowly. Reviver + Shotgun keep me useful.
So, with the locked skill points, can you unlock them manually as you go through the weeks? Or is it DLC and you have to buy them to unlock them?


The only map I'm not a fan of is bookstore.

Blocked off sections and dead ends are poor map design. Plus there's some very, very long lines of sight that just encourage camping and sniping. There's just no flow to that map.

Do NOT get me started on lines of sight and camping. For a long time, I tolerated Lakeside but wasn't a huge fan. I have grown to absolutely despise that map. It doesn't fit my play style at all. I don't mind occasional camping but that map promotes camping so badly it ruins my fun.

I am another one of those that like Downtown. But I'd have to say my favorite map is Capitol.

In my experience you can earn the most supplies in interrogation since it's unlimited lives and most rounds go to nearly the full amount of time.

Survivor is my goto can collecting mode.
Survivor is my goto can collecting mode.

Yea that's what we usually play in a group of 4.... a lot of the time we have to start intentionally losing rounds though (after killing everyone except one person on their team) just because we aren't going to get enough supplies. The worst is when the enemy team doesn't have 4 people.
PSN ID: BoxManLocke
Timezone: GMT +1

I play all modes even though I prefer Survivor for collecting. Don't have a mic yet, I'm saving up for dat White Gold Headset.

Patch 1.08 and Live Update Notes:

New Weapons

Variable Rifle
Fast and accurate rifle that downs in four shots. Press x while aiming to use the variable scope zoom!
Scoped Semi-Auto
Scoped version of the Semi-Auto Rifle.
Scoped Full-Auto
Scoped version of the Full-Auto Rifle
Scoped Burst Rifle
Scoped version of the Burst Rifle.
New Missions

All new weapons have their own missions
Updated Pre-set Loadouts

The free maps are coming out later this week

PS3 1.08 Patch Notes:

Patch 1.08 File Size: 151MB

NOTE: that all these fixes are already included in The Last of Us: Remastered on PS4.

Weapon Balance

Hunting Rifle scope altered to show headshot hit marker.
Hunting Rifle scope upgrade level 2 is visually different, like in Single Player.
Hunting Rifle now does 70 damage instead of 55. It's still 2 shots to down but Hunting Rifle players can now finish off wounded enemies more easily.
Reduce aim assist of second level zoom on Hunting Rifle and Military Sniper
Bug fixes

Fix for buying armor, switching to another loadout while alive, then respawning and losing the armor
Fix for buying purchaseable weapon, switching to another loadout which has the same purchaseable weapon, respawning and losing the purchased weapon
Fix for being able to spawn on a teammate after switching to a loadout with Strategist 3 before having spawned with that loadout
Fix for being able to buy ammo for purchaseable weapon on the waiting-to-respawn screen without the price going up
Fix to losing durability on a melee weapon when killing a downed player from more than 1.5 meters away
Fix to player going into t-pose when in high cover while holding a shiv
Fix for modded 2x4 not downing a player on slopes in certain cases
Fix for 2x4 missing player on a slope when doing the horizontal swing animation
Fix to not being able to shiv a player from behind on a slope unless you were extremely close
Fix to not being able to shiv a stunned player from the front on a slope
Note: unfortunately this fix introduced a separate bug where in rare cases of a smoke bomb shiv from the front, the animation of the attacker and victim don't line up properly. No shiv functionality is affected, this bug is visual only. We are looking into a fix for this.
Players using Bomb Expert 3 will no longer be stunned by their own smoke bomb while vaulting or falling
Hit sound and enemy flinch reaction for bombs and molotovs now only plays when you actually damage your opponent. The flinch radius was larger than the damage radius on bomb, molotov, and launcher.
Fix for late-joiner in a game of Survivors getting additional ingredients and parts at the first supply box in every round
Fix for picking up a modded melee weapon and receiving an extra binding / blade / rag
Fix for Specter firing sound not playing on University map
Fix to Last One Standing not kicking in when players quit a match to leave one player on a team
Fix to Last One Standing items not spawning when player had a supply box open at the moment when they became Last One Standing, then picked up the items from that box
Fix to Last One Standing items spawning at multiple supply boxes in Survivors under certain rare conditions
Fix to 2x4's that weren't picked up sometimes not getting cleaned up when player moves far away from the supply box that spawned it
Fix for game ending vox occasionally not playing
Supply Box Balance

Supply boxes now adjust for unbalanced teams. Being on a team of 3 players against a team of 4 players is equivalent to being down by 3 lives in Supply Raid or 2 rounds in Survivors. There is no reduction in items for players who are on the team with more players.
Team Balance

Improved logic for balancing teams between matches
Players are rated based on their combined leaderboard KDR values from Supply Raid and Survivors.
Teams are balanced such that the sums of each team's player ratings are as close as possible.
This also applies to parties, however when parties are involved the assignments of players are more limited so the team balance may not be as close.
Note that Interrogation mode also uses the combined KDR values from Supply Raid and Survivors. In future updates if we have time we'd like to add a unique player rating for each mode.


Patch 1.08 and Live Update Notes:

New Weapons

Variable Rifle
Fast and accurate rifle that downs in four shots. Press x while aiming to use the variable scope zoom!
Scoped Semi-Auto
Scoped version of the Semi-Auto Rifle.
Scoped Full-Auto
Scoped version of the Full-Auto Rifle
Scoped Burst Rifle
Scoped version of the Burst Rifle.

Those rifles were on the store last week, $0.99 each... not sure if there was a bundle. Just an FYI.
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