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The Leftovers S2 |OT| We're Going To Texas - [Renewed for 3rd and final season]

I'm pretty sure Mary died and/or had a miscarriage while Kevin was in the ground. At least, that was my read on it -- Kevin got the balloons when he first showed up there, right?

But yeah, it makes sense from a plot perspective. I just don't get the symbolism. Little things like the priest in the hotel elevator with him, or the guy on the bridge with a slipknot. There had to be something there. Patti being a child and her husband and all that -- I got those symbols/references and after her speech in the well, it was beautiful in retrospect. The rest of the episode not so much.

EDIT: If they are planning to wrap this show up with this season, Mary's death would be a fitting way to end the Matt Jamison character I think.

Kevin is presented with a choice when he opens the closet. He chooses the spy outfit. Throughout the episode he see the other costumes as worn by other people, potentially examples of what would happen if he had chosen that path. The Mapleton PD costume (his season 1 costume) had a bag over their head after being walked away from Patti's political party interrogation. The priest costume was on a guy in the elevator crying. Seemingly both alternate paths lead to failure, unlike the one he ultimately chose of the assassin.

The guy on the bridge may have been his last "do you really want to die?" test. Jump off the bridge with the noose and you're dead for good. He decided against that and went through with pushing child Patti/drowning adult Patti.


There was other stuff. The women speaking Spanish. The birds flying around. The water drinking. His father in Australia. The fire alarm. And so on. I'm sure I'm forgetting things.

All the Patti related stuff came to amazingly satisfying conclusion down in the well ("oh, your husband made you feel like a child, oh he was metaphorically drowning you," etc) but none of the other stuff in the episode had that same sort of payoff. Yeah, we know he chose the assassin outfit, but there's no real hook point to where you go "oooh. That's why he picked that outfit" or maybe there was and I'm just not getting it.

Maybe it'll comeback sometime in the next two episodes. Hopefully at least some of it will. I enjoyed the episode as a whole, but I'm not surprised by the negative reactions.

EDIT: At one point in the middle of the episode, it felt like a bunch of writers sitting around smoking pot and going, "OK what next?" "Dude...what if a fire alarm keeps going off?" "That sounds great, and let's make it so there's a bunch of Spanish chicks walking around for no apparent reason." etc.


At one point in the middle of the episode, it felt like a bunch of writers sitting around smoking pot and going, "OK what next?"

"Bruh, what if, like, Garvey Sr. has like, this harem of hot chicks and his face is painted white. And, like, he sets his hotel bed on fire to like, communicate with his son from a different plane through his fuckin' TV bruh! And, get this, they are staying...in the same... exact... room. Bruuuhhhhh!"

Yea, I could totally see that scenario going down. That interaction with Kevin and his dad was insane. It was a really weird time for father and son to have a heart to heart. "I love you" "I love you too. Dad?" Strange.

There's also the line from the security guard; "Make like Jesus," which is kind of on the nose if in fact he revived after 3 days in the dirt like the birds. The guard also asks about Kevin's hand, to which he replies "Cut it."
"Did you put Neosporin™ on it?"
"All clear."

Product placement out of the blue with no purpose. The episode had a few odd moments.


If i was a writer on the show, Azrael would have been my go-to card.

Seemed like a funny throw-off, but no, Azrael subplot could be cool.

...I wish the show worked a bit more with its lore rather than focusing on the characters solely.


Just like life then ;)
And most novels written by chimps.
I mean, this is a story, with a writer. You can't always compare it to real life like that.
(maybe you were just joking, but some have actually used that argument... Lindelof did, I believe, in fact)
And most novels written by chimps.
I mean, this is a story, with a writer. You can't always compare it to real life like that.
(maybe you were just joking, but some have actually used that argument... Lindelof did, I believe, in fact)

The writing room at HBO confirmed!



Sidhe / PikPok
TYeah, we know he chose the assassin outfit, but there's no real hook point to where you go "oooh. That's why he picked that outfit" or maybe there was and I'm just not getting it.

This I felt was explained in the conversation with Neil who said something to the effect of an international assassin having "no wife, no kids, no responsibility". Responsibility and relationship claustrophobia is something Kevin struggles with as a character, with his cheating and him reluctantly getting serious with Nora and adopting the baby (he has constantly lied to Nora about how comfortable he is). In that respect, the independent assassin is who he "is".

In terms of the other "random" people wandering around, the conversation with Neil also suggested they were other dead people. Some lost in the world having drunk the water and succumbing to their "role", the rest probably struggling with finding redemption. Them not all fitting into Kevin's story directly makes sense.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
didnt like the episode AT ALL.

I know what they where trying to do, and I can appreciate the attempt, but I thought it was a cheep way to reveal and resolve these issues.

plus i liked that the show walked the line between guessing if things are super natuaral or scientific, but whenever you have the "dream trope" thrown at you, it tips to the supernatural side more.

and i think the eps itself was too long winded, didnt take long to realize what was going on, so i felt like i was sitting waiting for the thing to end.

still love the show though, now lets get back to the real


didnt like the episode AT ALL.

I know what they where trying to do, and I can appreciate the attempt, but I thought it was a cheep way to reveal and resolve these issues.

plus i liked that the show walked the line between guessing if things are super natuaral or scientific, but whenever you have the "dream trope" thrown at you, it tips to the supernatural side more.

Does it? I'm not so sure (although I've been mostly on board with the idea that "this stuff is supernatural" for a while now)

BTW, I don't totally disagree about the episode. I didn't dislike it, but I didn't love it either. In a world where we know there might only be a couple episodes left in the series (let alone the season), I feel like it might have been time better spent elsewhere...

I found it pretty engaging, but it doesn't seem like there's a ton of connectivity between what happened in "limbo" and what came before (or is likely to come after). Maybe I'm wrong... but a lot of what we saw seemed more like callbacks than anything else... and let's face it, I'm more into the ongoing story in the real world...


Does it? I'm not so sure (although I've been mostly on board with the idea that "this stuff is supernatural" for a while now)

BTW, I don't totally disagree about the episode. I didn't dislike it, but I didn't love it either. In a world where we know there might only be a couple episodes left in the series (let alone the season), I feel like it might have been time better spent elsewhere...

I found it pretty engaging, but it doesn't seem like there's a ton of connectivity between what happened in "limbo" and what came before (or is likely to come after). Maybe I'm wrong... but a lot of what we saw seemed more like callbacks than anything else... and let's face it, I'm more into the ongoing story in the real world...

The show heavily leans towards the supernatural. There's only been two scientific theories revealed in the show so far: departed being based on locations but that wouldn't explain the unborn Garvey baby disappearing and the lens theory but that one is actually supernatural since it's based around some demon. Otherwise the show is full of supernatural references and occurences.
The show heavily leans towards the supernatural. There's only been two scientific theories revealed in the show so far: departed being based on locations but that wouldn't explain the unborn Garvey baby disappearing and the lens theory but that one is actually supernatural since it's based around some demon. Otherwise the show is full of supernatural references and occurences.

The lens theory itself isn't based on a demon. The demon part is an attempt to explain the lens theory, but the concept that certain people make it more likely that those surrounding them disappeared for some unknown reason seems like a somewhat popular hypothesis in the world of the show


Amazing episode, loved every minute of it digitalrelic pretty much nailed it. The only thing I would like to add was the comedy was amazing, the whole fucked up frustration was cracking me up.
Like others, "HOLY SHIT!"

This episode was crazy, though I wouldn't nominate it as the best of the series of even the season though. It was almost a little too strange, and to have a 10-episode/season show spend a full one on a dream sequence feels kinda strange. You only have so much time!

This show is really strange when it comes to how it deals with the supernatural, and while I like that it tips towards the supernatural, it always feels grounded. This episode kinda upset that ground a bit.

But it was also fucking compelling and tense as hell. Parts were also very, very uncomfortable to watch, and dat ending. Oh gawd!

I'm gonna miss Patti. She's been my fav this season :(


I just caught up on this season. Wasn't a fan of Season 1, but this season has been better. It isn't always good, but it is always interesting I guess? "Lens" was my favorite episode of the season. Carrie Coon and Regina King were just spectacular in that episode. Curious to see how the season wrapped up.


This show is just ridiculous. What is there to say aside from acknowledging yet another amazing episode? This season batting a 1000 for me from start to now. I so hope there is a third season.


"Bruh, what if, like, Garvey Sr. has like, this harem of hot chicks and his face is painted white. And, like, he sets his hotel bed on fire to like, communicate with his son from a different plane through his fuckin' TV bruh! And, get this, they are staying...in the same... exact... room. Bruuuhhhhh!"

Yea, I could totally see that scenario going down. That interaction with Kevin and his dad was insane. It was a really weird time for father and son to have a heart to heart. "I love you" "I love you too. Dad?" Strange.

There's also the line from the security guard; "Make like Jesus," which is kind of on the nose if in fact he revived after 3 days in the dirt like the birds. The guard also asks about Kevin's hand, to which he replies "Cut it."
"Did you put Neosporin™ on it?"
"All clear."

Product placement out of the blue with no purpose. The episode had a few odd moments.

Eh, you're free to think that way, but I'm not with you.

I've been re-watching season 1 this past week or so. In that season's episode 07 (this is the one where Kevin's Dad escapes and visits him) Kevin blacks out late at night. He has a dream about the dogcatcher telling him to kill a dog he trapped in a mailbox. The next morning he wakes up faceplanted on the floor to the sounds of a dog barking and sporting a mauled hand wrapped in bandages. When he goes down to the kitchen Jill and her friend Aimee are there. Aimee asks if he put neosporin on it after she bandaged it up last night, much in the same way the frisker bodyguard did in this last episode. He pauses and then says "yeah".

This is like the Paypal thing with Nora at the benefit gathering for the lost girls. She had a Paypal account and they were referencing her interaction with Holy Wayne from season 1 there as well. The neosporin shout-out was just a functional callback in an episode that was clearly full of echoes to his blackouts, dreams, and prior recollections.


ep 8 holy shiiieet I really hope patty is gone...

amazing ep... Justin is a fucking amazing actor

also watching this just makes me sad LOST wasnt on HBO....even if it meant less episodes...


That simply reflects how ridiculous I think the writing on this show is. Just like the gushing posts I was reacting to in this instance (surely, you would agree those tend to go quite a bit beyond "I like this") reflect, I would imagine, how good those posters thought this week's episode was.

ahhhahah good ol Erigu still shitin on Lindelof... I for the life of me dont understand why anyone wastes their time on shows/headed by someone they hate..
seriously mang do you know Lindelof irl... did he shit in your rice crispy's..
I just dont get it.... if I thought the writing was terrible I wouldn't watch it or support his shows in anyway....


I agree that some symbolism like the priest was too vague, the water and bird thing kinda too. I feel like the noose guy on the bridge will become more clear after we find out what he whispers to kevin.

Man, that would suck if she died while Kevin was buried, but that makes sense.

damn never thought of that....:/

you know one thing I noticed was the preacher dude in the elevator with Kevin... he was wearing the same outfit in Kevin's closet... he also looked nervous and like he didn't know WTF was going on....seems like he was doing the same thing Kevin was...
The disorientation of Kevin, and the feeling of experiencing something that should not be real but is, reminded me of some of my salvia trips. Really unnerving feeling.

All in all, a holy shit episode indeed.


Erigu is like a mediocre version of dead souls and seeing as dead souls isn't that well informed either that's saying something.


The neosporin shout-out was just a functional callback in an episode that was clearly full of echoes to his blackouts, dreams, and prior recollections.
Let's say. Did it serve some kind of purpose?

I just dont get it.... if I thought the writing was terrible I wouldn't watch it
Well, I do. I'll watch stuff that's terrible because it can be entertaining and/or enlightening. You apparently don't. Okay.
And again, I find it a tiny bit hard to believe you (and others who react like you do) have never thought or heard about that...

or support his shows in anyway....
Oh, I don't.

Erigu is like a mediocre version of dead souls and seeing as dead souls isn't that well informed either that's saying something.
We're not "well informed"? Well, that's... new. Could you elaborate?
Hey folks, just a gentle reminder that this is a television OT, and as such, is meant for discussing S2 of Leftovers. If you disagree with another poster, your options are to either provide a counterargument to their points or to ignore them. Please do not engage in personal attacks, metacommentary, and sniping as it's disruptive to the thread.

If you do see issues that need to be addressed, such as overt trolling, personal attacks, or anything else, please contact moderation via PM and we'll take a look at it. I haven't seen any of this season, but it sounds like a stark change from S1. Please enjoy the show and the discussion in this thread by keeping it focused on the content on screen and supplementary material. Let's try to keep the thread on track. Thank you.
damn never thought of that....:/

you know one thing I noticed was the preacher dude in the elevator with Kevin... he was wearing the same outfit in Kevin's closet... he also looked nervous and like he didn't know WTF was going on....seems like he was doing the same thing Kevin was...

Yeah someone else pointed this out. Which I thought was rather observant. Can't wait for next episode.

Hyun Sai

Just watched again the episode, and the Kevin walk in the forest carrying Patti until the end of its journey must be one of the most beautiful thing I saw ever. Those feelings...


I've watched the scene at the well from the bridge keeper to the little girl and Patti over and over the past few days.... it is riveting. I love it


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Yeah I'm fairly certain most of the stuff in the hotel was a callback to other things in the show. Even the guard patting Kevin down and saying "Congratulations" was a wink to all those sweatpants bulge filled jogging scenes.


'Character show'.

Kevin is haunted by that time he kidnapped Patti and she ended up killing herself right in front of him. How will he exorcise Patti's ghost?
Why, by going to some weird purgatory world and actually killing a far nicer version of her, of course.
This makes so much sense! TV critics love it.

And I imagine Nora went from that "let's share all our weird secrets and accept each other" scene at the beginning of the season to "what? you have hallucinations? guess I'll just leave with the baby without even trying to talk it out!" because Kevin had to be alone and desperate to get rid of Patti to get to that purgatory episode.

Just like with Lost, we're told it's all about the characters, just as the show demonstrates it's really all about getting to the next "awesome" plot point, and fuck the characters and logic if they stand in the way.


It can be a decent character show or a decent mystery show but this back and forth and the intention of not giving answers (how is that defined, anyhow?) between the two elements ends up hurting both and thus The Leftovers comes short.

Still, it makes for a peculiar watch.
Episode 7

Edward -- the living, breathing success story.

I'm finally starting to think Patti may indeed just be in Kevin's mind. :( I was actually hoping there was something supernatural going on. Also, his daughter (Jill?); wow she's an asshole.

Holy shit, that ending. Jesus Christ.
Episode 8

What the what. But for real though, that was strangely entertaining. Like, I really enjoyed this. It was ummm, fun, I guess. And weird as hell. It's hard to explain.

So anyway, I guess he was in limbo or purgatory or something? And it was obvious Kevin would survive. Gotta make like Jesus, after all.

But yeah, this show is really damn good. Can't wait for the last two episodes.

Nah, didn't you hear her boyfriend? She's an amazing girl!
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