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The Leftovers S3 |OT| The End Is Near - Premieres Sunday 4/16, 9pm on HBO

Probably the weakest Episode so far this season, but it was still very entertaining

I think the Burton guy was mentioned in a news flash last season
Doesn't launching a nuke require inputting a password as well? Also, wouldn't you have to input target coordinates first?

Nuclear subs are designed to be more independent than the usual land systems.

Look up letters of last resort for an idea of what crews do when command has broken down and they are left with nobody to answer to.


semen stains the mountaintops

How the hell are they going to end this show in 3 episodes?


Unconfirmed Member
Someone on Reddit translated the french whispers in the opening, presumably spoken by Naked Submarine Guy. Basically he was trying to stop the end of the world.

Je suis le seul espoir
Im the only hope
La dernière défense d'une espèce au bord de l'extinction
The last defense of a species about to go extinct
Les démonistes nous avait avertis
The "warlocks" warned us
Ces voyants sages de la vérité
These clairvoyant sages saw the truth
Ils ont dit que ces créatures viendraient 7 ans après que les premiers aient été pris
They said the creatures would come 7 years after the first ones were taken
7 ans après le départ
7 years after the departure
Nous étions aveugles des dieux
We were blind of the gods
Maintenant nous chancelons au bord du précipice
We are now on the edge of the ravine
Au bord de la destruction
On the edge of destruction
Des que ce monstre est né nous sommes finis
When this monster is born we are done for
Parce que ce monstre est né pour nous finir
Because this monster will be born to end us
7 têtes 7 bouches de flammes
7 heads and 7 flaming mouths
Nous avons qu'un seul espoir, l'œuf
We have one last hope, the egg
des cartes demonistes je l'ai trouvé
From the warlock maps I found it
Cache dans un nie, des volcans dans la mère
Hidden in a nest, in a volcano in the sea
Merci dieu pour la technologie
Thank god for the technologie
?can't hear????... la bombe nucléaire
The nuclear weapon
Casser la coquille fragile et faire fondre les demons à l'intérieur
To break the fragile shell and melt the demons inside
Dieu que ce missile vole droit et vrai et laisse le trouver le nie du volcan
God, may this missile fly straight and find the nest in the volcano
Et que celui ci soit non éclos et qu'il soit détruit avant qu'il ne détruise le monde
And hopefully this egg wouldn't have hatched yet, and let it destroy it before it destroys the world.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Laurie and Matt's snipes at each other were my favorite part of this episode.


Subete no aware
Would you guys say that this series gets better with each season? I've watched season 1 and a bit of season 2.
Season 2 was a marked improvement over season 1, but I don't know how I feel about what has come out of season 3 yet. I feel like the ending will turn it for me; if it's not satisfying, then you basically get a Lost/Mass Effect 3 situation.


That was a crazy ride, but pretty awesome as well. I liked the acceptance by Matt at the end. The realisation of his desperation, and what it had led him to, and then how the conversation made him re-evaluate where he was, and what he'd become.

I also really liked how they subverted TV expectations. With any other show, where a truth hidden comes out, you'd expect wild emotional histrionics from the deceived, but they didn't go that route, at all.


That's was the craziest episode of any show I've seen in a while. Probably since The True Detective Orgy scene.

Side note: Did anyone else see that scene happening way before it happened?
Matt always has the strongest episodes and this one in particular ended up being best of the season for me

Love that ending. Might as well have played the curb your enthusiasm music at the end when the lion attacked him lmao

This show is so good at morbid humor. I am left more impressed with it everytime they attempt it.

I'm hoping that this shakes his faith in Kevin as a new messiah as he realizes how easily swayed he is when he wants to believe in something. It's no coincidence that he just so happens to go all in on yet another guy who claims he's God just because of an unreliable anecdote about cheating death.

To me this show has always been about con artists (whether they themselves know it or not) taking advantage of the hopeless and people searching for purpose, and cashing in on the departure exacerbating people's need for faith in anything.

Like look at all these cases: the black cult guy in season 1, guilty remnant, miracle Texas, that hobo guy on the giant platform, Kevin/Christ 2.0, the scientists who claim to know how to get you departed etc. Its a recurring point of this show to manipulate people's need for faith.
It's such an obvious thing, but man that moment when Matt screamed at him "IT WAS ALL FOR YOU", and Burton calmly points out that no, it was Matt being selfish was so so so great.

Also, I really enjoyed how they handled the mysterious David Burton. You kind of recognize him from the International Assassin episode, badly want know why he was in Kevin's dreamworld (and why he was corresponding with the pillar prophet in Jarden), and he gets eaten by a fucking lion.
Does anyone think that
the GR are alive? The last scene with Meg was she talking about a magic trick with disappearing tigers. I don't know how they would put that in just three episodes but it's kinda lazy to me that they just bombed them off the show.
Does anyone think that
the GR are alive? The last scene with Meg was she talking about a magic trick with disappearing tigers. I don't know how they would put that in just three episodes but it's kinda lazy to me that they just bombed them off the show.

They are very much dead.

They rampaged a town, no real way for them to end it other than a standoff and a Waco ending.

Story is better without them at this point
They are very much dead.

They rampaged a town, no real way for them to end it other than a standoff and a Waco ending.

Story is better without them at this point

Well yeah, it'll be weird to bring them back. Is just that I think on how they erased them from the show and it's underwhelming, is not that they were super interesting or anything but it feels like Poochie from the Simpsons.
Well yeah, it'll be weird to bring them back. Is just that I think on how they erased them from the show and it's underwhelming, is not that they were super interesting or anything but it feels like Poochie from the Simpsons.

The story line is done, doesnt mean it was errased. We just had a major segment of the last two episodes call back to the killing of them
Why are the Matt episodes among the best episodes, this was amazing honestly

Because he is a preacher being put into morally dubious situations and is breaking his convictions for the sake of what ever he is after.

Basically a microcosm of the shows love for juxtaposition. A preacher in an orgy, funny music while nukes are launched, etc
Gonna hop in and get started on this very soon, re-upped my HBO last night. So excited. Enjoyed season 1, though it was hit or miss, but season 2 may be my favorite season of a TV series ever. Amazing stuff.


Well, that definitely got a chuckle out of me. Eccleston once again delivering a strong outing in his turn. Let's keep this quality run going.


Someone on Reddit translated the french whispers in the opening, presumably spoken by Naked Submarine Guy. Basically he was trying to stop the end of the world.

Je suis le seul espoir
Im the only hope
La dernière défense d'une espèce au bord de l'extinction
The last defense of a species about to go extinct
Les démonistes nous avait avertis
The "warlocks" warned us
Ces voyants sages de la vérité
These clairvoyant sages saw the truth
Ils ont dit que ces créatures viendraient 7 ans après que les premiers aient été pris
They said the creatures would come 7 years after the first ones were taken
7 ans après le départ
7 years after the departure
Nous étions aveugles des dieux
We were blind of the gods
Maintenant nous chancelons au bord du précipice
We are now on the edge of the ravine
Au bord de la destruction
On the edge of destruction
Des que ce monstre est né nous sommes finis
When this monster is born we are done for
Parce que ce monstre est né pour nous finir
Because this monster will be born to end us
7 têtes 7 bouches de flammes
7 heads and 7 flaming mouths
Nous avons qu'un seul espoir, l'œuf
We have one last hope, the egg
des cartes demonistes je l'ai trouvé
From the warlock maps I found it
Cache dans un nie, des volcans dans la mère
Hidden in a nest, in a volcano in the sea
Merci dieu pour la technologie
Thank god for the technologie
?can't hear????... la bombe nucléaire
The nuclear weapon
Casser la coquille fragile et faire fondre les demons à l'intérieur
To break the fragile shell and melt the demons inside
Dieu que ce missile vole droit et vrai et laisse le trouver le nie du volcan
God, may this missile fly straight and find the nest in the volcano
Et que celui ci soit non éclos et qu'il soit détruit avant qu'il ne détruise le monde
And hopefully this egg wouldn't have hatched yet, and let it destroy it before it destroys the world.

holy crack
this will end with a Shyamalan's twist?


Really enjoyed it. The scene at the end between Matt and "God" was the internal struggle of Matt and his believe. But acted out. Really well done.

No idea how this show is gonna end haha.
Goddamn was that a fun episode. Intro with the nuke launch was great. Nice to see that actor I dug from from Night Of. I thought he was going to kill Matt at the end after he untied him. That scene was really tense. And the ending with the lion was perfect.

First shot with the submarine I immediately thought of LOST and chuckled. CG subs have improved a bit since then.
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