I saw this on Twitter (I actually follow the subject of the Jezebel article this is responding to) , and thought it was an interesting read. Link here.
Also, funnily enough, Kelly Stout, who wrote a response criticizing Schwartz for being a white woman making Charlottesville "about her brand", by all appearances is also white.
Anyways, I'm getting a little tired of progressive circular firing squads. What do you guys think?
Incidentally, Dana Schwartz formerly wrote for the Observer, where she wrote a public letter to Jared Kushner (the publisher of that news outlet) criticizing him for not condemning the antisemitism in the Trump campaign.Babe.net describes itself as a website for girls who dont give a fuck. True to form, after the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville they published a piece titled Were not going to fuck you, you Nazi losers, by Dana Schwartz. If youre a 20-year-old pretending to be a Nazi, youre not a bad boy; youre a racist virgin so humiliated by his own sexual inadequacy and terrified at rejection that youll blame your feelings of weakness on some unseen Liberal Agenda, she wrote. First and foremost, the neo-Nazi alt-right movement is about racism. Second, its about sexual insecurity.
Jezebels Kelly Stout did not see the essay as an act of criticism or humor by an established journalist, comedian, and young adult author. Instead, in her own essay (let that sink in), she accused Schwartz of being a white woman who uses a tragedy to promote her brand and that she should be embarrassed. Stout concludes by arguing that the Nazis in Virginia werent really there to protest white womens right to be alive. And the violence in Virginia does not cry out for a response from sassy white women who know a thing or two about virgins living in their moms basements.
But heres the catch: Schwartz is a prominent Jewish journalist and an outspoken target of white supremacist harassment. Assuming Stout is aware of the Nazi position on Jewry, and of Schwartzs identity, its ambiguous whether she is arguing that whiteness cancels out Jewishness or whether she hadnt picked up on Schwartzs identity beyond white woman.
Its certainly true that structural racism in the U.S. does not primarily target Jews, and to focus only on anti-Semitism would be myopic. But its a stretch to say that Jews responding in a personal way to a neo-Nazi rally are centering themselves, and its untenable in the context of Charlottesville to discuss white Jews simply as white people in need of etiquette instruction from fellow-progressive. While we should defend groups were not part of, we are also part of a group currently under attack.
Progressives in America pride themselves on being hyperaware of the persecution of minority groups of all kindsblacks, women, LGBT people, immigrantsbut they have a blind spot. The left first needs to recognize the very real, immediate threat of anti-Semitism in Trumps America, and to acknowledge anti-Semitism as its own axis of oppression.
Also, funnily enough, Kelly Stout, who wrote a response criticizing Schwartz for being a white woman making Charlottesville "about her brand", by all appearances is also white.
Anyways, I'm getting a little tired of progressive circular firing squads. What do you guys think?