I want to add in to Guan's comments here, because I've been working on Endless History for over six years now, and I can promise it is INFINITELY easier to translate news, interviews, etc etc than it is to translate prose and any of the text out of the Kiseki series.
I've been doing an editing pass for the next Translation Tuesday video that will be going up next week- it's actually one of the memory doors from 3rd that disturbs me the most when you get down to everything in it. I always end up feeling so drained trying to work the lines in it to sound /right/ for the type of report that it is, that sometimes, I end up doing stupid crap like this:
...or watching dog videos on youtube. Or go hug my dogs. Or something. I don't think I've ever had something that has emotionally drained me to the degree that this video has.
(As a result, I can't wait to get to the one Guan's been working on, because that levity will be SO much needed.)
On the other hand, I can't wait for people to see this, because it really is truly- in my opinion- one of the great 'WTF HAPPENED???' moments of the lore for the Kiseki/Trails setting. As a result, I feel that it's 100% worth it, don't get me wrong. But I have so much respect for the people who do this stuff for a living, because I've felt so burned out and drained from it. I don't think I could do it for a paycheck by this point.