I think Azula was doing the community one. If only he'd come back in here.I'm totally fine with this thread TBH. I call next OT though whenever that is, if that's fine.
I think Azula was doing the community one. If only he'd come back in here.I'm totally fine with this thread TBH. I call next OT though whenever that is, if that's fine.
Is Korrasami powerful enough for a third OT?
Next OT is the Avatar OT, this was just an emergency thread because we accidentally ran out of the first Book 4 thread before the community one was ready.
what the hell is this
my power
my impact
A community that rejects half-baked villains doesn't deserve children television's favorite lesbian couple.
Is Korrasami powerful enough for a third OT?
top 5 characters plsKUVIRA = SHIT
We won't make it to a third OT. The finale gave us the bump we needed but that thread took 3 months following an active show to fill.
We'd have to retain a solid amount of the community and have some really compelling rewatches to go through 20000 more posts.
But how can you be so sure?
Don't underestimate the amount of people pissed off about Korrasami. I've never seen so many meltdowns about this show, and I made the Book Two OT.We won't make it to a third OT. The finale gave us the bump we needed but that thread took 3 months following an active show to fill.
We'd have to retain a solid amount of the community and have some really compelling rewatches to go through 20000 more posts.
Is this a joke
Other thread title is canon in my book.
I love how people project nonsense onto things. Reminds me of those animes where everyone assumes the protagonist and antagonist are secretly gay for each other.
There is zero foreshadowing of any sort of romance between the two. There is zero foreshadowing of either of them being anything but straight.
And then he had another chance and fucked it up too, with the same woman, because he didn't bother to tell him that they've broken up.
And then he drove that woman to lesbianism with the women he cheated on.
Mako is a true human being.
I love how people project nonsense onto things. Reminds me of those animes where everyone assumes the protagonist and antagonist are secretly gay for each other.
There is zero foreshadowing of any sort of romance between the two. There is zero foreshadowing of either of them being anything but straight.
listen thot, mike (the writer of the show) posted receipts that they are into each other on his facebook
get into Icon Korrasami
Now I see why Bryke don't really "change" even with our criticism.
Critics seem to love it and don't press on the issues we talk about.
Guess we're just a vocal minority that they're ignoring. :/
I love how people project nonsense onto things. Reminds me of those animes where everyone assumes the protagonist and antagonist are secretly gay for each other.
There is zero foreshadowing of any sort of romance between the two. There is zero foreshadowing of either of them being anything but straight.
If I intend to write a sci-fi, and what I end up writing is a fantasy book...is it still sci-fi?
He should've foreshadowed and woven the storyline through the season and not brought it up in the final shot and be like "LOLOLOL DROPPING THE BOMB" - it's rubbish storytelling if that's what he's intending.
i hate you
If I intend to write a sci-fi, and what I end up writing is a fantasy book...is it still sci-fi?
He should've foreshadowed and woven the storyline through the season and not brought it up in the final shot and be like "LOLOLOL DROPPING THE BOMB" - it's rubbish storytelling if that's what he's intending.
Korra and Asami grew more and more affectionate towards each other as Book 3 and 4 rolled on.
The ending was them acknowledging that maybe there's more to their relationship than just friendship, and was the beginning of them exploring that.
And if people are going to get into a harrumph over it not being explicitly stated that they're bisexual before the end, then also accept it wasn't explicitly stated they were exclusively straight either.
Carrying over from the old thread:
"Safe Return" is incredible and all callbacks to it are very welcome. I love how A:TLA ended on that song starting to play, making you think that the "look into the sunset" scene was the end... only for it to transition into the Cave of Two Lovers theme leading into the kiss. I was a sucker for the Aang/Katara romance too, so its effect was doubled on me.
i hate you
girl, the show has shit writing and has had shit writing for years. the one thing they DID figure out to do was to pepper hints throughout the books that this is where they were going. i mean, the writing of it was still shit, but if you think they hadnt been slowly hinting at it then u are wrong and not paying attention, sis.
No it wasn't, but both of them were involved in heterosexual relationships at one point or another on the show. We can assume, with a good deal of certainty that they are attracted to men. When it comes to any sort of hint that they might be also attracted to women, we come up pretty damn blank.
So i'm guessing you missed the link I sent you? There were at least few legit hints that they were interested in each other, and considering they're both female, it'd mean they're interested in females.
Now I see why Bryke don't really "change" even with our criticism.
Critics seem to love it and don't press on the issues we talk about.
Guess we're just a vocal minority that they're ignoring. :/
Michael Dante DiMartino is an American animation director best known as the co-creator, executive producer, and story editor of the animated TV series Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, both on Nickelodeon.
No it wasn't, but both of them were involved in heterosexual relationships at one point or another on the show. We can assume, with a good deal of certainty that they are attracted to men. When it comes to any sort of hint that they might be also attracted to women, we come up pretty damn blank.
The hints that people have provided are pretty damn tenuous. The fact that this is at all unclear and people are arguing about it is a testament to how poorly it was handled.
Why though? I mean I thought the season was a good time, and I'm not about to dissect it and make it boring. That's what makes a show crap is when someone trys to nitpick every little detail. What's wrong with enjoying a season for what it is and moving on? Because surely that's more entertaining then getting upset over people's different opinions and picking out every little flaw there is.http://www.avclub.com/tvclub/legend-korra-day-colossus-last-stand-213266
This review made me angry.
So much wrong that I don't agree with.
I took a look, but I didn't find anything exceptionally strong. If you disagree, post the moments presented. I'd be happy to talk about them.
Not really, it wasn't slow at all. There were a handful of random moments that came out of nowhere just like this final scene. In reality Korra and Asami had like no real interaction where they would really start to bond with each other. Bad writing all around.
I took a look, but I didn't find anything exceptionally strong. If you disagree, post the moments presented. I'd be happy to talk about them.
This culminates in the season finale, where Asami is fixing up Korra's hair while the latter is wheelchair bound and recovering from her battle with Zaheer. Asami proceeds to take Korra's hand and tell her that she is there for her in case she ever wants to "talk... or anything".
During her time there, Asami, Mako, and Bolin have all been writing to Korra, but Korra only writes back to Asami because she feels the boys just would not understand what she is going through. It may be that Korra simply sees Asami as her closest, most trusted friend, but the subtext is as clear as crystal.
In "Reunion", the restaurant scene is just chock full of this, starting with Asami complimenting Korra's hair (complete with blush from the latter) then the two having to awkwardly admit that Korra actually wrote back to Asami. Even their argument comes across sounding like a lovers' quarrel.
There's this line from Mako, which is borderline Lampshade Hanging on it all:
Mako: What's going on with you two?
Amen brother.
listen thot, mike (the writer of the show) posted receipts that they are into each other on his facebook
get into Icon Korrasami