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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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Bumi vs Aang was a bad ass fight, what the fuck was old Toph's excuse for not fighting? Bumi is not afraid to throw down for an old ass man.
Bumi was also 112 at least. Toph is barely half his age at this point. Toph is definitely the most skilled earthbender. She knows literally every earthbending style (guaranteed she knows how to lavabend).
I'm just waiting for Dishonored to be free on PS3 next month ._.

That's a good-ass game, man. I haven't played the DLC yet, though I have it on my HD. I really need to go back an re-play that game. The first time I played it, I wasn't really into it. I think I was playing it just to play it, you know? I had bought it day one (pre-ordered) and hadn't touched it. One of the only games with lore that I actually got into, except now it's been so long I don't recall much of it. Aside from it being a world powered by whale oil and that people who use magic can use it because of the devil.
Bumi was also 112 at least. Toph is barely half his age at this point. Toph is definitely the most skilled earthbender. She knows literally every earthbending style (guaranteed she knows how to lavabend).
"I have some kids and they have kids, my old friends had some kids and they had some kids, my old best friend just got reincarnated, I'll let them deal with it. Imma go back to mah swamp. Where's Zuko and his magic dragon? He still owes me a life changing trip."
"I have some kids and they have kids, my old friends had some kids and they had some kids, my old best friend just got reincarnated, I'll let them deal with it. Imma go back to mah swamp. Where's Zuko and his magic dragon? He still owes me a life changing trip."

Makes me wonder, when do you think Guru Pathik died? I mean, he had to be close to 200 when we meet him.
That's a good-ass game, man. I haven't played the DLC yet, though I have it on my HD. I really need to go back an re-play that game. The first time I played it, I wasn't really into it. I think I was playing it just to play it, you know? I had bought it day one (pre-ordered) and hadn't touched it. One of the only games with lore that I actually got into, except now it's been so long I don't recall much of it. Aside from it being a world powered by whale oil and that people who use magic can use it because of the devil.

Yeah my friend got it recently and he's been hyping it up a ton too. He already beat it twice. I was already interested in the game all the way since it was first announced, so i'm pretty excited lol


Maybe. I mean, people age very differently in the Avatarverse, it seems.

Even the non-benders are able to do all sorts of ridiculous physical stunts and survive massive falls and stuff. You can brush most of that off as artistic license but in conjunction with the age thing I prefer to look at it as expert qi manipulation.
Yeah my friend got it recently and he's been hyping it up a ton too. He already beat it twice. I was already interested in the game all the way since it was first announced, so i'm pretty excited lol
I'm not a fan of stealth, really, so take it with a grain of salt when I say that's the best stealth game I've ever played.
Even the non-benders are able to do all sorts of ridiculous physical stunts and survive massive falls and stuff. You can brush most of that off as artistic license but in conjunction with the age thing I prefer to look at it as expert qi manipulation.

Maybe the non-benders would manipulate some of that qi into plot relevance.

I think it has to be accepted that when looking at the "science" of a fictional world, how much punishment characters can take needs to be taken is going to be greater than a normal human. A lot of the things that people write off as "movies being movies" counts. I always like analyzing that kind of stuff. What's the fun in reading/watching fantasy/sci-fi if you can't arbitrarily break down and over-analyze a non-existing science?

That mind-set is currently why Once Upon a Time drives me absolutely fucking bonkers.
I didn't like stealth before I played Deus Ex Human Revolution and it's one of the best games I've ever played lol

Edit: Oh wait I misread your comment. Eh, still kinda relates
I didn't like stealth before I played Deus Ex Human Revolution and it's one of the best games I've ever played lol

Edit: Oh wait I misread your comment. Eh, still kinda relates

I'm just saying that I'm not an authority on the stealth genre. Now, ask me about character action and we might have something going...


What I like about Deus Ex and Dishonored, is that unlike some other stealth games, they actually allow you to go on murderous rampages from time to time and still give you the option of getting the "good" ending. I know that in Dishonored in particular, you need to kill more than 50% of the people in the game world to get the bad ending, which is very hard to do unless you go well out of your way to kill civilians.

It allows us players to vary our play styles and not have to stick with stealth all the time, especially in Dishonored, where many of the powers are pretty much designed for going on murderous rampages, as the video below shows.

6 Kill Combo


any of you guys play Sunset Overdrive? That game was good!

oh yeah, dishonored and dues ex: human revolution are one of the goats imo
cuz they couldn't come up with a better term to separate DMC, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden and the like from other Third Person action games

It really is such a weird name. It just sounds weird to say. Idk

Damn, getting avatar quoted without even being part of the conversation


I'll probably keep using it even if you end up changing your avatar.

any of you guys play Sunset Overdrive? That game was good!

oh yeah, dishonored and dues ex: human revolution are one of the goats imo

No, I wish I could but I don't have an XB1 and i'm probably going to get a PS4.

I'm glad it ended up being well received. I was a full believer of the game ever since that first cinematic trailer that everyone hated on because of recent Insomniac titles.

Edit: I'm also currently playing Deus Ex HR on Wii U for the first time, and playing with the dev commentary which is neat. I only play it in the bed for an hour or so before I go to sleep with the gamepad and earphones. It's so cool. I didn't think I'd like the Wii U gamepad so much but I love it. Playing games in bed like that reminds me of when I was little and I'd always sneak playing my gameboy sp/ds under the covers of my bed when I was supposed to be asleep lol
Now go watch Samurai Champloo if you haven't already. If you have then Outlaw Star.

I saw Samurai Champloo and loved it too.

Outlaw Star I watched back when it was on Toonami like 15 years ago, but I remember nothing so I'll have to go back to it for sure.

Man, Cowboy Bebop was soooo good though. I'm in that post ending phase where you can't get it out of your mind.

Edit: just remembered there is the Bebop movie. Will need to get that.
Ok well do I got a question for you.

why the heck are they called character action games

cuz they couldn't come up with a better term to separate DMC, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden and the like from other Third Person action games

Character action games are essentially third-person brawler/hack'n slashes that are not RPGs and are not beat'em ups. It's tough to really say what differentiates them, because it's this genre where once you know and get a feel for that type of game, then you can identify them. Then there's the subgenre that is stylish action, and that's where things get REALLY specific. But yes, the primary reason is because we felt the need to differentiate, since then general "action" tag was too encompassing. Mechanically, I would say there's an emphasis on combo mobility: Equal balance amongst projectiles, melee, air and ground combos.

I'll give you a list, and you can get a better idea this way:

-Devil May Cry 1-4
-DmC Devil May Cry
-God of War (1-3 and the prequels)
-Ninja Gaiden (the 3D franchise)
-Ghost Rider (the movie game. Also rather good, surprisingly)
-El Shaddai Rise of the Metatron
-Afro Samurai
-Bayonetta (1 & 2)
-Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
-The Wonderful 101
-The Legend of Korra (PS3/360/XB1/PS4/PC)
-Thor (the fucking movie game)
-Killer is Dead (though it's arguable that it's technically a beat'em up, so this actually on the fence)
-Van Helsing (also the movie game. It's essentially Devil May Cry and is pretty good)
-Marlow Briggs (I have yet to play this. I do want to)
-Samurai Western (again, this might technically be a beat'em up).
-Chaos Legion

Beat'em ups typically revolve heavily on ground combat, utilizing the environment, and crowd control. Musous rely on repetitive combos in order to dispatch massive groups as well as squads and map control. Then there are games that have character action elements, but they're actually different genres (Darksiders 1&2, Nanobreaker, Vanquish. Just some examples).

Hopefully this can help you better understand the genre, because it's a really hard genre to actually explain in words.
Should have gone ha. Here have some Korrasami.



Also lol at what someone wrote on the board at the avatar gallery.
Makorra is dead and should stay buried and needs to have more dirt thrown on top of it to be honest, worst boyfriend ever. Aww shit, Justice Lords arc, Hawk Girl is hot as fuck in her Justice Lord outfit. Lol Lex has been dealing with the League for so long he knows the Lords aren't them. Justice Lord Superman dished out lobotomies like fucking candy, even Scarface got one.
I'm surprised Makorra fans still exist, you'd think they would have been swept away by the Korrasami Borg collective.
Some people are just too ignorant to accept same sex relationships. I don't mind if people ship it, but if it's because they think of same sex couples as deviant mutations then that's a different story.


I'm surprised Makorra fans still exist, you'd think they would have been swept away by the Korrasami Borg collective.

Haha yeah there's still a decent amount who ship Makorra and they'll probably be around for a while if the length of some of the ships from ATLA are any indication. Zutara shippers are still around even after how ATLA ended.
Shippers don't need no logic.
Haha yeah there's still a decent amount who ship Makorra and they'll probably be around for a while if the length of some of the ships from ATLA are any indication. Zutara shippers are still around even after how ATLA ended.
Shippers don't need no logic.
The extent of Lin's ships prove this point. Kyalin and Linzumi prove this perfectly, even Ikki gets shipped with Huan...heavily.
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