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The Legend of Korra: Book 4 |OT2| ALL HAIL THE GREAT UNITER

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Lol,there's even a name for it?

Yep, even on boards and shite.
Character action games are essentially third-person brawler/hack'n slashes that are not RPGs and are not beat'em ups. It's tough to really say what differentiates them, because it's this genre where once you know and get a feel for that type of game, then you can identify them. Then there's the subgenre that is stylish action, and that's where things get REALLY specific. But yes, the primary reason is because we felt the need to differentiate, since then general "action" tag was too encompassing. Mechanically, I would say there's an emphasis on combo mobility: Equal balance amongst projectiles, melee, air and ground combos.

I'll give you a list, and you can get a better idea this way:

-Devil May Cry 1-4
-DmC Devil May Cry
-God of War (1-3 and the prequels)
-Ninja Gaiden (the 3D franchise)
-Ghost Rider (the movie game. Also rather good, surprisingly)
-El Shaddai Rise of the Metatron
-Afro Samurai
-Bayonetta (1 & 2)
-Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
-The Wonderful 101
-The Legend of Korra (PS3/360/XB1/PS4/PC)
-Thor (the fucking movie game)
-Killer is Dead (though it's arguable that it's technically a beat'em up, so this actually on the fence)
-Van Helsing (also the movie game. It's essentially Devil May Cry and is pretty good)
-Marlow Briggs (I have yet to play this. I do want to)
-Samurai Western (again, this might technically be a beat'em up).
-Chaos Legion

Beat'em ups typically revolve heavily on ground combat, utilizing the environment, and crowd control. Musous rely on repetitive combos in order to dispatch massive groups as well as squads and map control. Then there are games that have character action elements, but they're actually different genres (Darksiders 1&2, Nanobreaker, Vanquish. Just some examples).

Hopefully this can help you better understand the genre, because it's a really hard genre to actually explain in words.

I always knew what they were, I just don't understand the name :x


It always made it interesting that there are cat/do people in DBZ to the point where people like Beerus and Piccolo can walk around and no one bats an eye.
Yea but with great power, comes great responsibility (or else you become juniored again by the mods, which can be permanent) :D

I don't even know what kind of thread I'd make. Like, all the threads that I like to post in never last long, so I'd make a thread that I'd like and it'd last for all of an hour and go bye bye. It'll get washed out by another "All Marvel movies are cookie cutter" thread or some shit. I'll bide my time for now.


Congratulations on achieving membership, BK! I don't make a ton of threads either but it's nice to have the option. Use it wisely. ;)


Yea but with great power, comes great responsibility (or else you become juniored again by the mods, which can be permanent) :D

Yep, there's a reason that I've never created a thread, the risk is too great lol

EDIT:Ori and the Blind Forest is killing it with the reviews, it's meta score can easily break into the 90's.
Work? Just sitting here reading Korvira fanfics like
still doing work though

Oddly enough I'm resembling this while eating my oatmeal.


We don't even have a release date for it here in Australia :(
Make sure you give us some of that sweet commentary info when you get it though.

Yeah, hopefully it'll get here before I have to sleep for work.

I can't wait to see why Bryke shafted Kuvira's character.
Work? Just sitting here reading Korvira fanfics like
still doing work though

Oddly enough I'm resembling this while eating my oatmeal.

The Korvira ship just got second life when they found out via commentary Kuvira was being held in Republic City prison.

Especially since I also called it in my fic


The borg collective is about to launch an attack, gotta be careful.
Who cares. I've read enough of these fics to see that Kuvira written with an actual personality is a really good match for Korra. I really can't see Korra and Asami hiking or having an actual playful fight, or learning how to dance from Kuvira and other stuff, these two are entertaining together. Kuvira actually seems like she would have a playful sort of sarcasm too. She's stern, but we all know it's to hide this shy, slightly damaged playful girl underneath.
Who cares. I've read enough of these fics to see that Kuvira written with an actual personality is a really good match for Korra. I really can't see Korra and Asami hiking or having an actual playful fight, or learning how to dance from Kuvira and other stuff, these two are entertaining together. Kuvira actually seems like she would have a playful sort of sarcasm too. She's stern, but we all know it's to hide this shy, slightly damaged playful girl underneath.

Gotta calm our shipping talk down, Toa has his ninja task force tracking down our addresses as we speak
It’s confirmed that the track balls in the colossus are made of Su’s meteorite collection

Kuvira doesn’t metalbend the colossus, rather the controls within it

The platform Kuvira stands on is a gyroscope so she can stay steady while the colossus moves

The idea of a giant mech destroying RC was from Book 1, pitched as the B1 finale idea, and something Hiroshi would have created.

The tech behind the colossus.

Thanks Su
Yeah, blame Su for Kuvira being a psycho.

Regardless, I figured the trackballs were made from the meteors. Based on when Kuvira took Zaofu and that scene where she was manipulating the meteor.
Pretty much. When you train a woman with obvious abandonment issues you better be strong enough to help her with those or you're just going to further accentuate them. I still don't think Kuvira is a monster. She was quite the avoidable situation. As I said give Kuvira to Lin. She would've still learned how to metal bend, you just get her in a different metal bending uniform and a stronger sense of justice.
damn, they never divulged where Toa's bae was being held, tumblr tellin lies and shit.

I need to cop the blu ray, bout to stop by wal mart after class since they have them
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