He is in every single Digimon series, as far as I know. Also, don't watch it. It does not hold up.
Too late. Man, the image quality is pretty shit. You'd think Netflix would have access to an HD version of the show.
He is in every single Digimon series, as far as I know. Also, don't watch it. It does not hold up.
Too late. Man, the image quality is pretty shit. You'd think Netflix would have access to an HD version of the show.
The story doesn't really hold up. Also Mimi is single-handedly the worst Digidestined, since neither her nor her Digimon partner are particularly useful or bring anything unique to the table. Togemon is rad as fuck, though.
That isn't true. Even then, the character growth and development is almost entirely one-sided until Tamers, where the cast was slimmed down.Honestly, I do think it deserves credit for being the first type of series to actually try character growth and development for the entire cast. Also, despite Mimi being a shit, she was strangely the one with the least amount of problems of the group.
Season 2 is just shit.
Tamers was great, but can get a little too dark at times
Kicked that teddy bear digimon's ass though.
That isn't true. Even then, the character growth and development is almost entirely one-sided until Tamers, where the cast was slimmed down.
I said Togemon is rad as fuck, did I not?
Well, for an anime aimed towards children mostly that is. Which personally put it above a lot of children series at the time. Even though it was the kids experiencing the change over the Digimon, that's not a bad thing.
I'd say it does it a lot better than series then and even series now. Hell, I's say adventure did it even Better than Korra, I mean that's not saying much, but still.
Absolutely not.
Dragonball existed before Digimon, and it did a better job at developing a varied cast. And no, it's characters are not done better than TLoK. The characters that aren't the main character are useless. You aren't Tai or Matt? Useless. T.K. and Kari are OP based solely on relation to T.K. and Matt. You aren't Davis or Ken? Useless. It wasn't until Tamers that the writing actually got good, but even then it was really shaky. Frontier did a surprisingly okay job is well, though Zoe and the One Dude that Steve Blum voices may as well just not be in the show. It all suffers from the exact same issues that every shonen suffers from. It's ultimately no different. Digimon does nothing special. The partner dynamic is nice, but executed at the most mediocre level ever to be conceived.
Absolutely not.
Dragonball existed before Digimon, and it did a better job at developing a varied cast. And no, it's characters are not done better than TLoK. The characters that aren't the main character are useless. You aren't Tai or Matt? Useless. T.K. and Kari are OP based solely on relation to T.K. and Matt. You aren't Davis or Ken? Useless. It wasn't until Tamers that the writing actually got good, but even then it was really shaky. Frontier did a surprisingly okay job is well, though Zoe and the One Dude that Steve Blum voices may as well just not be in the show. It all suffers from the exact same issues that every shonen suffers from. It's ultimately no different. Digimon does nothing special. The partner dynamic is nice, but executed at the most mediocre level ever to be conceived.
Dragon Ball is an amazing adventure, but most characters don't really learn about themselves or each other much. Dragon Ball is actually really simple, "Which is part of its charm". Actually, most of the cast in Adventure at least got one episode or two of them showing off. That is actually great even though it was less natural I understood what each character was good at and why.
Izzy was a huge help giving actually explaining things that was happening. I mean shit I know Mimi more than I know Asami. Sora got a great episode about her mom and her soccer game. Matt learning to open up to other people and TK learning to grow up a little.
I just...I can't agree. Like yeah, they had their skills and little lessons, but Digimon is like, the pinnacle of shonen mediocrity. Even if it did a better job at the time (which it didn't), it doesn't hold up at all. You feel like you know those characters pretty well by the end of it because they're just there. They get an episode every once in a great while, but whenever a character like Joe or Izzy or Mimi isn't the sole focal point of an episode (which is rare), then they pretty much just exist. Izzy is exposition, Joe is a coward (but his partner has Marching Fishes, the Solar Flare of the digital world), Mimi is just a bitch (but hey she's sincere, I guess).
On paper, I won't refute that I enjoy the idea. It's quite solid on paper, but in execution, it's mediocre at best. The animation isn't very well done either.
Now, granted, it has some shit I liked. I liked Myotismon, I liked the partner dynamic, I liked that they basically fight god at the end of it all. It's cool, no doubt. But it just isn't executed very well. Digimon is a good concept bogged down by the tropes of its genre, and I wish that weren't the case. I enjoyed the series, and I won't deny that I enjoy snippets here and there, but as a whole it has held up quite poorly. Now, as I've said, later series hold up better than the first (Frontier and Tamers), but as far as the first series goes? It's just average.
That might just be overall them just having a lot of characters. But the fact that said characters get a focus EP at all is amazing in that type of Genre. It does suffer from concepts of the time. But so many recent shows just have character get nothing at all.
I know I'm going to be jumped for saying this, but I do legit like Mimi more than say Asami. Mostly because Mimi has flaws, but despite those flaws she still a good person. She's oblivious at times and can be really spoiled, but despite that she legit cares for everyone and realizes that.
Asami on the other hand is simply a perfect characters who's 'flaws's are someone else fault and rarely when bad things happen to her its through no one actions but others and not her legit making a mistake.
The best thing about Digimon is after their character growth, the characters flaws don't vanish. They are apart of the characters, Matt's Flakyness, Tai's hard head. They feel more complete.
I'm not saying the show doesn't have unlikable qualities, or is the worst show ever. It's just so damn mediocre. It's so average. I liked parts of it, but the overall package isn't enough.
Plus, Toei is a shit studio. Dragon Ball Super is gonna be so garbage. I just know it. I feel it in my bones.
Korra didn't suffer nearly as bad as any given Toei series. It was far more consistent than most animated series.Toei is weird, they forget things. (Like animating the Lightning for SSJ2,) or getting sloppy. But Toei was good at Dragon Ball and even Z. I think it's more of the shift and cost as series goes on.
Sadly, even later seasons of Korra suffered from that. I think the only animated series in recent years that kept up it's budget all the way though is Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night and even those are plauge with random ass CGI
Honestly, I do think it deserves credit for being the first type of series to actually try character growth and development for the entire cast. Also, despite Mimi being a shit, she was strangely the one with the least amount of problems of the group.
Season 2 is just shit.
Tamers was great, but can get a little too dark at times
MangaAngemon is the true MVPI think I'm the only person that prefers season 2 than whatever the hell season 3 was. The card game thing was weird, obviously just a way to try and give it more exposure I guess and make kids buy more of it, but I just disliked basically all the characters especially that little white thing and the girl who went crazy at the end.
TK is the best digidestined though, Angemon is OP. I liked the concept of season 4 but I was mad that only the two leads got a fusion form when everybody should have been able to do it. Some bullshit.
Korra didn't suffer nearly as bad as any given Toei series. It was far more consistent than most animated series.
Like, have you watched OnePiece? I mean, there's your Toei right there. In it's full glory.
PRed on squats and deadlifts.
If only TLOK was as good.Just finished EP 8 of Daredevil, this show is fucking legit! Fisk is one tortured human being and it's nice that they're fleshing him out too. He's human with positive and negative shades, he's really portrayed well.
Your bae wouldn't approve of those wordsIf only TLOK was as good.
I was at first worried about how Vincent D'nofrio was play Fisk, but after this episode it's easy to see he was playing a guy with a lot of held back intensity. The whole show is really god damn good and found it's groover after about ep 4. It's also good that they're paying a lot of attention with making sure the villain gets a good amount of screen time and. He's not just there to quip one liners. Fisk is actually a character that's getting development. Was great to see the flashbacks with his upbringing.If only TLOK was as good.
Dat Kuviratron or is it "Kuviranator?"This should've been Kuvira during the finale . Aka when metal bending goes too far.
Toa warning: She's a cyborg.
Feenix statement: I'd still let her step on me.
Dat Kuviratron or is it "Kuviranator?"
Please step on me kuvira net senpai.Toa gonna be first in line to sell himself out to Skynet
If only TLOK was as good.
If only it had the budget and the degree of freedom that Marvel's Daredevil has.
Even with the cut episode it still had a good budget. The issues lie within the storytelling, as always.
Even with the cut episode it still had a good budget. The issues lie within the storytelling, as always.
Wait now we're pretending Marvel doesn't have restrictions or guidelines for their shows now? Maybe not AOS, but with Me. F on the Netflix series it's clear there is an endgame.Of course it is, but when you can make episodes of essentially any length, do pretty much anything with the story, and you're given pretty much whatever you need because Netflix and Marvel Studios, you're pretty much set to do anything on a creative front.
That's a very different story from what we know of what went on behind TLoK's scenes. Nick basically gave them hell from S2 and onwards.
Wait now we're pretending Marvel doesn't have restrictions or guidelines for their shows now? Maybe not AOS, but with Me. F on the Netflix series it's clear there is an endgame.
AoS is a highly restricted show, but in the case of DD, it's painfully clear that they had no where near the level of restriction that is present on probably about 70% of television out there. I'm not saying TLoK didn't have issues, and you know that by now. Nor am I saying DD had zero restrictions, but you are not ignorant enough to think that these two shows had very different levels of interference and that it most certainly played a factor in their development.
And yes, if they had four seasons planned from the start, it would have been a better show. But they also could have blahblahblahyaddayadda
Fucking hell, this thread is going in circles again. :\
Fucking hell, this thread is going in circles again. :\
Oh how I wish this thread was still about Kuvira.
tell us how you really feel Toa
But seriously, when I got that gif earlier and was searching in google, this shit came up:
This is what inquiring minds want to know.Is Korra sexually frustrated? Or should I say, was?