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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Preview Thread

His name is Giuseppe Nelva, and he expressed those opinions in the comment sections here and here.

Quite frankly I think he comes off as a bit childish and biased. But hey he's the guy that runs a website, he can express whatever he wants.

Here's the main point:

Dude sounds totally unbiased.

Lemme guess, he's the one doing the review for DS?
His name is Giuseppe Nelva, and he expressed those opinions in the comment sections here and here.

Quite frankly I think he comes off as a bit childish and biased. But hey he's the guy that runs a website, he can express whatever he wants.

Here's the main point:
I can't believe how much it reads like the posts on NeoGAF haha


But what happened to all the people that said the Wii U version was finished months ago and Switch has graphical upgrades over the Wii U?

Well it does have graphical upgrades in terms of higher resolution. In addition to the more consistent frame rate and improved sound.


Perhaps us Zelda fans can allow him to have his opinion and not spend the majority of the BotW review thread critiquing his score and its accompanying text.

Nope not allowed. I kind get dissapointed in gaming fans in general especially as of late. He is a professional reviewer entitled to his opinion. He has not even given a review yet and he his being admonished for his preview opinion. Chill out folks.

The game will be great you know it will. Stop pitchforking already lets be better.
Isn't dualshockers that Sony fansite that makes up rumors? Or am I thinking of another site with dualshock in the name.

From their YouTube description:

At DualShockers you will only read real gamer news, real gamer reviews and real gamer editorials.

"Real gamer" is in practice shorthand for "PlayStation/Xbox/PC gamer."

That said, I wouldn't think too much about critic reviews/aggregate scores, positive or negative. What's going to be more important is how the average person feels about the game.


I think you have to treat sites like dualshockers like sites that have Nintendo in their name. You can get a feel for how the game is but they are naturally going to be biased.

Isn't dualshockers that Sony fansite that makes up rumors? Or am I thinking of another site with dualshock in the name.

They used to be banned here on GAF so I would say you're probably thinking of the right site.


lol @ his comments, 100% the opposite of everyone else who has played the game. get ready for the 5/10.

Provided he is even on the MC list. Even if he is, just reading some of his stuff, he's more than likely to have a .25-.5 weight which wont do much to hurt. However, who cares. By everyone elses account, the game should be one of the best.


you don't have to sugar coat it
those comments make him sound like a tool
it's not like I'm gonna complain about his review if and when it comes
I'm just sayin'

I wouldn't go that far, but his comments seem steeped in Sony Fanboyism to me. Absurd that we have journalists in this industry who (for whatever reason) struggle to put their biases aside and deliver a objective well thought out review or criticism.

Then again, the site is called "Dualshockers" so we shouldn't expect anything less.
Perhaps us Zelda fans can allow him to have his opinion and not spend the majority of the BotW review thread critiquing his score and its accompanying text. And not suggest that Metacritic remove outliers from the average score.

Yeah I agree with this. Obviously I would love to have a super high Metacritic, but you can't censor someone's opinion.

What's important to me is that people take the time to read reviews so they can appropriately weigh their values against the reviewers'. I'm sure there are plenty of people who value graphics above all else, and if this review focuses on that it'll be valuable for them.

I've read reviews where ratings have been low because of multiplayer factors. If I'm not looking for a multiplayer experience I can keep that in mind if I actually read it. Plus I can then browse for more like-minded reviewers.


Opinions and all, but I don't believe that dualshockers guy played the game "extensively". Graphics are always subjective beyond pixels and resolution, so I will not argue about that. But based from what I've been hearing from previews and even seen actual video footage of the game, I just don't see how this comment will come across as remotely true.

On top of that, the lack of hardware resources is also felt in gameplay elements, like AI for instance.

AI has been pretty great in this game from everything we've seen so far. Could be even superb when we actually experience it.


See, I think people are confusing antiquated gameplay and open world mechanics with different levels of accessibility. If you compare Witcher 3 to Horizon it makes Horizon look 'antiquated' to some people. Witcher 3 is chock full of Side Quests, which can be overwhelming to some and Breath of the Wild sparing uses its placement of side quests similar to Horizon actually.

I think Breath of the Wild is way more approachable for more casual gamers than Witcher 3 by a mile. I'm not saying it is a casual game, its just easier to get into and learn than Witcher 3 and its plethora of controls, abilities, locations and meandering story which may take you time to get back to between doing 20 side quests.

I'm writing this as a fan of all 3 games and the way they treat players. I just wouldn't call anything Breath of the Wild is doing 'antiquated' just different. It's approaching its accessibility a different way to either Witcher 3 or Horizon.
I wouldn't go that far, but his comments seem steeped in Sony Fanboyism to me. Absurd that we have journalists in this industry who (for whatever reason) struggle to put their biases aside and deliver a objective well thought out review or criticism.

Yep. It's self-centric reviewing - you have to approach the art on its own terms. Preconceptions inevitably only work when you're working in a system that makes you assign numerical value to a game; he's reviewing like a banker, wanting to assign value to the thing in front of him above all else. A good reviewer doesn't make that mistake.



Just like your average neogaf post!


The Birthday Skeleton
Congrats on giving dualshockers more attention than they deserve. Keep going, writing pages complaining about them, I'm sure they will mind the increased attention.


They are.

And that's the problem. Forget the great game we are anticipating people are worried about what impact it will have on Metacritic sad. These are the people that keep lists ready for nothign else than arguments.

Everyone commenting "Seem's like responses from NeoGaf" What does that say about you? You are a member of this forum as well idiots. This certainly speaks to lack of thought.

Well put.

Congrats on giving dualshockers more attention than they deserve. Keep going, writing pages complaining about them, I'm sure they will mind the increased attention.


Opinions and all, but I don't believe that dualshockers guy played the game "extensively". Graphics are always subjective beyond pixels and resolution, so I will not argue about that. But based from what I've been hearing from previews and even seen actual video footage of the game, I just don't see how this comment will come across as remotely true.

AI has been pretty great in this game from everything we've seen so far. Could be even superb when we actually experience it.

Seriously, enemies stalking you, enemies search for near by weapons, and enemies try to shove bombs away. Removed skeleton heads and arms try to reattach themselves to their bodies, and that one skeleton that was tossed at link grabbed onto the ledge of the cliff to avoid falling off (I'm certain others types would do the same). The AI is insane.


Nope not allowed. I kind get dissapointed in gaming fans in general especially as of late. He is a professional reviewer entitled to his opinion. He has not even given a review yet and he his being admonished for his preview opinion. Chill out folks.

The game will be great you know it will. Stop pitchforking already lets be better.

I mean, not to just drag the dude through the mud, but this post reads like how most people use the "but the first amendment" deflection

he's certainly entitled to his opinion but we're also entitled to our thoughts about his opinion

as long as people keep to critiquing his opinion and not making character claims like him being a tool or whatever it's all fair game


Yep. It's self-centric reviewing - you have to approach the art on its own terms. Preconceptions inevitably only work when you're working in a system that makes you assign numerical value to a game; he's reviewing like a banker, wanting to assign value to the thing in front of him above all else. A good reviewer doesn't make that mistake.

Amen and well said.


His comments on AI and openworld is totally biased.

I feel like he's bashing on BOTW just because of all those praises from other press.
Perhaps us Zelda fans can allow him to have his opinion and not spend the majority of the BotW review thread critiquing his score and its accompanying text. And not suggest that Metacritic remove outliers from the average score.

I agree with this. The guy is talking purely about the technical aspects of the game and some of them are, fairly objectively, behind some industry standards. Whether he faults the game itself for that is up to him and we can disagree with his reasoning but a review is always going to be a subjective thing.

The fact that he can't really come up with much if any gameplay things to complain about though (AI has been universally praised, not sure what he's talking about) tells me it probably won't be that bad of a review. Maybe 8.5-9 or so.


He comes off as a 4chan shitposter.

Between the Horizon thread and this Zelda thread we do that on our own. This is the same thing that happened with the US Gamer review and they actually put a score out.

I mean hypothetically if he dislikes the graphics (opinion) and gives it an 8-9 does that make the review invalid?


Congrats on giving dualshockers more attention than they deserve. Keep going, writing pages complaining about them, I'm sure they will mind the increased attention.

Huh what? This is about previews, the whole thread has been about posting opinions of reviewers ahead of their review. The thread is made to shed light on them, so of course we're giving it attention.

Just a page before we were posting tweets of someone who isn't even reviewing the game. I don't see how that's different?
The comical thing is that Dual Shockers doesn't even have many game reviews. Not only that, but they have reviewed Nintendo titles only twice (at least in the meta). The state of online review journalism seems to be a bit challenged these days eh?


His name is Giuseppe Nelva, and he expressed those opinions in the comment sections here and here.

Quite frankly I think he comes off as a bit childish and biased. But hey he's the guy that runs a website, he can express whatever he wants.

Here's the main point:

FWIW, he hasn't written any of the Wii U reviews on their site. And he didn't make the preview article on BotW.


I think after the infamous 8.8, the Zelda fandom isn't going to come down so hard on the lower reviews. I want to believe that anyway. Though I would say a USGamer 2.5/5 would through me for a loop.


The Birthday Skeleton
Huh what? This is about previews, the whole thread has been about posting opinions of reviewers ahead of their review. The thread is made to shed light on them, so of course we're giving it attention.

And the whole discussion is not about a preview from dualshockers, but some kind of preemptive discussion against a hypothetical review that it's not even clear that it's going to be written by the same person that you brought into discussion.

So all you are doing is to make sure that the dualshockers' review will have a big number of views from people looking for this.
Im getting my wii u copy in tomorrow! Hope i can play straight away instead of waiting till friday for the install.

First time my wii u will be on since 2012 lmao.


Between the Horizon thread and this Zelda thread we do that on our own. This is the same thing that happened with the US Gamer review and they actually put a score out.

I mean hypothetically if he dislikes the graphics (opinion) and gives it an 8-9 does that make the review invalid?

it wasn't the technical critiques that I had a problem with, though that was literally all he focused on which is weird, but how he threw shit at everyone else for being blinded by nostalgia or wearing super thick rose tinted glasses or giving Zelda a pass because it's Zelda

that's the kind of stuff that is childish imo


His comments on AI and openworld is totally biased.

I feel like he's bashing on BOTW just because of all those praises from other press.

I also get the feeling that he, like many other non Nintendo fans, are jilted by the attention this particular Zelda is getting. Especially since it does not look as good technically as HZD despite being a better game in the eyes of the reviewers/previewers who have played both.


Seriously, enemies stalking you, enemies search for near by weapons, and enemies try to shove bombs away. Removed skeleton heads and arms try to reattach themselves to their bodies, and that one skeleton that was tossed at link grabbed onto the ledge of the cliff to avoid falling off (I'm certain others types would do the same). The AI is insane.

Not to mention the wildlife AI, the NPC interactions to the environment, and all the other small stuff that makes this game more alive are the ones where AI shines that make the world of Zelda alive. It is what I've been wanting for a "next-gen" game. I hope that newer games focus less on graphics and improves more on developing much better AI in games, which seems to not being given attention for the most part.

Xaero Gravity

I really wish Horizon and Zelda didnt launch so close to each other...
Lol I completely agree. I can already tell that when I'm playing Horizon I'll be thinking about playing BOTW, and when I'm playing BOTW I'll be thinking about playing Horizon. D:


And the whole discussion is not about a preview from dualshockers, but some kind of preemptive discussion against a hypothetical preview that it's not even clear that it's going to be write by the same person that you brought into discussion.

So all you are doing is to make sure that the dualshockers' review will have a big number of views from people looking for this.

It'll get a big number of views regardless if it's an outlier in the MC thread. Just like that USGamer review for Horizon. If anything by posting that I wanted to tamper expectation and warn that yes, there will be negative reviews and we shouldn't lose our minds.

Do you suggest that I should pretend like nothing was happening and keep posting tweets about people that love the game in a never ending circlejerk?
Don't take out personal vendettas against reviewers who don't like a game you haven't played yet...
I know hype it high, but please remember we have ZERO basis of judging a review's merits until we play the game for ourselves.
It can be upsetting if a game you're looking forward to isn't universally praised, I suppose, but it's not really a logical position when you think about it.
And that's the problem. Forget the great game we are anticipating people are worried about what impact it will have on Metacritic sad. These are the people that keep lists ready for nothign else than arguments.

Everyone commenting "Seem's like responses from NeoGaf" What does that say about you? You are a member of this forum as well idiots. This certainly speaks to lack of thought.

Well put.
Not every post on NeoGAF is of equal value. There are members of NeoGAF who's input comes from areas of greater understanding and expertise so their input holds higher value. I guess should have clarified by saying it looked like a common troll post you would see here on NeoGAF and therefore does not seem to hold much value. I will consider his opinion more seriously when he voices it fully in a review.
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