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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Preview Thread


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
It's much better if you assume the Zelda legends are all fables with similar elements passed down and being retold to a third party

Do people take the timeline seriously (outside of obvious ones like OOT > MM)?

I feel like Nintendo cobbled it together because of fan demand, but they don't actually consider it canon.

Astral Dog

How does it contradict Ocarina?
Well Ganondorf was executed and then got the triforce anyways,he doesn't know Link despite the world looking a bit older from the Ocarina days.

This is later explained by the "child" timeline but still doesn't in a linear way . It would be confusing to play as it is after the developers said the game takes place after OoT :p


SS>OoT>MM>WW>PH>ST fit pretty well
Hey you guys remember that e3 2011 tech demo, the excitement following ALBW's release, the E3 2014 trailer, the Game Awards demo, the complete silence during 2015, the orgasmic e3 2016 and the Switch event trailer? Turns out all that shit is about to end, and we shall all be in Valhalla by next week. Witness Me.


Do people take the timeline seriously (outside of obvious ones like OOT > MM)?

I feel like Nintendo cobbled it together because of fan demand, but they don't actually consider it canon.

Whenever someone says something like this, I assume they've never even looked at Skyward Sword.

I think the truth is Nintendo didn't give a damn for a very long time, were pestered by fans and then thought about it. Since then, it's been a big part of their writing and design philosophy.

Skyward Sword basically only exists to explain elements of later games in the continuity.


Hey you guys remember that e3 2011 tech demo, the excitement following ALBW's release, the E3 2014 trailer, the Game Awards demo, the complete silence during 2015, the orgasmic e3 2016 and the Switch event trailer? Turns out all that shit is about to end, and we shall all be in Valhalla by next week. Witness Me.

It was a long 5 years in hindsight.


Them and the Zora were in the Switch Presentation. Or do you mean "why haven't the previews shown them?" because, in that case, they seem far enough in the game to fall under the embargo.

I remember seeing a red Zora in one of the previews on YouTube; it was just there, floating in the river, haha. But the player couldn't be bothered in talking to it.
Hey you guys remember that e3 2011 tech demo, the excitement following ALBW's release, the E3 2014 trailer, the Game Awards demo, the complete silence during 2015, the orgasmic e3 2016 and the Switch event trailer? Turns out all that shit is about to end, and we shall all be in Valhalla by next week. Witness Me.

Currently jamming out to some Zelda tunes



I like to think of the Legend of Zelda games as pretty much that, a legend that gets unreliably passed from person to person and what we're getting are sort of retellings of very similar stories, accounting for the different maps, style and small imperfections in between iterations.

Sure, some are meant to take place after others and make references to one another, but they all boil down in structure and spirit to the same core "journey" and the message they tell are often similar. They're stories, and we're telling them through our actions in-game as much as the developers are. I actually feel like the "hard timeline" structure they've pushed in the last years that encompasses the entire canon instead of there being several "bubbles" that I could see as bigger cultural divides in the way the "Legend" gets told kind of deteriorates the nature of what TLoZ is.


I kind of agree with them. Playing through OoT has kind of dispelled the magic of it. As a kid I imagined I was having epic fights with stalfos, iron knuckles and the like. Now, I can clearly see how rudimentary and basic the ai is. They just circle on a timer and get triggered early based on player action, taking turns to come at me, so even if I'm between two of them, the second one will only attack if I lock on to them. This doesn't take away from how ground breeding the game was at the time, but it's obviously aged less than gracefully with all the different mechanics that have popped up since then, many inspired directly by OoT.

It's kind of crazy that Nintendo doesn't expect the average player to find a dungeon with in 5 hours of BotW, unless they just specifically forbade early talk for the embargo.
I kind of agree with them. Playing through OoT has kind of dispelled the magic of it. As a kid I imagined I was having epic fights with stalfos, iron knuckles and the like. Now, I can clearly see how rudimentary and basic the ai is. They just circle on a timer and get triggered early based on player action, taking turns to come at me, so even if I'm between two of them, the second one will only attack if I lock on to them. This doesn't take away from how ground breeding the game was at the time, but it's obviously aged less than gracefully with all the different mechanics that have popped up since then, many inspired directly by OoT.

Have some heart! A game may be surpassed mechanically, but the soul never dies. Chrono Trigger may not be a complex RPG when it comes to the battle system or whatnot anymore, but it's still amazing and the spirit thrives. Same for Ocarina. Outdated mechanics can't dispel the general magic of a game at least IMO. There's so many reasons why that game is a classic that have nothing to do with the combat system :p
Meh, TP is good but not great and I haven't played SS yet, but your reasoning completely ignores ALBW which won GOTYs in the same year as GTA5 and TLOU. Name me another handheld to accomplish such a feat.

For some unknown reason people seperate console and handheld Zelda's. Technically Breath of the Wild will be a handheld Zelda :p


Anyone getting Switch and BOTW .. just solely playing on handheld mode? I hope I am not alone.. or wasting any extra featrures or benefits of not playing on the TV..
Anyone getting Switch and BOTW .. just solely playing on handheld mode? I hope I am not alone.. or wasting any extra featrures or benefits of not playing on the TV..

I'm not but I'm visting family on the 4th and 5th so most of my initial play time will be in handheld mode.

Astral Dog

For some unknown reason people seperate console and handheld Zelda's.

Meh, TP is good but not great and I haven't played SS yet, but your reasoning completely ignores ALBW which won GOTYs in the same year as GTA5 and TLOU. Name me another handheld to accomplish such a feat.
I remember when everybody freaked out Gamespot gave ALBW GOTY over TLoUS or whatever game was released that year 😂


Anyone getting Switch and BOTW .. just solely playing on handheld mode? I hope I am not alone.. or wasting any extra featrures or benefits of not playing on the TV..

I mean I won't only play on handheld mode, but I see myself mostly playing on it due to the convenience and wanting to multitask.
Well Ganondorf was executed and then got the triforce anyways,he doesn't know Link despite the world looking a bit older from the Ocarina days.

This is later explained by the "child" timeline but still doesn't in a linear way . It would be confusing to play as it is after the developers said the game takes place after OoT :p


SS>OoT>MM>WW>PH>ST fit pretty well
The existence of the child and adult timelines was long speculated on even before the official timeline. Only the downfall timeline was a shock to fans. As for TP ganondorf having a fragment of the triforce despite the events of OoT not really happening in that timeline, I'd put that on either it just being destiny, or potentially a side effect of link with triforce of courage travelin back in time to create that timeline and thus causing it to distribute to the people embodying it's aspects in that timeline in some sort of unawakened state


Have some heart! A game may be surpassed mechanically, but the soul never dies. Chrono Trigger may not be a complex RPG when it comes to the battle system or whatnot anymore, but it's still amazing and the spirit thrives. Same for Ocarina. Outdated mechanics can't dispel the general magic of a game at least IMO. There's so many reasons why that game is a classic that have nothing to do with the combat system :p
Well, i meant more just the magic of the combat, which was so surprising and fresh when it released. I definitely agree that the game as a whole still fills me with wonder, even all the text boxes. Just agree the fighting isn't as great, although Zelda shrieking by the fire in the final battle still gives me shivers.


Skyward Sword was great and thankfully we had the brilliant A Link Between Worlds to keep us occupied.

Speaking of ALBW, I've been playing it again since last night. Awesome game and it really seems like the testing ground for BotW. One minor gripe though. There's that message every now and then when saving that suggests taking a break. Has there been any word of that making it's way in BotW?


Anyone getting Switch and BOTW .. just solely playing on handheld mode? I hope I am not alone.. or wasting any extra featrures or benefits of not playing on the TV..

I doubt I'll only play on the handheld, but I'm sure I'll play a lot on the handheld. I can totally see myself taking it to bed with me on Friday night and accidentally staying up all night when I only intended to play for about an hour.
It's been 10 years since the last passable console zelda game...

Passable. PASSABLE? I get opinions and all that but you need to chill with this hyperbole, brah.

Passable implies a slip shod game that a publisher put through the door becauae they are bebolden to a bottom line. Nintendo doesnt make these kinds of games--at least not for the Zelda franchise.

WW is a rushed game and that is leaps and bounds above "passable".

Would have been smarter to just say "it has been 10 years since the last zelda game I truly liked came out".

Extremely insulting to publishers (like Nintendo) who spend years of toil to produce these games to come through with your broad stroke brush and drop lazy comments like "barely passable".

The comment is even more oft-putting considering just how anal Nintendo is with their games.
Well, i meant more just the magic of the combat, which was so surprising and fresh when it released. I definitely agree that the game as a whole still fills me with wonder, even all the text boxes. Just agree the fighting isn't as great, although Zelda shrieking by the fire in the final battle still gives me shivers.

Ah gotcha, sure. Yeah I mean the combat systems kept getting better afterwards, but that's only natural evolution.
Speaking of ALBW, I've been playing it again since last night. Awesome game and it really seems like the testing ground for BotW. One minor gripe though. There's that message every now and then when saving that suggests taking a break. Has there been any word of that making it's way in BotW?

If there are I'll laugh in the face of all of them, I'm never taking a break. Ever.


It's been 10 years since the last passable console zelda game...

I don't think the 3D era Zelda games up to this point have lived up to the promise of the original 2D games. Some had some nice things in them but I've always resented 3D Zelda for rubbing my nose in everything and being so structured and formulaic. I pretty much never get the sense that *I* discovered anything when playing previous 3D Zeldas.

Really really excited for BOTW!
Anyone getting Switch and BOTW .. just solely playing on handheld mode? I hope I am not alone.. or wasting any extra featrures or benefits of not playing on the TV..

Here. Although that means it's a more expensive investment since we wouldn't be taking advantage of playing on a TV.

It's great that the screen is supposedly of a very high quality.

Darkman M

Anyone getting Switch and BOTW .. just solely playing on handheld mode? I hope I am not alone.. or wasting any extra featrures or benefits of not playing on the TV..

I will play mostly on the TV, handheld mode if I'm out and about or winding down the night at home.
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