Ah ok I though the item screen was the one right after you hit start, never knew you could hit select to go to other kinds of screens. Thanks.
Seasons. I just did that yesterday. It wasn't hard at all, but pretty fun.
Ambassador program FTWIs there any news on a minish cap rerelease at any point?
"Gee Mister, we're really sorry we scared the bear off, but we're going to go ahead and turn this forest into Geno's Maze anyway"
I think I found a more annoying NPC than FI :\
Whats different in the third/fourth quests? Isnt it just the icon on the file screen and an extra heart?
Nope, just Post Play surveys.Do these two have club nintendo coins?
Nope, just Post Play surveys.
Had about an hour on Seasons, and I'm shocked at how much I remember about the game. Looking forward to beating it and playing Ages.
Is there any news on a minish cap rerelease at any point?
Are the rewards for planting gasha seeds entirely random or does it depend on where you plant it?
They already released it as part of the ambassador program. So I assume it's only a matter of time until everyone can get at it.
About to start Seasons, which game was it that featured the dancing minigame? I remember that making me go near insane as a youngling.
It's also length of time planted. The longer you wait before harvesting, the better the reward.
I don't remember how hard the dancing is in Ages but the one time you have to do it in Seasons is really easy. If you've ever played a rhythm game, you'll only have to try it once.
If you really want the game to have more complicated puzzles, and you'll think it's too easy, or be disappointed that it doesn't, then you should get Ages.
As KojiKnight said, I played them both when they were new. I played Seasons, thought it was great, then got stuck in Ages and stopped because I was a little burnt out, so your strategy of just buying one (for now anyway) isn't bad. I of course am going to buy both anyway.
First timer here. Hyped!
someone recommend me which game to play first
I would also like to know this, heard some rly good things about these games.
Talk about a difficulty spike with that second boss, god damn. (Ages)
Talk about a difficulty spike with that second boss, god damn. (Ages)
Talk about a difficulty spike with that second boss, god damn. (Ages)
I like Ages a lot more than Seasons so I'm playing Seasons first.
I'm at the 6th dungeon in Ages. Haven't played the games for like 6-7 years. Seems easier than I remember.
For the secrets do you actually have to write down the passwords or Nintendo took the time to make the two games linked automatically when you have both.
Gorgeous.Nayru's Song from Ages might be my favorite song in the entire series.
Can't wait for this. I still own both on cartridges, but I'll be downloading them as well.