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The little Graphic whore in all us that wants those remakes


Come on admit it, what are some of the games you'd buy again if they remade them with current graphics?

I would definitely do :
FF7-FF9, hoping though that some would be more D.C. and have fixs and new stuff, more like ultimate ed
Nights-love it but admit I love it more with new graphics
Silent Hill-loved first one, could never touch it again though, be just too ugly for me
Banjo&Kazooie 1-get rid those ugly 64 textures, add few things and I so be there again.Hmm an ultra hot KI1&2 I likely go for, seeing as how we never really got close arcade quality.
Some really cool super famicom rpgs never made it over, Madara 2 rpg by Konami, Big Shell Monsters 1&2 by Hudson, just brought over to GBA here would make me giddy. I like to do import Sonic CD again on a more current system, but it would not have improved graphics necessarily. Just a few for starters, but I think these are old enough and popular enough not to be too silly in remake want list.


Phantasy Star 1

And I'm only getting half that vision from the Sega Ages update. I want a full 3D realization of the first Phantasy Star game. That would own.


Queen of Denmark
- Goldeneye (even just a res boost and a 60 FPS lock would be nice)
- Perfect Dark (FRAMERATE)
- FF7

That's all I can think of for now. I'm pretty tolerant as far as the graphics of older games go.


x-wing/tie fighter. with a massively multiplayer online mode, plus a single player mode that rivals the old games. imagine what could be done if it was built exclusively for dx9 cards..

the swg expansion doesn't count.


Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, definately. Hell, i'd buy remakes of those games if all that was improved was the framerate.

And RE2 and RE3. =\
Policenauts and Snatcher - Both would need a bit more tweaking than just running on a new engine

SoTN - Not sure what to run this one on, although I wouldn't mind seeing it on the Shattered Soldier engine

Parasite Eve


Persona 2 Innocent Sin

Shin Megami Tensei 1, if, and 2


Animator in Waiting
Mario 64
Sex it up baby just boost the gfx and make it look the dogs no need to adjust gameplay as it's already above and beyond most platformers out their.


Unconfirmed Member
I would love to see Paul Woakes's Mercenary series remade on modern hardware, a classic on c64 & the Amiga it's depth was astounding for the time. Oh and who could forget the 'cheese' and the first time they found it.


I'd love a remake of the first three Zeldas and:

Final Fantasy IV and VI
Star Ocean
Any Dragon Warrior Remake coming here would be great.


I would love remakes, but some extra features would be nice and make it worth while to buy...maybe DVD like features.

Here's my List:
- Gex
- Gex: Enter The Gecko
- Gex: Deep Cover Gecko
- Tomb Raider
- Resident Evil 2
- Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
- Silent Hill
- Soviet Strike
- Nuclear Strike
- Mario 64
- Perfect Dark
- Burning Rangers
- Panzer Dragoon Saga
- Astal
- Final Fantasy VII
- Final Fantasy VIII
- Final Fantasy 9
- Einhander
- Wild Arms
- Chrono Trigger
- The Sword of Beserk
- Road Rash 3D
- Wipeout XL

That's all i got for now.



Knows the Score
I don't really want to see remakes of anything, but rather new games that expand and embrace what went before.

A new version of Mercenary would be nice, as it was 20 years ago, but what was the point of remaking MGS?


epmode said:
x-wing/tie fighter. with a massively multiplayer online mode, plus a single player mode that rivals the old games. imagine what could be done if it was built exclusively for dx9 cards..

the swg expansion doesn't count.


Tie Fighter is still my favourite game to this day. Give me 20-player mission with bots + the same mission structures, and you have one heck of a mp game.
8bit said:
A new version of Mercenary would be nice, as it was 20 years ago, but what was the point of remaking MGS?

Some preferred the setting and characters in MGS to MGS2 but preferred the gameplay in MGS2 so they wanted them put together.
Yeah, I admit that I'd re-buy great games that were brought up to date Conker-style.

Goldeneye would be a the top of my most wanted list (with online play added, of course).

Power Stone
Jet Grind Radio
Grim Fandango

I'm sure there's many more...


epmode said:
x-wing/tie fighter. with a massively multiplayer online mode, plus a single player mode that rivals the old games. imagine what could be done if it was built exclusively for dx9 cards..

the swg expansion doesn't count.



Totally disagree about FF7, I do not desire or see a point in that game being remade as far as Playstation consoles are concerned. Whats the point if I can already play it now on a Playstation console? Really, stop holding out hope for this, because that's exactly how S-E sees it.

I can understand Nintendo remaking the original Metroid, but then, Metroid: Zero Mission wasn't so much a remake as a retelling of the original. The level design was totally different as were the boss encounters and moves. It was a revisioning of a game four generations old.

The Resident Evil remake tread a lot of new ground and pretty much changed everything we knew of the original so, again, it was worthwhile. Sega's remake of Shining Force? Worth it, I say. SRPGs are hot stuff on handhelds and it exposes the game to a new audience, just like the Fire Emblem remakes.

Was MGS:Twin Snakes worth it? Not really. Same game with MGS2 gameplay tacked on. The only real difference was in the cinematics. The upcoming Pokemon remakes? They only make sense in context of the originals not being compatiuble with Ruby/Sapphite, otherwise its just frivelous.

Ranger X

I would like to see remake of only pre-32 bitters games. (Read "a game that you really need to revamp the graphics)

Zelda A Link To The Past
Super Mario Karts
Phantasy Star 2
Phantasy Star 4

just to name a few


Animator in Waiting
heavy liquid said:
Yeah, I admit that I'd re-buy great games that were brought up to date Conker-style.

Goldeneye would be a the top of my most wanted list (with online play added, of course).

Power Stone
Jet Grind Radio
Grim Fandango

I'm sure there's many more...

HalfLife is already in the works at Valve getting a Source makeover.


I found the little bitch and killed her with a minigun three years ago (when I was playing DWVII), so I don't really care about remakes anymore. I would like a Nights remake though cos I've never played it.


epmode said:
unlike the counterstrike source port, the half-life remake very likely won't have new textures/models.

True, but given the fact that the Source engine is easy to mod, it should be simple for fans to complete the work and and polish it up some. A number of the classic HL enemies are present in HL2, and can be imported directly from there.
FFVI remake please. If not, at least a frickin GBA port for chrissake.

id Software is supposedly making Quake 2 using Doom III's engine. I'd much rather they remade Doom I, but oh well. What can you do?

Echo on the following:

- Resident Evil 2
- Final Fantasy VII
- Mario 64
- Silent Hill
- Parasite Eve
- Shadowrun


The Secret of Monkey Island 1 & 2 with voice acting
Maniac Mansion


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
The only remake I want would be either to take M.U.S.H.A and other truly great shooters and render them, keeping the gameplay 100% exact. Give it an Einhander kind of look, but with crazy lighting effects.

That, and doing the same w/ Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting.


Mistaken iRobbery!

Wip3out XL


Time Crisis




Final Fantasy VII


Grand Theft Auto: London, 1969 (Done GTA3 style)


Has problems recognising girls
Mock said:
SRPGs are hot stuff on handhelds and it exposes the game to a new audience, just like the Fire Emblem remakes.

Say what?? Far as I knew, there are no FE remakes at all. Besides maybe perhaps the "second" title which was more in tune to be called a "gaiden".

One game I would love to see remade is Breath of Fire II. Re-do the entire dialogue, spruce it up mega style and shit it out of Capcom's arse and all the religious-hate-conspiracy fanboys would swarm over it like flies to piles of rubbish.

Either that or Terranigma. That was the best action RPG ever.
6.8 said:

Tie Fighter is still my favourite game to this day. Give me 20-player mission with bots + the same mission structures, and you have one heck of a mp game.


There is a reason why TIE Fighter was PC Gamer's best game ever for a long time, and its not just normal journalist bullshit. Unfortunately we got half assed sequels like Alliance while Volition worked their ass off on Freespace 2, a game that looks good TO THIS DAY.

A high end, farcry+ graphics level for TIE Fighter would not only kick ass, it would set the gaming news world on fire.
System Shock II - Dump the Dark Engine and get something that'll really make it look nice.

Half-Life - This property still has life but the engine looks seriously dated by today's standards. Port it to the Half-Life 2 engine and sell it cheap.


Terranigma, 2D, with maybe some orchestrated music and voice acting. Possibly some new moves for gameplay's sake too.

NiGHTS into dreams..., orchestrated music, and keeping the gameplay exactly the same, with all the levels intact. Only thing I would add is Chrismas NiGHTS as part of the in-game experience.


speedpop said:
Either that or Terranigma. That was the best action RPG ever.


System Shock 2
Ultimate Doom & Doom II
Sonic games (Genesis, NGPC, SegaCD)
Baldur's Gate II, Nox, Planescape Torment
Wipeout XL & Wip3out
FF4, 5, & 8
Um Jammer Lammy
Jumping Flash 1 & 2


Barnimal said:
orchastrated music? oh HELL no. how would you even handle the remixes? icky. redone gfx, 60fps and thats IT.

Well at least better sounding midi.

And what's wrong with adding Xmas NiGHTS? For most of the year it can be normal NiGHTS, and then around Xmas and New Years' it changes.
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