I picked that because out of all that bullshit it was the only one that actually let you do what you came to do, but I wouldn't advocate for it on that basis alone. I'm sure some people were upset that EDI and her robotic camel toe was no more, but the implications behind destruction when I just spent the past day with the Geth proving it wrong was actually why it doesn't work. I don't think it was meant to say AI couldn't exist again, more like you just doomed everyone to that thing precisely without another cycle to "prevent" it.
IMO taking away your character's ability to reject the kids logic in all endings (the necessity of the Reapers) assumes that they were expecting you to accept the inevitability behind them and their cosmic plan, and as such I agree synthesis makes the most sense as their "best" ending, when you sacrifice yourself to bring forth the ultimate utopia where everyone is the same and Joker and EDI get to give birth to cute biomachine babies. Ugh.
Another point for destroy imo, is that everyone was aware the cost would be high and knew the risks of the war. Not to mention thousands had already sacrificed themselves. Destroy to me was a matter of resolve and keeping in line with the main motivation of the other games. Stop the reapers at any cost, I mean hell you've already basically wiped out the Batarians as it is to simply slow the reapers down. Synthesis is a decision you are making without the consent of the galaxy. Refusal is a decision you are making without the consent of the galaxy, control as well. You said you'd stop the reapers and destroy does that, while not making any truly life changing decisions, and the majority agreed. Besides what constitutes synthetic life isn't exactly clear in Mass Effect, so a retcon could easily fix issues. Plus the reapers aren't really purely synthetic anyway so the fact that you kill all synthetic life off that basis doesn't even make sense.