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The Mass Effect Community Thread

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Dragon Age and Mass Effect, leapfrogging years. Calling it now that this is the new structure.
Not that likely, IMO

DA, ME, New IP, 3 year cycle would be more reasonable.

This is more likely, but I think we'll get more than one per year at least at first considering the current projects. Mid 2016 ME, early/mid 2017 new IP, late 2017 DA4, early/mid 2018 ME5. Tough to guess since they are now established on Frostbite and starting a new IP. The new IP can't knock DA to more than 3 years cycling so I think they'll be within one 10 month span of each other, but totally speculative.


I'd expect, even hope, that delays would pretty quickly throw any regular release schedule out the window

(hope, because I think Bioware need the possibility to delay to deliver quality products)


One thing I hope they fix for ME4: Their algorithms for where Shepard should be looking in a scene.

Something I've noticed during this replay of ME3 is that they have Shepard look at somebody, then the person wanders around the scene, so Shepard's head starts turning in ways that are straight out of the Exorcist. Seriously, I'm shocked he hasn't broken his neck dozens of time already.

The worst, and most unintentionally hilarious, is during the first conversation with Liara on the Normandy. At some point both Liara and Shepard are talking face to face, then they look at Glyph who says something before flying behind Shepard. The rest of the conversation proceeds with Shepard doing his best attempt to have his head turn totally backwards, while Liara's is turned almost fully to her side while they attempt to talk to one another. I've seen this scene at least 5 times, and this has happened 4 out of those 5 times.
During subsequent play throughs, I always chose to address that last so it wouldn't look as awkward. :p


what was everyone's favorite renegade option? My favorite was in Me2 during mordin's loyalty mission when shepard was like "look what i've done so far" ---> "If I go back I might trip over the dozens of krogan I killed to get here. I think I'll take my chances."

The Illium demo move. Out the window.


not me
what was everyone's favorite renegade option? My favorite was in Me2 during mordin's loyalty mission when shepard was like "look what i've done so far" ---> "If I go back I might trip over the dozens of krogan I killed to get here. I think I'll take my chances."

ME3, ghosting Kai Leng with the Omnitool after breaking his katana. Fuck him.


End of an era. I will miss those times when everyone in the bioware-universe had the exact same gestures. :( They grow on you after a few franchises.

Haha true it was part of the identity of the game but it was one of my most hated things about it, totally ruined the immersion.



Finally proper motion capture, no shitty PS1 era animations.



what was everyone's favorite renegade option? My favorite was in Me2 during mordin's loyalty mission when shepard was like "look what i've done so far" ---> "If I go back I might trip over the dozens of krogan I killed to get here. I think I'll take my chances."

EDIT: ah glorious, found a video of it

Definitely, definitely, definitely frying Sgt. Cathka during the Archangel mission in ME2. Even when I play Paragon, I still do it. That scene is so deliciously evil. The way the camera shows the arc welder like Shepard has a lightbulb going off moment before the Renegade prompt. Then the light and almost innocent delivery of "You're working too hard" punctuated by the Cathka voice actor selling the ever loving fuck out of his death scream lol. His scream makes that scene man, it's so underrated.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
what was everyone's favorite renegade option? My favorite was in Me2 during mordin's loyalty mission when shepard was like "look what i've done so far" ---> "If I go back I might trip over the dozens of krogan I killed to get here. I think I'll take my chances."

EDIT: ah glorious, found a video of it

Haha.. I love that one!

My favourite is the Illium Tower scene with that Eclipse merc, "Two ways down, express or coach".. so good.

Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABBltjyeOFo
Haha true it was part of the identity of the game but it was one of my most hated things about it, totally ruined the immersion.

Oh lord that arm-folding gesture of Shepard has been shared by the Warden, Warden-Commander, Hawke and the Inquisitor (not to mention countless other NPC's)


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
If we're talking BW specifically, I don't believe Mass Effect 4 will release this year, instead late next, and I'm certain it'll be before the new IP, so that leave this year empty of any new BW game.
If we're talking BW specifically, I don't believe Mass Effect 4 will release this year, instead late next, and I'm certain it'll be before the new IP, so that leave this year empty of any new BW game.

They wanted to release the first episode of Shadow Realms later this year but since that was cancelled, it may have left a hole in their lineup.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.

They wanted to release the first episode of Shadow Realms later this year but since that was cancelled, it may have left a hole in their lineup.

That makes sense. This year would have had a new IP, it doesn't, ergo gap year. I don't think EA needs Mass Effect to be perfectly honest. Battlefront will be their big science fiction shooter. Mass Effect 4 can be a nice alternative next year.
It's wird, but it age exactly the opposite opinion to most about ME1. It didnt feel like a large, unknown Galaxy at *all* because within the arc of that game the world presented you with all these giant mysteries - and then proceeded to have you tackle each one. Presumably because they didn't know if they would get to make a sequel or not, ME1 is a much more self contained game than ME2.

Consider the state of the universe in ME1. The giant big stories, lost to time, are:

- the Rachni wars
- what happened to the Protheans?
- the Krogan genophage
- the Geth

And you encounter and resolve all of these in the course of one game, whereas actually any one could have been the focus of a sole game.
The genophage and geth/quarian conflict aren't resolved until ME3, and weren't "mysteries" in ME1. The only real mystery there is the Prothean extinction, which does of course get resolved in ME1. The Shadow Broker was a pretty interesting ME1 mystery that was unresolved until the ME2 DLC that addressed it.
A step up? As in removing actual attributes and stats, loot, inventory, exploration, quest log, etc?
Mass Effect has never had attributes, and the journal was never removed. I do agree that axing the inventory was a mistake, but unfortunately, you and I seem to be in the minority on that subject.
They all have flawless skin, curvy bodies and faces resembling models.
I don't know whether or not it was deliberate (though I suspect that it was), but many Asari in ME2 and ME3 have weird, ugly faces. Their eyes tend to be too far apart and too low in relation to their noses. I think that was a deliberate attempt to subtly dial back on the "perfect supermodel race" thing.
Convergent evolution produced lions and tigers
No, it didn't. Lions and tigers are so similar because they're both part of the Panthera genus. Convergent evolution is when two species of different lineages develop the same trait independently. For example, birds and insects are members of very different branches of life, yet they both developed wings; they both converged on that feature, because it's so useful. Another example is found in cephalopods and vertebrates: they both evolved eyes, independently of one another.
Communication is based on quantum entanglement, which is a real concept. Although we're not certain it could be used the same way Mass Effect does it.
Actually, physicists are pretty sure that quantum entanglement can't be used for communication. It's as cut-and-dry as anything in quantum physics can be. That said, I was willing to overlook that during gameplay because it was cool; I'm not always a spoilsport.
All I am saying that EA doesn't do remasters. They never have. Why would they start now? It doesn't work that way. If they have never done something before it means they can NEVER do it.

David Hume, is that you?
Let's just accept that the Mass Effect games were basically like Lost.
Nothing is as bad as Lost. I gave up when it became clear that the writers were just going to keep adding absurd subplots instead of resolving any existing ones. Thankfully I got out before they went full-on crazy-pants with the time travel. Time travel is never okay, unless it's the central part of your story.
Add some kind of movement to the background, have the camera move to a wide shot, do something, just stop it with the damned static camera of characters faces...
They've been working on this for a while. There were a few parts in ME2 that very deliberately used a lot of camera movement. The conversation with the turian guard outside the plague district comes to mind; I think they even used that in one of their trailers, as an example of how they were trying to add more variety to the dialogue camera.

Hard g for life.
Something I've noticed during this replay of ME3 is that they have Shepard look at somebody, then the person wanders around the scene, so Shepard's head starts turning in ways that are straight out of the Exorcist. Seriously, I'm shocked he hasn't broken his neck dozens of time already.
There was a conversation in ME3 between Shepard, Engineer Adams, Ken and Gabby, and EDI (I think). There was so much head-turning, by all parties involved, that I think it might have been a deliberate joke, but I honestly can't tell for sure.


Actually, physicists are pretty sure that quantum entanglement can't be used for communication. It's as cut-and-dry as anything in quantum physics can be. That said, I was willing to overlook that during gameplay because it was cool; I'm not always a spoilsport.

When I say "real concept" I meant quantum entanglement, not the communication part. That second sentence was supposed to be me saying the concept probably couldn't be used for communication.
When I say "real concept" I meant quantum entanglement, not the communication part. That second sentence was supposed to be me saying the concept probably couldn't be used for communication.
Fair enough. I was specifically responding to the part where you said that we're "not certain" entanglement could be used that way. Guess I should've bolded it.
I'm trying to not see any other posts because I know they may contain major spoilers. I'm going through my first play through of 1-3 and I'm loving the hell out of the series. I'm on the second game right now and I saw that there is DLC that you can buy. I don't know which ones to get, if any. All I really care about is the story. I should mention that I buy my copy used for xbox 360 and the code that came with it has already been used. So whatever that unlocks, I haven't played it/seen it.

So help a man out, GAF. Which DLC should I get for ME2?
I'm trying to not see any other posts because I know they may contain major spoilers. I'm going through my first play through of 1-3 and I'm loving the hell out of the series. I'm on the second game right now and I saw that there is DLC that you can buy. I don't know which ones to get, if any. All I really care about is the story. I should mention that I buy my copy used for xbox 360 and the code that came with it has already been used. So whatever that unlocks, I haven't played it/seen it.

So help a man out, GAF. Which DLC should I get for ME2?

There was a definitive list published... god, a ton of pages back. Short version is, skip anything that's marked as being armor or weapons, grab everything else. Prioritize Lair of the Shadow Broker.
I'm trying to not see any other posts because I know they may contain major spoilers. I'm going through my first play through of 1-3 and I'm loving the hell out of the series. I'm on the second game right now and I saw that there is DLC that you can buy. I don't know which ones to get, if any. All I really care about is the story. I should mention that I buy my copy used for xbox 360 and the code that came with it has already been used. So whatever that unlocks, I haven't played it/seen it.

So help a man out, GAF. Which DLC should I get for ME2?
Arrival is basically necessary; it bridges the gap between ME2 and ME3. Get Lair of the Shadow Broker if you can, as well. The others you can take or leave.


I'm trying to not see any other posts because I know they may contain major spoilers. I'm going through my first play through of 1-3 and I'm loving the hell out of the series. I'm on the second game right now and I saw that there is DLC that you can buy. I don't know which ones to get, if any. All I really care about is the story. I should mention that I buy my copy used for xbox 360 and the code that came with it has already been used. So whatever that unlocks, I haven't played it/seen it.

So help a man out, GAF. Which DLC should I get for ME2?

Prioritize in this order in terms of story DLC:

Shadow Broker, Arrival, Overlord, Firewalker.

Shadow Broker is definitely essential, with Arrival being worthwhile. Overlord was okay; firewalker just kind of meh. The armor/weapon stuff is fairly inconsequential.

EDIT: Somehow forgot Kasumi/Zaeed. Kasumi is the better of those two. Would put them in between Shadow Broker and Arrival on my ranking list.


I'm trying to not see any other posts because I know they may contain major spoilers. I'm going through my first play through of 1-3 and I'm loving the hell out of the series. I'm on the second game right now and I saw that there is DLC that you can buy. I don't know which ones to get, if any. All I really care about is the story. I should mention that I buy my copy used for xbox 360 and the code that came with it has already been used. So whatever that unlocks, I haven't played it/seen it.

So help a man out, GAF. Which DLC should I get for ME2?


Lair of the Shadow Broker


Hidden Memory (Kasumi)
Price of Revenge (Zaeed)
Project Overlord



Pretty much everything else is totally optional.


Knowledge is power, guard it well

Lair of the Shadow Broker


Hidden Memory (Kasumi)
Price of Revenge (Zaeed)
Project Overlord



Pretty much everything else is totally optional.

This is how I feel too.

LotSB is 100% essential.

Kasumi is OP in combat, so definitely pick up her DLC. I love listening to Zaeed's storytelling, he's my bro.

As far as the DLC equipment, you neeeed that Firepower Pack. It literally contains 3 of the best best weapons in the game. Ignore the rest, it's rubbish.
Yo, thanks guys! Cost isn't an issue so looks like I'll be definitely purchasing the shadow broker and a few others. I'm about to recruit Tali and I have just a few more loyal missions to do and then it looks like I'll be done with the game.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.

Lair of the Shadow Broker


Hidden Memory (Kasumi)
Price of Revenge (Zaeed)
Project Overlord



Pretty much everything else is totally optional.

What else is there?
I'm trying to not see any other posts because I know they may contain major spoilers. I'm going through my first play through of 1-3 and I'm loving the hell out of the series. I'm on the second game right now and I saw that there is DLC that you can buy. I don't know which ones to get, if any. All I really care about is the story. I should mention that I buy my copy used for xbox 360 and the code that came with it has already been used. So whatever that unlocks, I haven't played it/seen it.

So help a man out, GAF. Which DLC should I get for ME2?
I could be wrong, but I think EA made the Cerberus pass (or whatever its called) free for everyone.
ME3, ghosting Kai Leng with the Omnitool after breaking his katana. Fuck him.
word. I remember watching a youtube video of someone playing through that and after having the convo with the virtual prothean (forget the name) kai leng's dead body would still follow shepard's moves. creepy.
Definitely, definitely, definitely frying Sgt. Cathka during the Archangel mission in ME2. Even when I play Paragon, I still do it. That scene is so deliciously evil. The way the camera shows the arc welder like Shepard has a lightbulb going off moment before the Renegade prompt. Then the light and almost innocent delivery of "You're working too hard" punctuated by the Cathka voice actor selling the ever loving fuck out of his death scream lol. His scream makes that scene man, it's so underrated.
ah, I remember the very first time I ever played Me2 and I came up to that scene, I would just do all the interrupts paragon or renegade so I did it and I was like whoa, I can't believe, I, just did that! That was some mean, evil shit!
Haha.. I love that one!

My favourite is the Illium Tower scene with that Eclipse merc, "Two ways down, express or coach".. so good.

Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABBltjyeOFo
seems to be quite a popular one. "so... when do we read him his rights?" lol
Anything with an accompanying one-liner. Most notably,this one.
I should probably watch a playthrough of the citadel dlc.


I'm trying to not see any other posts because I know they may contain major spoilers. I'm going through my first play through of 1-3 and I'm loving the hell out of the series. I'm on the second game right now and I saw that there is DLC that you can buy. I don't know which ones to get, if any. All I really care about is the story. I should mention that I buy my copy used for xbox 360 and the code that came with it has already been used. So whatever that unlocks, I haven't played it/seen it.

So help a man out, GAF. Which DLC should I get for ME2?

If money is no object, buy them all, including the weapon and armour dlc's, do the same for ME3, they're all useful for something.

Mass Effect is the only gaming series which I literally own every single piece of DLC for, the series is just that damn good.


Good plot is all that matters when there is no party interaction and bonus there is no Liara.



I don't really mind Liara, I even have my Femshep romance her, but she is so damn boring, every time she talks I feel like dozing off. That whispering voice Ali Hillis uses for her probably doesn't help matters.


I don't care that much for Liara (never romanced her), but I find it hard to argue that there is a better DLC for ME2 than Lair of the Shadow Broker.


not me
Overlord is pretty great, though. I think Lair is better but I'd say Overlord is 1a.

It was also the first thing I did in ME2 when I got control to start exploring. Found it accidentally (it comes bundled with vanilla PS3 version). Talk about a game making a first impression.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
They're both pretty different.

Lair's production values are through the roof and the mission structure I guess a bit more like the linear offerings of ME2 and ME3, in that you're directed through scenarios and set pieces heavily narrative driven. But the diversity in set pieces, sequences, and the pacing really sell it. You get to have Liara as a companion, there's a couple of boss fights, travel to a bunch of locations, some interesting gimmick segments, and fun fan orientated post-mission goodies to fuck around with. Lair just feels very content rich and consistent in quality.

Overlord is fucking great too though, but paced different thanks to the mini-hub letting you pick your mission order, and the blend of on foot and hammerhead stuff. It too has diverse set pieces, and a pretty interesting plot. Lair is more connected to the core of the Mass Effect arc (if just Liara's involvement), while Overlord is a side story, but it's a good one. Overlord in many ways represents what I wished the uncharted worlds of ME2 and ME3 were like; lite vehicle exploration with on foot missions, so it has that going for it that nothing else in ME2/ME3 have. That being said I found combat with the Hammerhead to be significantly less satisfying than the Mako. Hit feedback is shitful, and the environment design while still fun never manages to hit the highs of mountaineering with the Mako.

I think in terms of substantial playable content and overall quality of said content, both Lair and Overlord are very safe purchases and extend the Mass Effect 2 experience in positive ways. Arrival, Kasumi, and Zaeed are the only ones where value of the content is a bit more subjective. I own all the DLC though so *shrug*
What? Please don't, the Citadel DLC should be experienced properly in a playthrough not YouTube videos.

This. Play the thing, it's amazing.

Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, nah. Overlord had a more compelling plot, but Lair's dialogue was much punchier.
I dunno guys, while I don't doubt that citadel would be worth a playthrough, I don't think this dlc is a compelling enough reason for me to plug my Ps3 back in and pay whatever x amount of dollars this is for. just think though, there are people out there who have never even touched the ME series. outside of some Me3 multiplayer.

plus the guy who I lent Me3 to hasn't given it back. then again, he hasn't asked for da3 back. I suppose I should bring it up when/if he asks for it, lol


I dunno guys, while I don't doubt that citadel would be worth a playthrough, I don't think this dlc is a compelling enough reason for me to plug my Ps3 back in and pay whatever x amount of dollars this is for. just think though, there are people out there who have never even touched the ME series. outside of some Me3 multiplayer.

plus the guy who I lent Me3 to hasn't given it back. then again, he hasn't asked for da3 back. I suppose I should bring it up when/if he asks for it, lol

Look for the next sale and then play it.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
They're both pretty different.

Lair's production values are through the roof and the mission structure I guess a bit more like the linear offerings of ME2 and ME3, in that you're directed through scenarios and set pieces heavily narrative driven. But the diversity in set pieces, sequences, and the pacing really sell it. You get to have Liara as a companion, there's a couple of boss fights, travel to a bunch of locations, some interesting gimmick segments, and fun fan orientated post-mission goodies to fuck around with. Lair just feels very content rich and consistent in quality.

Overlord is fucking great too though, but paced different thanks to the mini-hub letting you pick your mission order, and the blend of on foot and hammerhead stuff. It too has diverse set pieces, and a pretty interesting plot. Lair is more connected to the core of the Mass Effect arc (if just Liara's involvement), while Overlord is a side story, but it's a good one. Overlord in many ways represents what I wished the uncharted worlds of ME2 and ME3 were like; lite vehicle exploration with on foot missions, so it has that going for it that nothing else in ME2/ME3 have. That being said I found combat with the Hammerhead to be significantly less satisfying than the Mako. Hit feedback is shitful, and the environment design while still fun never manages to hit the highs of mountaineering with the Mako.

I think in terms of substantial playable content and overall quality of said content, both Lair and Overlord are very safe purchases and extend the Mass Effect 2 experience in positive ways. Arrival, Kasumi, and Zaeed are the only ones where value of the content is a bit more subjective. I own all the DLC though so *shrug*

Can we trust a man who owns all the Mass Effect comics?
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