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The Mass Effect Community Thread

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I thought it was ruinous. Pretty much just dropped the megaserver station so they could introduce hamfist "isnt individuality great" bullshit.

Does anyone know how to write sentient AI without making everything into a Pinocchio metaphor? Honest question.

I'm not a huge Sci-fi buff, but practically every time I've seen the subject tackled it comes down to that.

Sou Da

Does anyone know how to write sentient AI without making everything into a Pinocchio metaphor? Honest question.

I'm not a huge Sci-fi buff, but practically every time I've seen the subject tackled it comes down to that.

The writer of ME2 Legion. He had a whole blog about it.
I still don't think they explained how Cerberus was able to gain a MASSIVE army capable of fucking with the entire galaxy
LOL I think they hand-waved it as a lot of volunteers to their cause, if I remember correctly.
They misled refugees by luring them to Sanctuary, ensuring a steady stream of victims for them to implant with reaper tech. Showing how they got their huge army was literally the entire point of that mission. I'm not sure how you managed to forget that.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Honestly, what on *earth* was going through their heads at that point? Introduce a character in the third episode of a series, when we already have amazing villians and antagonists (ILlusive Man, Harbringer, Saren, Sovereign). Don't give him *any* development or interaction with the main character. Repeatedly give him magic plot armour shields. Have him send you stupid 13 year old trolling emails?

It's honestly like a really, rally bad fan-fic character inserted into the game. When he dies I didn't feel relish after defeating my nemesis, I felt relief because he would no longer be shitting up the game in such a dreadful, dreadful way.

Given how *well* the characters were in ME3 outside of him, Mordin and Thane in particular, he really stands out like a sore thumb. I cannot believe that the same people who wrote those characters also came up with Kai Leng.

Easily the worse written character in a Bioware game, ever.
Kai Leng played a prominent role in the book Retribution. I didn't like him much in that book. I wouldn't have had an issue if he were given a small role in the game to tie it in to the books.


I still don't think they explained how Cerberus was able to gain a MASSIVE army capable of fucking with the entire galaxy

It's explicitly stated that they were recycling refugees into cannon fodder. You don't have to like it but it is there.

Anyways what they should have done was restrict Cerberus enemies to their plot missions and have reskinned indoctrinated troopers (Earth soldier, Batarian soldier, Terminus soldier, etc.) to fill out the rest for some variety and story reasons.


Really Really Exciting Member!
They misled refugees by luring them to Sanctuary, ensuring a steady stream of victims for them to implant with reaper tech. Showing how they got their huge army was literally the entire point of that mission. I'm not sure how you managed to forget that.

Wasnt that facility just to make reapers? not actual troops?


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
It's explicitly stated that they were recycling refugees into cannon fodder. You don't have to like it but it is there.

Anyways what they should have done was restrict Cerberus enemies to their plot missions and have reskinned indoctrinated troopers (Earth soldier, Batarian soldier, Terminus soldier, etc.) to fill out the rest for some variety and story reasons.

As I stated in my above comment, I wouldn't have minded if Kai Leng ended up being a "boss" battle or something.


Emily's the worst. She died on Twitter if I remember.

Her Twitter death was actually very done well, it was top class reloplaying from Bioware's twitter accounts, and everyone keeping tabs on it's progress loved it.

The writer of ME2 Legion. He had a whole blog about it.

Yeah, Chris knew how to avoid the Pinocchio trap, sadly the person who took over from him did not.


They misled refugees by luring them to Sanctuary, ensuring a steady stream of victims for them to implant with reaper tech. Showing how they got their huge army was literally the entire point of that mission. I'm not sure how you managed to forget that.

I thought that was to show some fucked up experiments on those people and hence the Husks and the like.
I thought that was to show some fucked up experiments on those people and hence the Husks and the like.
Well yeah, they did do fucked-up experiments. But the point of the experiments was to develop their own indoctrination technology, which they did--and they used it to swell their ranks.


No, they were trying to reverse-engineer Reaper indoctrination and use it to amass an army. And it worked.

Not only that, but they figured out a way to take control of Reaper husks, but according to Hackett and Shepard the knowledge was gained at too high a price so it was ignored lol. I mean seriously wtf Bioware?

Yes, Sanctuary was a fucked up, but goddamn, that sort of knowledge is invaluable. LIke Javik said, you aren't gonna beat an enemy like the Reapers with your honour intact. I kept the Collector Base for that same reason.


I just got my hands on Mass Effect Trilogy for PS3. Excited to start it sometime soon. The thread gets me excited.

But the real question.....male or female Shepard?!


I just got my hands on Mass Effect Trilogy for PS3. Excited to start it sometime soon. The thread gets me excited.

But the real question.....male or female Shepard?!

Whatever you want. Female shep has better voice acting though. Plus you can go lez. Picking another gender is a perk of a second playthrough.


I just got my hands on Mass Effect Trilogy for PS3. Excited to start it sometime soon. The thread gets me excited.

But the real question.....male or female Shepard?!

Go Male Soldier your first time through to get the hang of it, then on the next playthroughs mix it up and change class and gender. The trilogy has hella load of replay value so you won't get bored for a long time, unless you're one of those people who is obsessively Paragon or who makes the same decisions every time. It took me 7 years to see everything the games had to offer.
I think they wanted to do a Saren type thing with him but it fell sort of flat.
perhaps that's how they wanted to set up TIM as the villain, but Saren was seen as an enemy very clearly from the start whereas TIM & cerberus were seen in the milky way society as terorists & evil but with your personal interactions things were a bit more ambiguous, as someone else said.
If it makes you feel better, we are in 100% agreement on this.
like I said before, you and I are probably more alike in what we want than you may believe.


Whoa....SEVEN years?! Will I for sure want to be playing this for that long and restarting it as well? Haha. I intended to play each game chronologically. I know that you character carries over from game to game.

And for what it's worth, I have never played a WRPG as deep as Mass Effect, and that includes the Elder Scrolls games and anything made in the past by Bioware. Is there anything else I should know?

And going back to the character I choose/create, I want to make sure I get it right the first time because I must go in with the assumption that I will only play each of these three games once (giant backlog and all). What will give me the most complete experience? I'm hearing that Male Soldier is what I should choose? Any particular reason?


No, they were trying to reverse-engineer Reaper indoctrination and use it to amass an army. And it worked.

Did it? I'd say kind of but not really in the end... in the process they themselves all became indoctrinated in the presence of all the tech and implants. Hence the whole showdown at the end with Shepard accusing T.I.M. of being indoctrinated by the Reapers, etc.

Or was that not the implication.. did I miss something? o_O
Did it? I'd say kind of but not really in the end... in the process they themselves all became indoctrinated in the presence of all the tech and implants. Hence the whole showdown at the end with Shepard accusing T.I.M. of being indoctrinated by the Reapers, etc.

Or was that not the implication.. did I miss something? o_O
It worked in the sense that they got their army. But you're right that the Illusive Man failed to meet his larger goal of controlling the Reapers, since he was already indoctrinated.


Whoa....SEVEN years?! Will I for sure want to be playing this for that long and restarting it as well? Haha. I intended to play each game chronologically. I know that you character carries over from game to game.

And for what it's worth, I have never played a WRPG as deep as Mass Effect, and that includes the Elder Scrolls games and anything made in the past by Bioware. Is there anything else I should know?

And going back to the character I choose/create, I want to make sure I get it right the first time because I must go in with the assumption that I will only play each of these three games once (giant backlog and all). What will give me the most complete experience? I'm hearing that Male Soldier is what I should choose? Any particular reason?

I suggested Male Soldier because the class is probably one you're the most familiar with and it's also the one that changes the least throughout the trilogy. The power focused classes are fun, but Lord, they go through some crazy changes in the next two games, and since you're on a console you're going to bring up the power wheel a lot if you play as them due to the lack of hotkeys, so if you want some consistency and a more smooth experience it's best to stay Soldier on your first time through.


If you're playing Paragon go Male, if Renegade then Female. The voice actors turn in better performances for those playstyles IMO.

I can agree with this.

I'm not a fan of the whole Voice Acting debate between male and female Shepard. Both nail it in their own way, and some lines each voice actor does one better than their counterpart.

Red Hood

Guys, after having played and LOVED the Mass Effect trilogy numerous times on the PS3, I'm looking to buy them on the PC. Do the Steam versions of ME1 and 2 ever get a discount? And if so, do I get some kind of code to activate them on Origin without losing the Steam ones?


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Does anyone know how to write sentient AI without making everything into a Pinocchio metaphor? Honest question.

I'm not a huge Sci-fi buff, but practically every time I've seen the subject tackled it comes down to that.

Lots of sci fi authors do because they like to write lots of post singularity stuff that most of the other artistic mediums havent caught up with yet.


Guys, after having played and LOVED the Mass Effect trilogy numerous times on the PS3, I'm looking to buy them on the PC. Do the Steam versions of ME1 and 2 ever get a discount? And if so, do I get some kind of code to activate them on Origin without losing the Steam ones?

They do. ME1 had one recently, for example. And I think you can activate on Origin as well. I mean, I did that with Alice Madness Returns, but I'm not sure if it was a temporary thing.


I'm laughing so hard about Emily. never knew how they ended her. "died on twitter" is an incredible way to go out in 2015 lmao

Really? I always thought just the opposite.

I don't even think Hale is better as paragon. But male Jerk-Shepard is godly.

The annoying thing about Hale is just how widespread she is. She's like the female Steve Blum, except instead of just tertiary characters for the most part she gets all the leading-lady roles. I think she's like twenty characters in the DC animated universe as well as a major character in seemingly every Bioware game. Meer is much less prolific and I only really associate him with this one role.


Really? I always thought just the opposite.

Yeah I agree, Renegade Femshep is awful. Hale has to make her voice deeper to come off as more tough and the results are hilarious, I just cannot take it seriously. Renagade Sheploo on the other hand is godlike, probably due to the fact that Meer has a background as a comedian, so he knows how to deliver those deadpan lines


People should really read the BSN thread which covered the whole Twitter thing, it really was awesome work from Bioware. I just happen to have it bookmarked actually, so I'll link the thread for people to read.

It's all kicking off on Twitter! ARRIVAL

It's 82 pages BTW, so get some coffee and get ready for a good read for the next hour or two.


I thought Hale's forced deep inflection as femShep was awful and was rightfully left out of the marketing for the trilogy. Sounds like a 7th grade boy trying to talk tough sometimes.

Plus none of the character models compare in quality to the captured model for default maleShep so in the first two games femShep and custom maleShep looks like playdoh getting baked, and the added ME3 femShep still doesn't look like it was based on anything real (since it wasn't).



I thought Hale's forced deep inflection as femShep was awful and was rightfully left out of the marketing for the trilogy. Sounds like a 7th grade boy trying to talk tough sometimes.

Plus none of the character models compare in quality to the captured model for default maleShep so in the first two games femShep and custom maleShep looks like playdoh getting baked, and the added ME3 femShep still doesn't look like it was based on anything real (since it wasn't).


I know it's not the popular stance (most seem to think Hale >>>>> Meer), but I completely agree. That weird husky voice just sounded odd much of the time. And Meer improved greatly from ME1 to ME3.

Also agree about the custom faces. They all look awful (male moreso than female). ME3 default female was a step in the right direction, but still looked strange to me. The Vanderloo model was clearly the best overall imo.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I agree with you. Her concept is great, but the execution was not, though. Thankfully there are some texture mods that make her face a lot cleaner:




Care to share? I never tried the default femshep model in ME3 because something about the face just isn't right, but that looks pretty good.
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