WTF D: He was pretty devastated by ME2 as it annihilated all the details-first world-building of the first game.I've read some of his criticisms and generally agree with them, though I'd disagree about how he considers it a masterpiece (heresy, I know!)..
WTF D: He was pretty devastated by ME2 as it annihilated all the details-first world-building of the first game.
In a trilogy, I don't think Act II is disposable like this.
So I'm playing through the series again and needed opinions on when to play Overlord and Shadow Broker during my playthrough. I'm still recruiting the crew right now so I have a ways to go.
I've played through 2 probably 10ish times now but it's been about 4 years since I've done so, so I take don't remember what my strategy was then.
I've been crucified for saying this before but I still think 2 is my least favourite of the 3 games (which really doesn't mean much because I still love all 3 games deeply and considering them my favourite games of all time). I don't even agree that it has good character development because I felt a greater interest in both interacting and talking to characters in both 1 and 3.
EDIT: I will agree that Mass Effect 2 was absolutely the major catalyst for spearheading some of the series most absolute dumbest shit related to characters, science fiction, villains, etc that it never really recovered from.
Inspired by Shamus, list of story/lore problems of ME2:
- Elevates Shepard to Space Jesus status
- Completely retcons the status quo at end of ME1
- Puts humanity at full forefront including human Reaper
- Major personality changes for ex-squadmates
- Cerberus makeover from fringe clowns to hypercompetent
- Does not advance Reaper saga for ME3, leaves additional burden in Human Reaper
- Collectors as Reaper mooks not well-integrated into ME universe lore
- Focuses on teammates but gives them little to no relation to the overall plot
- Little world-building outside of Omega, no reason to care about Terminus colonies
- Shepard has little agency, following TIM orders
- Harbinger lowering himself to taunting foot soldier, ruining Reaper's Space Cthulhu mystique
Not going to go through the whole lost bit by bit, but Shepherd *starts* as Space Jesus. Literally from the first mission in ME1 you are repeatedly told you are the best humanity has to offer, you are the first human spectre, you touch the beacon etc etc. Anyone claiming that aspect started in ME2 is just trying to justify disliking the second game more than the first, because that element has been present in mass effect since the very first section of the first game.
Anyone claiming that started in ME2 is just trying to justify disliking the second game more than the first
You can do better than that.
This feels like I'm talking to a person from the regular threads.
I do think a big part of why ME2 has issues as the middle part of the trilogy were also due to me3 as well, and only became apparent in hindsight. Whilst the baby reaper wasn't that great, the overall narrative race of ME2 worked in its game and as a sequel to ME1. The reapers weren't able to enter the galaxy thanks to your actions in ME1, so they needed a different way. They used their agents to attack and kidnap humans because they couldn't launch an all out assault anymore, and because humanity had done something no-one else had done and beaten them and disrupted the cycle.
So it makes sense within that content. It just falls completely apart when it's then revealed the reapers can attack all out anyway (regardless of the events of Arrival, which is another head scratcher) and events play out as they did. ME2 works in a series where the reapers can't attack the galaxy all out, as a back up plan and covert assault. It utterly fails though when it becomes apparent the reapers don't need the back up and can attack anyways a couple of years later.
Yeah, but the whole use of the Dark Space relay implied that it would take them decades, centuries, or millennia to get back, not 2-3 years.But there was never any reason to think that the Reapers couldn't attack all out. They were in Dark Space, not locked in some parallel universe or something. They just had to come back the slow way.
But there was never any reason to think that the Reapers couldn't attack all out. They were in Dark Space, not locked in some parallel universe or something. They just had to come back the slow way.
I think it is the best thing ever when you judge a game based on 1/10 sec of animationI can understand a degree of apprehension based on what has (and hasn't) been shown, but threads like that thrive on hyperbole, you'd think they killed their first born. Every game of theirs has flaws, some more obvious than others and there is a discussion to be had. Not everyone in that thread is like the above, but yeah, BioWare as a whole on both the ME and DA end of things are 5000% aware of their own shortcomings, it's been years at this point lol.
Especially the posts about how now that The Witcher 3 came out, BioWare is average at best and what they make is unacceptable. Like, I love The Witcher series so much, there are absolutely things I hope they implement into their games for DA4 and even ME:A, but to say it will suck with basically no evidence save for a few 2-5 minute videos (and not all of them with gameplay) is a bit unfair. Besides, TW3 has its weak points too (i.e. I liked DA:I's combat and movement more). Add to the fact that ME has been in development for such a long time that it is more likely we will see more directly-comparable Witcher 3 design implementations in a DA4 scenario.
Anyways, part of the fault for people feeling this way is EA's, moreso than BioWare because that's not really their bag, in how they are rolling out information. At the same time, I was just as disappointed in ME3's ending and DA:I's overload of fetch quests as the next person, but it's kind of lame to play armchair game dev when the game isn't even out.
Yeah, but the whole use of the Dark Space relay implied that it would take them decades, centuries, or millennia to get back, not 2-3 years.
The slow way is (at best estimates) hundreds if not thousands of years away or more. Without the relays they don't go anywhere near fast enough to get into the galaxy based on their location. Not just a few years away.
I'd always assumed this was how the trilogy was going because they built the reapers up so much in the first game to be this unbeatable cosmic horror, I never thought they would actually put us at war with them because of the disparity.
Oh wow. OH WOW.
Doing my replay of the series (started at 1, now wrapping up 3) and I just did the Citadel DLC for the first time last night.
I...holy crap. Some amazing moments in that thing, you guys weren't kidding. Three favorite "encounters" on the strip:
1. Traynor - those cuts, omggg
2. Grunt - the flashbacks
3. Joker - I absolutely lost it when he saidTears out of my eyes.It's joking time.
What a DLC package.
Sovereign was always inside the galaxy - he didn't travel with the rest of them. They were definitely presumed to be much further out than "a couple of years travel" in the first two games. Heck, what's the point of Arrival at all if they are close by?
Oh wow. OH WOW.
Doing my replay of the series (started at 1, now wrapping up 3) and I just did the Citadel DLC for the first time last night.
I...holy crap. Some amazing moments in that thing, you guys weren't kidding. Three favorite "encounters" on the strip:
1. Traynor - those cuts, omggg
2. Grunt - the flashbacks
3. Joker - I absolutely lost it when he saidTears out of my eyes.It's joking time.
What a DLC package.
Obviously someone can't 100% prove something like this.Huh? That's not exactly a useful response, and doesn't address my point - Mass Effect has always been about the player character being the one destined saviour of the universe, around whom everything and everyone revolves. That didn't change between games, it's an element that's always been present, and it feels (like several things on that list) like someone clutching at straws to try and 'objectively prove' Mass Effect 2 was worse than Mass Effect 1. Which is silly, because it's a personal preference thing and you don't need to make up stuff about one game in order to justify liking another more,
I also don't think you gain much by looking down on people who post in the general threads. If you want Mass Effect as a series to do well and survive it needs to appeal beyond the hardcore crowd who love it already.
By the end of ME2, seeing the reapers approaching the milky way was a dead giveaway that they were coming in ME3, especially when the devs said that this was designed as a trilogy.I do think a big part of why ME2 has issues as the middle part of the trilogy were also due to me3
Best DLC ever. Best played after you've completed ME3. The perfect goodbye.Oh wow. OH WOW.
Doing my replay of the series (started at 1, now wrapping up 3) and I just did the Citadel DLC for the first time last night.
I...holy crap. Some amazing moments in that thing, you guys weren't kidding. Three favorite "encounters" on the strip:
1. Traynor - those cuts, omggg
2. Grunt - the flashbacks
3. Joker - I absolutely lost it when he saidTears out of my eyes.It's joking time.
What a DLC package.
Best DLC ever. Best played after you've completed ME3. The perfect goodbye.
Is the Omega DLC worth it? I hear so much mixed about it and just want some more opinions on it. I'm sold on all other DLC this one. Sell me on it (or why I shouldn't bother)
In ME1 he starts as a Spectre candidate, basically a tryout. Gaining the job title makes him a space James Bond, not Jesus.Not going to go through the whole lost bit by bit, but Shepherd *starts* as Space Jesus. Literally from the first mission in ME1 you are repeatedly told you are the best humanity has to offer, you are the first human spectre, you touch the beacon etc etc. Anyone claiming that aspect started in ME2 is just trying to justify disliking the second game more than the first, because that element has been present in mass effect since the very first section of the first game.
Ideally humanity wouldn't be put on a pedestal. I prefer my storytelling taking a different direction, and I would have loved for more balanced politics. But I can handle Shepard being a centrepiece since she/he was from the start, and that's just the pulpy story BioWare chose to tell.
What was supremely lame in respect to that was choosing to put humanity on a pedestal right down to a genetic level. Like okay, if we're going to tell a story about humanity "proving themselves" on the political/galactic stage and romanticise how organised and efficient they are; fine. Have your humanity-saves-the-day-Shepard-is-so-great stuff. But Mass Effect 2 and 3 pushing the utterly bizarre genetic diversity (and ergo superiority) angle is so fucking creepy and weird. Like a totally unnecessary speciest power fantasy that contributes nothing to the overall lore.
Is this thread going to go all the way back to L'Etoile's posts now?
Oh great, another turd of a thread on the front page about why Bioware is the worst developer in the entire world. Starting 2017 off strong.
Oh great, another turd of a thread on the front page about why Bioware is the worst developer in the entire world. Starting 2017 off strong.
Mind numbing.Could be worse (second top comment on the gameplay trailer on YouTube):
Could be worse (second top comment on the gameplay trailer on YouTube):
lol I remember reading this comment.
At least, it's so incredibly insane that it made me laugh.
Most of the comments in the last Andromeda thread are not funny, in any regard. Aarryn Flynn is there to discuss and they don't even notice, it's crazy.
And this fucking gif posted on every page...
I'm really hoping Andromeda is good so that this deep seeded pessimism might finally be eradicated or at least diminished to the point where it no longer derails threads.
It's got to be demoralizing to be a BioWare dev and read Mass Effect and Dragon Age related topics on NeoGAF. I get a much more postive vibe on r/masseffect than I ever have here, and usually reddit is known for having notoriously awful communities. It's certainly an eye opening experience on just how brutal a gaming enthusiast forum can be.
I'm really hoping Andromeda is good so that this deep seeded pessimism might finally be eradicated or at least diminished to the point where it no longer derails threads.
The best thing about it all is that it's moving away from the OT, maybe people will leave it all behiiiiiiiiiind and start fresh.
I really don't know why the ME series gathers so much hate. Like why do people feel justified to go around and say "Bioware sucks" or something like that? What did they even do to them?
I mean if a game is bad, people usually forget about it, bring up some memes and move on. But ME haters feel the need to stick around and spew hate and misinformation all the time.
The best thing about it all is that it's moving away from the OT, maybe people will leave it all behiiiiiiiiiind and start fresh.
I really don't know why the ME series gathers so much hate. Like why do people feel justified to go around and say "Bioware sucks" or something like that? What did they even do to them?
I mean if a game is bad, people usually forget about it, bring up some memes and move on. But ME haters feel the need to stick around and spew hate and misinformation all the time.