There's a "slight" difference between skepticism (which you'll find plenty of even in this very thread) and going to a ME thread, post a "Bioware as been shit since KOTOR" then leaving.
One is good practice and can be constructive the other not so much
KOTOR? I really don't like MMOs but everything else in this game is great including story, dialogues, characters etc. KOTOR is much, MUCH better that DAI. And you really don't need a lot of words to say and explain why people are extremely sceptical about them, cuz it is obvious just like the sunrise on the next and each day.
Uh, what's even the point in arguing the facts? It is simple - we did get better result of their work in DAI compared to DAII - true, but they also and so obviously failed in so many other levels and by looking at all this you simply can't say that this game is good, it is, at the very best, a mixed bag with not so many good things, to many bad things and massive overcorrection. There's zero strong direction in this goddamn game which was made only with one purpose - to please as many people as possible and to dissapoint so many others as well in the process which was inevitable.
I personally disagree with every single one of your assertions, and can point you to a whole bunch of people who share my beliefs. Which is to say that at the very least, what you're saying can't be considered a general truth. And that's not even speaking of the concept of "benefit of the doubt". There are plenty of extenuating circumstances present in failures like DA:II and the ME3 ending.
Let me tell you this. Every time someone brings up a thread like "Is DAI good and is it worth the time and purchase?", right from the very start, every single time and for pages and pages people telling the man that it is shit, not worth the time or something along those lines. Now, why? If the game is so good, why? Why so many people saying that The Witcher 3 much and much better (because of course it is) and recommending to buy it instead? It is not simple hate I tell ya.
Dragon Age 2 suffered from an unreasonable deadline
More like from very poor direction, bad producing, over simplistic nature and so on.
and ME3's ending was probably a result of an inherently flawed concept put in place years before by a person who ultimately didn't even work on said ending.
The main ME writer left BioWare, that's the real reason right here.
No one "brings on" the incessant amount of piling on when it comes to most of the frankly brainless criticism already leveraged against ME:A.
If only that was the case, but it's not, far from it. People have every right to be sceptical and frankly they should be every single time, it's for their own good, believe it or not. Also, people criticizing mostly not MEA, but their previous work and games and.... they are right. It's up to BioWare to prove them wrong, not you or me.
It's nothing but GIF posting and hand-wringing over the imagined concern of "little information" while we're still months away from release.
Well, personally, I only extremely sceptical about MEA and why should I not be?
Of course, buying into "hype" can lead to disappointment if you allow it to overinflate the ideas of what someone can deliver. There is nothing wrong with skepticism. However, if you go into it saying, "well, they are never going to meet my expectations anyways" then that isn't really something that they should concern themselves with. It's not helpful to anyone. Though, you know, being on the internet it's not that hard to look up the conditions of development and how things don't always go to plan. ME3 was disappointing to a lot of people, yes, so if that has soured you just wait and hear impressions.
This is exactly what I'm doing and for the most part I'm criticizing not MEA but previous games and DAI in particular. I can also say this - DAI dissapointed me a lot more that DAII and you wanna know why? Cuz there's many (not a huge amount, but many) good things in this game and so much potential for something much better that was ruined by so many other things that I can't even count. In DAII on the other hand only combat system was great and not much else, so even though it's a much worse than DAI.... there's simply not much else in it that could potentialy made the game better so.... well, I hope you get it.
Also, so DA:O is "better in every single way imaginable" except (according to you) visuals and animation, and yet DA2 has the best combat system in the series? So it's not better in every conceivable way. It's a preference.
Yep, DAO has better everything except visuals and animation than DAI. DAII has the best combat system in the series - it is the one and only good thing I can say about this game.