Something is obviously not right here...
DAO Nov 2009 / DAII March 2011
ME Nov 2007 / ME2 Jan 2010
You forgot something in your GIFfing:
Dragon Age Awakening - March 16, 2010
DA2 basically had just over a year from start to finish.
Something is obviously not right here...
DAO Nov 2009 / DAII March 2011
ME Nov 2007 / ME2 Jan 2010
This is obviously not a good thing to do, and I can asure you that shit posting just for the sake of it is not my style.
Well, I'm trying my best to do the exact opposite because I can, I wanna and willing to.
Something is obviously not right here...
DAO Nov 2009 / DAII March 2011
Is there a link perhaps?
This isn't the keynote. This is something else, we don't know what.
Well that.... explains a lot.
This may or may not be trustworthy, but the extremely short development cycle was corroborated by Shinobi, who is generally if not entirely trustworthy.
These people you care so much about should not sell us games like DAII. Again, it is entirely their own fault. If there's not enough time, why even bother?put yourself into the shoes of the people who work on this stuff.
Now please, show me where exactly I did such a thing. What I can say about MEA at this point is that I can see really cool things already in this game after watching the last gameplay trailer, but I also have so many questions about it, about the things I care about and don't like in this trailer. So, can you actually call this "shitting on the developer and game months before release?" I sure as hell don't, if anything, its simply and just like I've said - extreme scepticism, not hate, not shitting on the developer and game and not shitposing. I do care about ME a lot and I don't want this game to be shit, but I also preparing myself for this.... just in case and cuz it is better than hype.Also, the "skeptical" card is seriously one of the most intellectually lazy things you can pull these days. It's like "free speech". Yeah, you should be skeptical and weary at all times. But you shouldn't overextend that into literally shitting on the developer and game months before release. I don't find that reasonable towards the people who work on this stuff.
Lol, it was extremely hard to bite my tongue. Still, some good stuff coming today. Mock reviews happening towards the end of the month, and major marketing starting late January-early Feb.I'm just imagining Shinobi's kroganchuckle.gif whenever someone posted "looks like fall 2017 or maybe even 2018 man there must be such development issues"
Lol, it was extremely hard to bite my tongue. Still, lots of good stuff coming. Today, mock reviews happening towards the end of the month, and major marketing starting late January-early Feb.
mock reviews today or end of the month.....I'm having a hard time reading that sentence lol
- Today we get stuff
- End of Jan there are mock reviews (what is that?)
- marketing later
Sorry for my lack of understanding, but... "mock review"? What's that? Non-gold, but almost completed, versions of the game being sent to websites such as IGN or Gamespot?
- Today we get stuff
- End of Jan there are mock reviews (what is that?)
- marketing later
Sorry for my lack of understanding, but... "mock review"? What's that? Non-gold, but almost completed, versions of the game being sent to websites such as IGN or Gamespot?
Sorry for my lack of understanding, but... "mock review"? What's that? Non-gold, but almost completed, versions of the game being sent to websites such as IGN or Gamespot?
And here I thought that I won't learn something new about the game industry today. Thx.Mock Reviews are an internal tool for gaming companies in which they reach out to independent reviewers (generally ex-game journos) who basically review the game as they normally would, including scoring it, but deliver the review to the company itself.
It's used by a company to gauge what the reception of a game will be, and may affect marking budget if a game comes in way under what they predict the score to be.
Generally, outside of leaks, you will never hear the results of the process.
So long Sheploo, you'll always be my favorite.
I finished Citadel for the first time today. End of an era
Man. There's still an adamant group of DELAY!!!! people. Even now. Amazing.
Might have missed it; what time is this conference/presentation that is alleged to contain ME:A content?
I won't be completely satisfied with this game if it doesn't contain some variation of the Lash ability from ME3. Definitely one of the most fun(and useful) skill in the game. Enemy hiding behind cover? He has a shield or barrier so Pull is worthless? No worries, Lash will save the day! And if there is no shield or barrier, enjoy seeing your target fly away!
I believe its around 6:30 PST
Excited to see Frostbite combat. They've mentioned destructible cover which sounds delicious for potential Vanguard abilities.
6:45 PST at the earliest.I believe its around 6:30 PST
I wonder how the combat meshes with the rpg/customization aspect, which bioware has been talking up in interviews. There seem to be only 3 ability slots, so i assume that other basic abilities that are universal (jumping, dodging, shooting, etc) also are customizable when building your character, as well as passive skills.
Worst case would be that bioware is trying to appeal to the "hardcore rpg" crowd by talking about the "deep customization" in ME:A, and it turns out to be shooter with very basic differences between builds. They did this with DA:I when they were trying to get that particular crowd on board, talking about the tactical camera and how strategy mattered, which turned out not to be the case. Well, at least not in comparison to DA 1 and 2.
Well, the tactical camera does matter in Inquisition. Quite a bit. The game needs to be more difficult, sure, but whenever you use the tac cam your efficiency goes through the roof.
I'm not too worried about the 3 ability limit in Andromeda thanks to no global cooldown. Tbh I used 3 or fewer active abilities for pretty much all my builds in ME3 because of the GCD.
Hopefully this is ok to post as it's from my own site.
I interviewed Jennifer Hale not long ago and spoke to her about the original Mass Effect trilogy and her role as Commander Shepard. She also speaks briefly about Andromeda and the direction Bioware are taking.
Don't expect any major news but some of you may enjoy the interview.
Well, technically it matters for targeting sure, since it can be a pain to select distant targets with the default 3rd person view, but as a necessary tool for strategically difficult encounters? Not really, since the game regressed in that aspect compared to its predecessors. The point i was trying to make was that bioware presented it as a step back towards old school rpg tactical gameplay, but it became clear when the game launched that the step was actually taken in the opposite direction.