I'm still playing (I have a problem) on 360 because that's where my manifest is. The controls are generally fine except for a few issues. Reload canceling is way easier on PC. Just tapping medi-gel is less problematic than what we have to do on controllers. Anyone with even passing knowledge can AHK reload-canceling into the fire button. It's also easier to aim on PC which really drives up the value of weapons like the Suppressor and Arc Pistol. The biggest issue is with charge weapons.
Modern controllers still suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Kishok is way easier to use on PC than it is on console. I started trying to use that weapon again because I'm using the weapons I hardly touched. To use the Kishok properly on a Salarian Infiltrator you sometimes want to ED before letting go of the shot. Would be nice to be able to do that easily without having to resort to the claw.
Die in a fire. I wish controllers didn't suck. Leaning heavily towards PC, but PS4 is not out of the question.
As far as the next titles goes.
Mass Effect: Explode
Mass Effect: Explore
Let's see what theme they end up going with.