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The Mass Effect Community Thread

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Das Ace

They probably all sat down to watch Star Trek for inspiration again, heard 'to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before' again and thought it was rad then ops the game title alludes to an important event in the timeline.


Junior Member
I also think we shouldn't consider this game as a single game.
It's sole purpose is most likely to set it up for another Trilogy.

I think it could be potentially awesome to have three chapters where:

Contact: Blaze the path for human domination

Reapers: Relive the era of Shepard's fight against the Reapers from a different POV

Tranquillity: The threat of the Reapers is over, but space civilization is in shambles. Take the lead into re-uniting the Universe.
Maybe Contact refers to the first contact of a different race? Rather than the first contact of humans. It could be set before or after the Shepard era from the point of view of a totally new race.

Edit: super beaten. Nevertheless I think this could be cool. Let's not jump to conclusions.
I just recently bought ME2 and ME3 on the PS3 with every single piece of DLC.

Despite the incredible lackluster ending this entire trilogy is, imo, one of the finer trilogies released in a decade.

While the rumored news that the next Mass Effect is going to be a prequel about the First Contact War, I myself would actually love to see a true next-gen sequel with the immediate danger of the Krogan.

It was hinted throughout the entire trilogy that they are the fiercest race with the highest survival rate, and with The Reapers having destroyed most of the Turians, Quarians and Humans the emphasis should be all about them gaining more and more power.


I don't feel strongly about it either way, but why are people down on it being about the first contact war?

What is the first contact war?

the turian-human war?


A.) Prequels on a whole are terrible
B.) We already know what happens
C.) All told, really, not a lot happens in the so-called war... there's a reason the Turians call it an "incident"
D.) They'll probably fall into the Star Wars prequel trap where, despite the fact that it takes place decades before the main trilogy, the technology would be more advanced simply to show something new
E.) Really only the Turians and the Humans were involved, so there wouldn't be a whole lot of other species showing up
F.) I'm much more interested in seeing the future of the Mass Effect universe than retread ground that has been covered in codex entries and comics
Mass Affect: Gantlet

You control Sheriff Notshepard of the Galactic Railroad Authority as you attempt to set up a working transgalactic railroad, deflowering aliens, fighting Space Indians, fending off train robbers, and waiting for huge herds of Space Buffalo to cross the tracks

Form your posse, customize your chaps, and be prepared to romance everything on at least two legs

Best Buy Exclusive DLC : Prepare to saddle up with your very own Krogan mount
They probably all sat down to watch Star Trek for inspiration again, heard 'to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before' again and thought it was rad then ops the game title alludes to an important event in the timeline.


In order to defeat humans/Shepard some of the Reapers go back through time at the end of ME3. They want to assimilate humanity when it can't protect itself so that they never make first contact with the Mass Relays/other species.


A prequel would be a massive troll from Bioware since no one really wanted this. ME was an interesting series because it was unknown, a prequel would just not be very exciting at all.


Just saw the shinobi tweets , i want to cry :(

I could care less about a prequel, i want a sequel with new species , new planets , new tech etc, i want to play as a alien , fuck the first contact war :(

i am so sad ...


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
iiiiitttss nooooot coooonffiiirrmmeedd asss aaaaa ppprreeqquueeelll brruuaugghghh


I also think we shouldn't consider this game as a single game.
It's sole purpose is most likely to set it up for another Trilogy.

I think it could be potentially awesome to have three chapters where:

Contact: Blaze the path for human domination

Reapers: Relive the era of Shepard's fight against the Reapers from a different POV

Tranquillity: The threat of the Reapers is over, but space civilization is in shambles. Take the lead into re-uniting the Universe.



I'm not oposed to a prequel or the relay incident on its own... it could be done well, but new aliens? Aliens that were some how missing and never mentioned when talking about the relay incident in the span of 3 games. I feel some major retcons coming at us...


I'm not oposed to a prequel or the relay incident on its own... it could be done well, but new aliens? Aliens that were some how missing and never mentioned when talking about the relay incident in the span of 3 games. I feel some major retcons coming at us...

I don't know how it's inconceivable that there would be new races that most people had ever seen before. The galaxy is enormous.


Just saw the shinobi tweets , i want to cry :(

I could care less about a prequel, i want a sequel with new species , new planets , new tech etc, i want to play as a alien , fuck the first contact war :(

i am so sad ...


Which shinobi tweets, and what about them make you want to cry? Where did he come anywhere close to confirming a prequel?


I'll wait until it's officially confirmed as a prequel, And then i'll form my opinion.

We have very little reason to even lean towards thinking it's a prequel. Most of the evidence seemingly points otherwise. The ONLY thing is the alleged name "contact" which proves nothing.

Some jimmies need to be unrustled.


I don't know how it's inconceivable that there would be new races that most people had ever seen before. The galaxy is enormous.

Not just not seen, like I said. For all the talk and historical record on the incident, no other races got mixed up in it outside of humans and turians.


Just saw the shinobi tweets , i want to cry :(

I could care less about a prequel, i want a sequel with new species , new planets , new tech etc, i want to play as a alien , fuck the first contact war :(

i am so sad ...

I'm not sure what tweets you're talking about. Everything Shinobi has tweeted about this title has actually indicated the opposite, that it's not a First Contact War game. In fact he outright says "Nah" to the idea of it taking place then.

Also: Rumors!

I'll wait until it's officially confirmed as a prequel, And then i'll form my opinion.

Gah. I hate that I opened this can of worms.



shinobi602 ‏@shinobi602 2 min

Clarification on yesterday, come to understand that next ME isn't 100% confirmed to not be prequel. My misunderstanding from who I talked to



I also think we shouldn't consider this game as a single game.
It's sole purpose is most likely to set it up for another Trilogy.

I think it could be potentially awesome to have three chapters where:

Contact: Blaze the path for human domination

Reapers: Relive the era of Shepard's fight against the Reapers from a different POV

Tranquillity: The threat of the Reapers is over, but space civilization is in shambles. Take the lead into re-uniting the Universe.

I would actually be OK with this.


shinobi602 ‏@shinobi602 2 min

Clarification on yesterday, come to understand that next ME isn't 100% confirmed to not be prequel. My misunderstanding from who I talked to


So, here I go posting about how it's not going to be a prequel and then this.

Well, fuck.

Still betting it's not a prequel. If it is, I feel bad for the PR people for the game constantly having to handle questions like "Fans didn't really want a prequel... why are you doing one?"
I also think we shouldn't consider this game as a single game.
It's sole purpose is most likely to set it up for another Trilogy.

I think it could be potentially awesome to have three chapters where:

Contact: Blaze the path for human domination

Reapers: Relive the era of Shepard's fight against the Reapers from a different POV

Tranquillity: The threat of the Reapers is over, but space civilization is in shambles. Take the lead into re-uniting the Universe.



Chili Con Carnage!
Contact makes sense as a sequel name to me, SOL has been cut off from the rest of the galaxy since the Relays went out of commission, hundreds/thousands of years later another way to navigate the universe is found/They mysteriously start to work again.

Do not want a trilogy though, 1 game, 1 story, 1 set of decisions. Don't want Bioware to create another situation where they have to write around all the possible outcomes, that's how we ended up with the ME3 we got.


I'd be in the dick
I apologise if I'm wrong but Shinobi to me is a bit of an attention seeker after reading his tweets

He's not. I talk to him quite a bit and his reactions are just pure and genuine excitement. You won't find many people that are just plain enthusiastic about games, Mass Effect in particular, like Shinobi is.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Why are people assuming its a prequel only because of
some rumor? We already saw blurry offscreen artworks that showed races never seen before right? How the hell would that be about First Contact war?


Why are people assuming its a prequel only because of
some rumor? We already saw blurry offscreen artworks that showed races never seen before right? How the hell would that be about First Contact war?

Eh, I doubt it is. People are scared because of the rumoured title. But EatChildren's explanation makes the most sense.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
What about the notion of a new species coming from beyond the universe?

I guess, but is it really necessary? The galaxy is already primed for a new species to rear their heads.


The next Mass Effect should be a sequel and it explores Lady Gaga's birth and eventual descension to planet earth with a guest appearance by Jodie Foster who will play a Hanar who Gaga is entrusted to after her parents (a volus and an elcor) die in a consciously uncoupled birth

Uncharted worlds will make an appearance but wigs must be collected from them instead of precious metals



I guess, but is it really necessary? The galaxy is already primed for a new species to rear their heads.

I actually prefer it if its not just one species that you are facing off against. Something more along the lines of a galactic war, where everyone is a bit hazy on who is friend or foe.

I guess after the reapers, I dont particularly want such a clear definition on who sits on which side
He's not. I talk to him quite a bit and his reactions are just pure and genuine excitement. You won't find many people that are just plain enthusiastic about games, Mass Effect in particular, like Shinobi is.

I see well my bad. I'm very enthusiastic about the series personally
prequels are creative bankruptcy.

Depends, It takes a lot of creativity and good writing to make a good prequel.

I take it back, they don't have the chops to do a good prequel. I wouldn't mind a First Contact War DLC pack that uses an In-game simulator to tell the story in mission format.
Depends, It takes a lot of creativity and good writing to make a good prequel.

I take it back, they don't have the chops to do a good prequel. I wouldn't mind a First Contact War DLC pack that uses an In-game simulator to tell the story in mission format.

So pretty much Operation Anchorage in Fallout 3? :p


Yannik Roy, the studio director at BioWare Montreal just tweeted

"WRT name speculations: the next Mass Effect doesn't have a name yet, just a working title that we have used since day 1 of the project."

If it is being shown at E3 like speculated, surely there is no way the game has not been named yet.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
I'm not oposed to a prequel or the relay incident on its own... it could be done well, but new aliens? Aliens that were some how missing and never mentioned when talking about the relay incident in the span of 3 games. I feel some major retcons coming at us...
You can't assume that we saw all the races in the galaxy, we met the Council races and two former Council races. There would be more that have chosen not to interact with those species, or who have small populations. Think of the drell, who are endangered, or quarrians, who are shunned, or the yahgs, who haven't achieved space flight yet. We just got a peek at what was there.


You can't assume that we saw all the races in the galaxy, we met the Council races and two former Council races. There would be more that have chosen not to interact with those species, or who have small populations. Think of the drell, who are endangered, or quarrians, who are shunned, or the yahgs, who haven't achieved space flight yet. We just got a peek at what was there.

I'll just copy/paste this reply:

Not just not seen, like I said. For all the talk and historical record on the incident, no other races got mixed up in it outside of humans and turians.
Yeah, I'm with EC in that I'm pretty sure this won't be a First Contact War scenario. They might've gone with 'First Contact' in the title if that was the case.

We're apparently getting new alien species, so I'm pretty sure it'll be taking place 200+ years into the future. Whether or not they embrace one of the endings as canon, I'm not sure: maybe it'll use a Dragon Age Keep system where you can construct a savefile and the game will take some decisions into account, and make little changes accordingly. Honestly, the only endings that would be hard to implement would be Synthesis and Rejection: if the player chose Destroy you can have some throwaway lines about Shepard potentially having survived, and if the player chose Control you can have some exposition on how the Reapers departed the known galaxy after helping it rebuild. The geth wouldn't get a large role either way, but that's fine. The game simply wouldn't allow you to import a save with the Rejection ending (or allow you to create one), same as how Mass Effect 3 won't import ME2 saves in which Shepard dies.

I'm guessing the 'Contact" will refer to something else: something hidden in our galaxy for a long time, or something coming from outside our galaxy wanting to conquer new domain now that the Reapers are no longer around. Maybe those 'beings of light' hidden in Klencory turn out to be real after all.

I wonder if they'll try and work in the "synthetics will always destroy organics"-bullcrap again, or if they'll try their hand at the Element Zero plotline that was hinted at in ME2.

I hope we finally get to meet the raloi. Big sentient birds, it'd be like planet of the parrots. Too bad they got bird flu and then shut themselves off from the galaxy when the Reapers came.

I hope we get a lot more character customization options: after all the cool shit that was in the multiplayer of ME3, I'd love it if they implemented some of those powers. BIOTIC LASH, MOTHERFUCKERS.


Well politely screw you guys, I would love a First Contact game.
(Could also be the new first contact when the mass relays are rebuilt and space travel history passed into legend)
If it is set in the future, the Geth and Quarians could technically be intergangeable in the story as they'd sort of fill the same role in the galaxy as technologically profient pariahs.

Also, the Geth or Quarian squadmate would also be interchangeable as the engineer, and their "loyalty mission" could just have a few words changed here or their... your Geth squadmate needs you to infiltrate an alien stronghold to extract Geth programs trapped on a server they had disconnected from the network in order to recode and send out an upgrade to enslave the Geth, but your Quarian squadmate needs you to go destroy an old Geth server the alien race is using to attempt to reverse engineer AI...


If it is set in the future, the Geth and Quarians could technically be intergangeable in the story as they'd sort of fill the same role in the galaxy as technologically profient pariahs.

Also, the Geth or Quarian squadmate would also be interchangeable as the engineer, and their "loyalty mission" could just have a few words changed here or their... your Geth squadmate needs you to infiltrate an alien stronghold to extract Geth programs trapped on a server they had disconnected from the network in order to recode and send out an upgrade to enslave the Geth, but your Quarian squadmate needs you to go destroy an old Geth server the alien race is using to attempt to reverse engineer AI...

Eh, I'm with EatChildren on this. I think they should (and will) canonize some amalgamation of the possibilities from the original trilogy. I'll be surprised if they acknowledge any variation that could have been affected by player choice in the Shepard games in any way. And I think it would be folly for them to do so.


not me
If it is set in the future, the Geth and Quarians could technically be intergangeable in the story as they'd sort of fill the same role in the galaxy as technologically profient pariahs.

Also, the Geth or Quarian squadmate would also be interchangeable as the engineer, and their "loyalty mission" could just have a few words changed here or their... your Geth squadmate needs you to infiltrate an alien stronghold to extract Geth programs trapped on a server they had disconnected from the network in order to recode and send out an upgrade to enslave the Geth, but your Quarian squadmate needs you to go destroy an old Geth server the alien race is using to attempt to reverse engineer AI...

If their aim is to accommodate the most amount of players with the least effort possible (which is what I think they should do, so they can spend more resources on the actual story of this game, and less on the branching fustercluck the ME3 endings introduced) then you have the quarians alive being canon, and you have the geth absent from the events of the game and future MEs. This only retcons a playthrough where the quarians were destroyed (still ~1/3 of players, allegedly, but what portion of those would care we don't know): for the geth, if you pick Destroy they are dead. If you pick Control/Synthesis then they simply went somewhere for reasons after helping the quarians resettle Rannoch.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
I also think we shouldn't consider this game as a single game.
It's sole purpose is most likely to set it up for another Trilogy.

I think it could be potentially awesome to have three chapters where:

Contact: Blaze the path for human domination

Reapers: Relive the era of Shepard's fight against the Reapers from a different POV

Tranquillity: The threat of the Reapers is over, but space civilization is in shambles. Take the lead into re-uniting the Universe.

I'm liking the way you think, hombre.
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