DOJ's reputation mainly comes from its insane second loop that takes aways all of your spare lives. Even expert players didn't like that because it required a ton of time and money just to practice the second loop (and even if you credit feed through the second loop you still can't fight Hibachi iirc).
SDOJ feels a lot like Ketsui to me, difficulty wise. And they both have a stage 3 with a giant battleship as a midboss that takes forever to kill! :3
Now that I think of it, does SDOJ has a second loop?
Heh, I can see with DOJBL is so popular.
I think SDOJ feels a lot denser in terms of bullet spray, Ketsui feels more open to me in comparison (at least in 1 to 3). Like it throws a lot of bullets of course, but it's difficulty feels more from its unorthodox patterns rather than volume of bullets.
And SDOJ's ship feels like a goddamn eternity! Ketsui's is like front, back, middle, boom, 1up! I haven't figured out SDOJ's yet, I'm on survival mode at that point and it just keeps going and going until it just eventually explodes.
Very cool, keep us posted with the results on the viletim turnkey solution. I have cruised those threads in the past. Another thing holding me back is I have an Egret 3 here with direct VGA input which I've always wanted to put a DC and J-360 into. But it is having some sync issues where the screen image cycles. I reckon it is a quick fix but is difficult to pinpoint.
Digged up this older post cause it showed up today, it's turnkey as promised, even came with the PS2 controller board already attached to the main board. Just had to connect the ribbon cable for that, hooked up the controller cables to PS2-360 adapters, plugged the SCART cable in, then connected the JAMMA harness, and I think that was basically it other than turning volume and contrast knobs up from 0 on the first use. Well controller configuration too, but that was easy. And the config thing is cool, I mapped a regular profile for tate games, but I also mapped another for rotated screen/stick use, so stuff like Pac-Man CE is playable too. I'm gonna test that out with some other horizontal games tomorrow.
The biggest pain in the ass was just sticking the stuff in the cab. The 360 is in the back empty area, which is fine...except it blocks my PCB holder board from going all the way back, which blocks the door in front. And I need to keep one of the doors open anyway for the power cable, debating a few ways around that one, can't think of any non destructive options though.
Only issues I've noticed is that the top (left in tate) has like a 1-2px line of some random white garbage, not sure yet if that's just a bug or something I can fix (other than stretching the screen to block it). And the guide button mappings don't seem to work, although I think that's more the PS2-360 adapter's issue.