I've been playing a ton of Mushi Futari 1.5 Maniac over the last week or two and I'm finally starting to make some real progress: got a 365m score just now, but I screwed up a few areas and barely made it half way through stage 5. I can definitely hit 400m if I stop fucking everything up all the time. :|
The stage 2 boss is what's really driving me crazy. I've fought him for hours and hours in training mode and I still can't score on him with acceptable consistency. The first phase is no problem at all, I always get a huge gem refill on it. His second and third phase, however, curbstomp me all day. Either I let the second pattern run twice and cash in on his final attack for a good ~50m points, or I wait until his final phase and cash in for ~40-45m points. Either way, both phases have a pattern that are a complete roll of the dice for me. It's kinda hard to describe, but the second phase has that pattern where he shoots walls of bullets and crystals to both sides of the screen (that shoot aimed shots at you) and you have to weave left and right to get through them. Most of the time I get completely closed in by the bullet walls and have no way to get through it. I don't understand this pattern at all. And his third phase is of course the two rings of bullets that are practically impossible to dodge on reaction.
TL;DR: I mad.