I can use Space Bucks right?Chiaroscuro said:
2nd, it's going be Digital Only? I'm still down either way.
I can use Space Bucks right?Chiaroscuro said:
shintoki said:I can use Space Bucks right?
2nd, it's going be Digital Only? I'm still down either way.
To Far Away Times said:May 17th release date?
Siliconera said:Update: Cave have just informed us that Deathsmiles 2X cannot be purchased using Microsoft Points; youll need to use a credit card if you want to grab it off Games on Demand.
I guess I'm not buying it then. Sigh.bad-joey said:According to Siliconera you can't pay with MS Points but only with a CC.
Yes Boss! said:Chiaro,
If I recall you live in South America and have a US system. How are you getting games on demand? My US system is here in europe and my US account gets blocked for GoD titles. Even worse, I can not redownload my previous GoD purchases here. Any help?
Also, if anybody might know,
My local store has Princess Debut. Is that one a Cave game proper (to be added to my collection) or is it from a Cave subsidary?
Oh yeah,hikarutilmitt said:It is indeed developed by Cave, but it's not a shmup.
Yes Boss! said:Chiaro,
If I recall you live in South America and have a US system. How are you getting games on demand? My US system is here in europe and my US account gets blocked for GoD titles. Even worse, I can not redownload my previous GoD purchases here. Any help?
Also, if anybody might know,
My local store has Princess Debut. Is that one a Cave game proper (to be added to my collection) or is it from a Cave subsidary?
Yes Boss! said:Oh yeah: it has always only been credit cards for Games on Demand. Don't know where the confusion began.
Ah,Chiaroscuro said:Only for Mature games. All other games it is displayed the price in US$, but when you click on it you have the option to swith to MS points.
Your 360 breaks, you can recover your gamertag on any machine. No biggie. I've never had one of my 360s break but I've had no trouble downloading my content to multiple machines.tetrisgrammaton said:Would be happier about GoD if every Xbox wasn't prone to break in the next 2 years, and if their was any guarantee of backwards compatibility.
Yes Boss! said:What was the DLC?
The preorder bonus (don't remember if that title had one or not), or something else? I don't remember buying anything DLC-wise for the title.
Tain said:Just an update, Siliconera was wrong about the credit card thing. You CAN use points, Cave told Joystiq:
iconoclast said:Yay, got 215m on my very first credit today. No missed the entire game on a mixed rank run, but I fucked up at the end and bombed too early on Tyrannosatan, so I wound up getting hit right before I killed him. Ah well, at least I got my achievement. My replay is up on the NA Arcade mode leaderboards as well, if anyone wants to check it out.
Oddly enough, more people have the Death Smiles Virtuoso achievement (1cc version 1.1 with all maps at rank 3 + EX map) than the one for scoring 200m, so maybe I should give that a shot next.
adversesolutions said:I have neither
I'm almost positive I could never hit 300m, what about you?
Really should back and go for the 200 though. This is a good time to clean up some of the challenges still remaining in some of the games that already came out.
Tain said:Just an update, Siliconera was wrong about the credit card thing. You CAN use points, Cave told Joystiq:
_dementia said:TBH the cave logo ones are the only ones I'd consider buying, but even then I'd have a hard time leaving the house with one on XD
Could be much worse though, they're rather minimalistic as far as game shirts go at the very least.
Jeez, shit took forever. The mother was supposed to just push it through to Canada quick-like but sent it to euroland instead. Then I was away for work for the end of april. Usuallly these things get sent fast but this one just got delayed :-( Good that you finally recieved it.Nikashi said:Got my Deathsmiles today! Been poking around at it a bit, Have NO idea how I'm gonna get 100m, I guess you just stay at 1000 power the whole time and item collect? Either way, having lots of fun![]()
Nikashi said:Got my Deathsmiles today! Been poking around at it a bit, Have NO idea how I'm gonna get 100m, I guess you just stay at 1000 power the whole time and item collect? Either way, having lots of fun![]()
Yes Boss! said:Jeez, shit took forever. The mother was supposed to just push it through to Canada quick-like but sent it to euroland instead. Then I was away for work for the end of april. Usuallly these things get sent fast but this one just got delayed :-( Good that you finally recieved it.
This is pretty good news, good thing they are focusing on the western audience more and more.BocoDragon said:Looks like Cave has launched a new website for the overseas audience. Good news to see them continue their dedication to fans outside Japan. And Akai Katana art is used on the website.. make of that what you will
Honestly, it's about time they did. No different than at least including English subtitles for DSII.BocoDragon said:Looks like Cave has launched a new website for the overseas audience. Good news to see them continue their dedication to fans outside Japan. And Akai Katana art is used on the website.. make of that what you will
shintoki said:No different than at least including English subtitles for DSII.
Interesting. Of all thier console ports, Akai seems most likely for a DSIIX style digital release, what with the 16:9 and all.BocoDragon said:Looks like Cave has launched a new website for the overseas audience. Good news to see them continue their dedication to fans outside Japan. And Akai Katana art is used on the website.. make of that what you will
I'd almost expect a full retail release for this._dementia said:Interesting. Of all thier console ports, Akai seems most likely for a DSIIX style digital release, what with the 16:9 and all.![]()
I was grinning like a moron all through the demo (which gave me major Progear vibes, but I liked Progear, so take that as you will), so I can't see how it could be bad._dementia said:Isn't Akai Katana kinda bad for a cave game though?
Tain said:You can definitely get the clear, especially if you're getting both extends. gogogo
Nikashi said:And I just finally decided I AM good enough to clear shit on Level 3 too haha. I can get both Life ups and at LEAST 1 extend that way. I love seeing maxed out power up items with the shower of +10000s, so satisfying. I almost always do C1 > A2 > A1 > C2 > B2 > C2 now, is that a pretty good path? I like to get the 1000 on C1 and just bust it out a little ways into A2, then do the same from the end of A2 > A1, then use it again on C2 where there's a SICK amount of points from the volcano.
I almost unintentionally got a 0 > 1000 powerup by hitting the large green cyclops just as it was ending on B2 as well, but I haven't replicated that yet.
Elixir said:- Max power is optionally selectable from the beginning with four options, but the initial number of bombs starts at 1 (max 6). Enemies are stronger in this mode.
- Music's entirely different, by Ryu Umemoto (of Galuda II and Akai Katana fame)
- To be sold at the end of next weekend between 5/27 12:00 through 20:00 JST, and 5/28 12:00 until 20:00 JST.
- Includes PCB, illustration set, and B1 poster.
- 180,000 yen.