So both Dodonpachi Resurrection and Espgaluda II have been unplayable on my Verizon Galaxy S3 since the 4.1.1 OS update last month.
The games run, but you see nothing but a black screen unless you press the volume button constantly. I don't know where I can make a complaint so that the right people see the problem and it hopefully gets fixed. One thing I know for sure is that G-Gee sucks.
Bolded for truth. DDP:R and ESPgaruda II are marked incompatible with my Nexus 7 (can't even install them), and ESPgaruda II runs on my Nexus 4, but with no audio. And as far as I know they've never updated any of their apps. They just dump them on the marketplace.
Bolded for truth. DDP:R and ESPgaruda II are marked incompatible with my Nexus 7 (can't even install them), and ESPgaruda II runs on my Nexus 4, but with no audio. And as far as I know they've never updated any of their apps. They just dump them on the marketplace.
Instant Brain got a budget release last week...not sure if important since the actual release has been discounted so much. But, I'm tired of seeing the Cave (Double Fine at the top of the forum) up top and always clicking on it. Still no date for our big box...
I wish they delay the Cave box as much as possible, haven´t saved up enough for it. Still could get the standalone releases I don´t have if I end up missing it.
Instant Brain got a budget release last week...not sure if important since the actual release has been discounted so much. But, I'm tired of seeing the Cave (Double Fine at the top of the forum) up top and always clicking on it. Still no date for our big box...
I wish they delay the Cave box as much as possible, haven´t saved up enough for it. Still could get the standalone releases I don´t have if I end up missing it.
I'll take two then! In all seriousness though this is good news, was expecting to fork over > $350 USD. I still don't know a good proxy service to buy from which seems to be the cheaper route. I just hope they get enough preorders for this to be profitable for them and go through production of the package.
I put this video up for those who are curious. It is some bizarre 50 second loop that comes on an unmarked DVD in the Mushi Tama PCB. I'd seen the disc before, but finally put it in the computer tonight. Strange:
I'll take two then! In all seriousness though this is good news, was expecting to fork over > $350 USD. I still don't know a good proxy service to buy from which seems to be the cheaper route. I just hope they get enough preorders for this to be profitable for them and go through production of the package.
They get the stuff from amazon in a day and send out usually in 24 hours after you pay. Don't know what the Cave box will weigh but EMS shipping and proxy fees will probably add about $ $325 or a bit less I'm anticipating.
They get the stuff from amazon in a day and send out usually in 24 hours after you pay. Don't know what the Cave box will weigh but EMS shipping and proxy fees will probably add about $ $325 or a bit less I'm anticipating.
Available on all marketplaces as its misspelled form Mushihimesama-hutari black-lavel, 1200 MSP. When I first played it installed on my 120 GB Original HDD I did had some horrible stuttering, which was fixed installing both the game disc and black label DLC into a flashdrive. I hear the issue is not really frequent on newer hardware, my HDD was from 2007 so I guess that was the cause.
That Cave box is so awesome. I want it so bad, but no J360.
Over Christmas I attempted to buy a J360 from eBay. I won the auction and paid, and the seller went to radio silence. I assume since the console only sold for $149.99 + shipping? Anyway, I got a full refund and stuff but this is the second time I've bought a Japanese 360 and gotten shafted. Last time the guy sent me a US 360 instead. Both times I bought a game, last time Ketsui, this time Espgaluda HD that I never ended up getting to play. Feels bad man.
So if any of you ever want to sell a J360 look me up, haha.
I don't really buy this. X360 region locking is all software based. if game.exe binary is flagged as Region 1, it will never play in Region 2, etc. But I'm not entirely dismissive of dudes on the internet hex editing binaries to be playable on other region consoles, which also involves a hardware mod (firmware reflash) to enable reading burned disc copies to load on a retail unit.
Noted the release date. Just a question though, Asian units are considered NTSC-J right? that means I can import and safely play the game. Majority of the 360s being sold in my country are Asian units mostly for SEA regions.
Noted the release date. Just a question though, Asian units are considered NTSC-J right? that means I can import and safely play the game. Majority of the 360s being sold in my country are Asian units mostly for SEA regions.
ah, nice! Getting a new 360 wont be a problem I guess. Its just very annoying that most of the 360s available have Kinect though which makes the units more expensive. I hope I can save up for a new 360 by May though, or at least the rumored international release is also true so I dont have to buy a new system.
I don't really buy this. X360 region locking is all software based. if game.exe binary is flagged as Region 1, it will never play in Region 2, etc. But I'm not entirely dismissive of dudes on the internet hex editing binaries to be playable on other region consoles, which also involves a hardware mod (firmware reflash) to enable reading burned disc copies to load on a retail unit.
A flashed drive won't help with that, since monkeying around with the game binary (default.xex) breaks the security encryption. To go region free, you need a JTAG or RGH mod. Or a debug console.
I think it's possible with jtagging, but I never looked too much into it because it's a pain in the ass to make it work and you can't connect to Live or update your firmware once you modded your console. It's just much easier to get a Japanese 360.
I think it's possible with jtagging, but I never looked too much into it because it's a pain in the ass to make it work and you can't connect to Live or update your firmware once you modded your console. It's just much easier to get a Japanese 360.
yes, it's possible to JTAG a US 360 and play region-locked games. You also will more-than-likely get banned from XBL tho. I didn't want to deal with the hassle, so I bought myself a J360 a couple of years ago.
DDP SDOJ release date got me real excited. I'm going to be on all import websites on a daily basis to preorder
Lots of CAVE love on here which is cool. Looking to pick up MMP/PS soon to add to my Saturn/360 SHMUP collection, which is very CAVE-centric but most of my favorites are not CAVE.
On a (somewhat?) related note (since this is likely their last release for this gen), I wonder how long until we find out whether Cave and the rest will stay xbox exclusive next gen, or (given apparently similar architectures) go multiconsole?
Lots of CAVE love on here which is cool. Looking to pick up MMP/PS soon to add to my Saturn/360 SHMUP collection, which is very CAVE-centric but most of my favorites are not CAVE.
Took a break from things today and decided rather than play KoF or Akai Katana I'd go back and play some Dodonpachi Resurrection.
Holy crap after Akai Katana getting money in this game is hard. Especially since I played a lot of Slash and things aren't getting very far on Origin trying to make for that 200 million run (not even close yet).
Anyhow anyone got any tips for ways to fill my meter quickly so that I can hit X and go into my special mode and start turning stuff into loot. Also I'm noting sometimes you net more loot in that mode going for the spread shot than holding for the beam (though if you do it on a laser generator and kill it with the beam its INSANE! Max size gold everywhere!)
Any tactics to kind of perpetuate my meter to keep me in money generating beams?
EDIT: Nevermind.Found a Dodonpachi Resurrection guide on the Shmup forums.
This helps a bunch. I think I'll switch ship types to the 3rd ship with the super wide shot in bomb mode. I'm used to tension systems coming from Castle Shikigami as my most practiced games and a few others that used it so filling my gauge by bullet grazing should make this easier for me than by chaining hyper mode bullet cancels and ship destructions. I like tight dodges and don't mind rocking beam for most stuff, but the spread backup for when I gotta move or run an area with too many to putter around slowly in will help. Plus I can screen ride the top with the third ship and its spread pretty easily so I can build meter with kills that way and as I back off and dodge more it stays full. At least hopefully.
had to preorder now even though other options might be cheaper - I got my copy of mushihimesama HD super fast from NCSX the last time I ordered from them.
also, didn't want to risk seeing the limited edition and splurging on that when it's probably a waste of money.
I only have LEs for daifukkatsu ver. 1.5 and mushihimesama HD, and I never touched the extras -_-
but for some reason I really want to snag the ketsui LE since it's one of my favorite cave games. Also, if I didn't buy the SE of sdoj now, I definitely would buy the LE which isn't in my budget
Played some more Dodonpachi Resurrection after going over the strategy guide last night. Played version 1.5 (360 version) with the 3rd ship that had maximum spread on Power form so that I could switch between normal and boost shot. Got to say the normal shot is ASS in this form, but the meter build is gorgeous. It worked like a charm and I could get into hyper mode super fast so that I could start chaining together bullet cancels. In Boost form this built so much meter that I was often getting a coveted double hyper chain going where as soon as one would end I'd be back in hyper instantly as I'd have the meter to do so.
But oh god the loss of bombs...this game gets pretty severe for the moments you run out of hyper to cancel whats on the screen and boost shot , even though it covers more, builds meter slowly than the ass-tier normal shot. That means that to stay alive I had to mash boosted spread shot to clear enemies, but one false step and BOOM! dead ship and all that combo I got earlier was lost.
I tried bomb mode and it builds okay, and last mode has the best shots +bombs but with garbage meter. Boost looks to be the best way to try and get a good score, but its gonna need grinding out to figure out the best spots to pop hyper so that I can keep myself safe between areas without running into stalled enemy spawn points that break my chain and drop me meter low into the fray of bullets.
Game is pretty awesome. Noticing something odd though as I pattern grind...this game figure eights a LOT. Like it works on most stages except 4 and its really easy with the boost mode on ships 2 and 3 to top ride the screen relatively safe for a cave game. But man the need to swap from spread to laser to cancel out guaranteed death trap patterns is rough if you are outside hyper with no bombs in Power mode.
Bomb Power or Strong...decisions decisions
Power. Bomb is fair and safer, but the scores you can get if you don't die in Power are too gorgeous not to work toward. Strong doesn't even register. Too little meter no matter how safe it is.